Private Technology

: 465 science and technology competition

"People will always underestimate the development of science and technology after ten years. It is not that people's imagination is not enough, but that over time, the development of science and technology has doubled under the existing conditions. The scientific theory of hundreds or decades ago will It will become a reality in just a few years, so how to understand what new technology will have in the next ten years to change the social and economic form is a very important thing. "

"I am not a specialized theoretical scientist. From my own perspective, I have three judgments about the technology that will change the times in the next ten years."

"First of all, in the next ten years, there is a high probability that robots will appear in people's lives, such as robots that take care of children and elderly people."

"Second, in the next ten years, there is a possibility that people will have one or a class of devices that can seamlessly connect reality with illusory. This is not the AR glasses launched by our company, but the ones based on brain waves. "Think" without the need to use gestures to control, and can even go further to a device that can be fully submerged, allowing people to fully engage with the unreal world, just like The Matrix. "

"Finally, in the next ten years, people have a very small chance to obtain a technology product that improves the speed of thinking. For example, based on the human brain, a chip embedded in the human brain can be developed to help the human brain improve the speed of processing problems. And a thing for data storage. "

Standing on the podium, although there is a speech on the podium, this thing is just to prevent forgetting words. Guan Ming did not look down at the speech once, but looked at the audience in front of him very seriously.

Not many people came today, even more than Guan Ming's new product launch, but they couldn't stand the high level of the people below!

The leaders of the 20 nations took out their passers-by, Jia Bing Ding, and some official media, etc. Guan Ming didn't know if there were a thousand people, but his legs were a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, both hands can be supported on the podium, so as not to make him ugly in public.

At this summit, Guan Ming was the youngest of all the speakers. The penultimate youngest person was also 40+. Even Guan Ming was only a little older than some security personnel at the scene.

Years and experiences have a great impact on a person's field of vision. Maybe everyone has a dream to become the focus of human beings, but once the number increases and the weight regains, some dreams are like soap bubbles, but they are easy to see under the sun. Pieces.

The senior Guan Ming is just a technical house, not strong in interpersonal communication. In addition to being a team leader in junior high school, he also occasionally brought new people in the unit.

Guan Ming doesn't know how other passers-by seniors can be the otaku in the previous life, and the next life is charming and powerful, but counseled Guan Ming said that he can not snoring at this time, it has been difficult for years Refined.

You know, even with this Guan Ming, in the morning he was blessed with a ‘love hug’ buff by the restless Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Industrialization of science and technology is an important profit growth point for an enterprise and a country in the future. When the earth becomes a village, distance and language are not important factors limiting you and me. The important factors are how to quickly improve our technological level. "

"Science and technology will make people smarter and use data to simulate experiments, not only to save massive scientific research funds, but also a safer and more efficient way of scientific research, but there is a premise, that is, they need to have a certain amount of population. Only in the base population can more geniuses be born, and removing all kinds of restrictions, even if they are not geniuses, they can express their genius-like performance. "

Guan Ming's words are not concise, but he put his meaning into place.

Before Guan Ming originally wanted to talk about the future world, the entertainment industry will definitely be more prosperous, because whether it is a developing country or a developed country, as the material foundation continues to advance, spiritual civilization will continue to improve, most obviously, That is, the box office of film and television works continues to rise, hundreds of millions of dollars in large-scale production every year, even the game is no longer in the era of feelings as the original intention.

In the country, the population base is large, and in the future there will be a crackdown on piracy of film and television works. It can be said that China is a super large and promising market.

Unfortunately, this was rejected by the above.

The summit of the leaders of the 20 countries, you come to talk to them for entertainment? Or do you want to be entertained?

In this case, rectification of a single industry is not important. Leaders of various countries are not directly responsible for a certain industry. They are more concerned about the overall situation.

How can we motivate these countries to pay attention to some of the high-consumption cutting-edge industries, and at the same time energy-intensive efforts to do it, in the end, not as fast as domestic speed, and can make these countries pay more attention to domestic attitude.

A big problem, but it is also in the national interest, and this is the task of Guan Ming.

Although there are 20 countries participating, in the end, there must be compromises, but you do n’t want a high price at first, and you definitely ca n’t sell it at a high price. After all, not all ducks are Quanjude.

Therefore, Guan Ming, who passed through the above, quickly understood the above intentions, and at the same time prepared a reasonable and reasonable speech.

The three products mentioned by Guan Ming are robots that are known to the upper levels in China. In addition to Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, human brain chips are also known to Shuangxing and Rhubarb, but these two belong to already existing products.

As for the third product, although Guan Ming has no idea yet, it is not important. It doesn't matter if he can't make it because he is fishing.

After seeing the real product, the language description of the real product must feel real.

At that time, a space competition in the United States ~ ~ directly killed the polar bear. Regarding this technology competition, although it is not expected to kill a few countries, most countries will fall.

Said these contents as Guan Ming, even though many people in the audience were not engaged in the field of science and technology, they all listened carefully, for fear of missing something.

Before the appearance of the Double Star Assistant, the so-called voice assistants were mostly only in dreams, especially since the Double Star Assistant had such excellent performance in logical judgment and speech recognition, it made these people look at themselves.

Most theoretical scientists will infer certain things based on data, while practical scientists will look at the problem from a practical perspective.

It's as if theoretical physicists say that there must be superconducting materials at room temperature in the universe, but practical physicists can't find it. They will put the target in a relatively low condition to derive and Experiments, for example, the upper temperature limit of a certain superconducting material is 100k and so on.

But some things are not as wonderful as Guan Ming said. Maybe it takes decades to study the human and material resources for decades, but the result may be no gain.

Just like some high-temperature superconducting materials, what if this superconducting material is toxic?

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