Private Technology

: 468 Altoli stupid

ps: Sorry, the serial number of the previous chapter is wrong, and the content is not repeated. I can only trouble the editor to help me modify the serial number ...


"This is the document you want." Give the chief giant tea, oh no, it is the document.

There is a group of service staff around the general giant. The work of these people is not the kind of hotel waiter, but the person who handles the work.

Although you are out of the country, your relationship with China is very close. Some materials can be transmitted through special channels, such as satellite phones or the like.

"Well, let's go, make me a cup of tea." Shaking his head, although not crisp, it's a lot more comfortable.

Looking at the time, the chief giant got up and walked around the room.

Every time you work, you need to perform physical exercises. This not only relieves mental fatigue, but also exercises your body.

The night view of London is not much different from the Imperial Capital and the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Through the window, the chief giant looks at the dim lights outside the window.

The meeting of the giants of the 20 countries made the chief giant uncomfortable this afternoon. Although it had been expected for a long time, when it really happened, he was also angry.

The 20-nation summit can be divided into four waves, namely China, the United States, Russia, and the European Union, and then small countries are attached to the four forces, for example, Japan and South Korea are attached to the United States.

And there is also a tendency for alliances in large forces, such as China and Russia, such as the United States and Europe.

The financial crisis triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis has a greater impact on countries that are more open to financial markets.

Relatively speaking, the United States and EU countries suffered the most from the financial crisis, because the source of the crisis was the United States, and many EU countries looked at the United States.

The United States has stated at the summit that the Fed has decided to raise interest rates in order to reduce the impact of the financial crisis on global finance.

However, everyone knows that this is just talking nonsense, and the Fed's interest rate hike will cause the financial crisis in other countries!

The role of the Federal Reserve in raising interest rates is only to help the United States ease the pressure of this financial crisis.

Because raising interest rates will not only allow the dollar to flow back to the United States, it will also affect the international status of other currencies, such as the yuan.

At present, most of the global transactions are in US dollars. One rate increase can cause huge changes in the exchange rate. Some countries can easily cause financial crises. For example, the financial crises that swept Japan, Southeast Asia, and Latin American BRICS countries are essentially The United States has just raised interest rates by 'shearing'.

China is not willing to be that sheep, and it is ready to adjust the exchange rate against the US dollar, but unfortunately, this is only a shield of passive defense.

After seeing the secretary put the tea on the table, the chief giant returned to his seat and thought for a while, and said, "Where did the small tube run this afternoon?"

The important performance of improving the global status of the RMB is that important commodities are settled in RMB, such as oil and the US dollar.

However, Guan Ming's products are settled at the real-time exchange rate of RMB, so Guan Ming's income largely follows the exchange rate. Guan Ming's products have no competitors due to technical reasons, followed by a larger audience. , Belongs to civilian products.

Guanming's company does not have a bank loan, so Guanming only has the difference between making more money and making less, there is no difference between making money and losing money.

It can be said that Guan Ming, as the head of a private enterprise, rushed to the forefront of the RMB exchange rate battlefield. His more money and less money was a direct feedback on the performance of the RMB.

This is also one of the important reasons that Guan Ming is valued, because he can carry it!

"The Guan Mings and their two children went to Buckingham Palace this afternoon, while Guan Ming's parents and Mu Xiaoxiao's parents went to the Thames."

The secretary can speak without having to go out and ask someone, because he knows that the chief giant is concerned about Guan Ming.

Regarding Guan Ming's news, he had already collected it.


"People, second class. For example, I am an upper class person, and you ..." With a reserved smile on his face, his head was slightly raised, and his long hair was tied with a blue ribbon to pickle hairstyle.

Close the curtains, the light in the room is not dazzling, but it can make the room as bright as daylight at night.

Holding both hands on a large wooden sword, Mu Xiaoxiao was wearing a blue and white British style skirt.

Wearing a small trousers, Guan Ming looked at nobody on the left and nobody on the right, and looked down, um ... Rhubarb didn't bring it at home.

"Me? I'm also a high-class person, okay, and when you say this, dare you take off your clothes." Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and down, Guan Ming also felt itchy.

The clothes full of color covered 80% of the whole body obviously, but the places that should be tightened were tightened, and the skirts were good. As a result ...

"Huh! Despicable you! Look at the trick!" With a stare in his eyes, he dropped a wooden sword, Mu Xiaoxiao lowered his head, and trot all the way.

"I depend, you really come!" Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao's rocket mallet, Guan Ming could only meet her scalp to catch her.

Because this idiot has taken off vigorously, the whole thing is a cannon in the world!

If Guan Ming doesn't pick it up, probably, Mu Xiaoxiao can print his head on the wall ...


Sage Guan Ming, lying comfortably in the bed, Mu Xiaoxiao began to pull daily.

The management of Sage's time is the most leisurely, and the thinking is the most limitless.

Mu Xiaoxiao likes cos. It may be that he was used to staying at home from raising a child to raising a child, so he developed a self-entertainment project.

But Guan Ming thought about it for a while, and it seemed that he didn't think of any blue-and-white character, especially the wooden sword. It looks a bit like an ancient or combat movie \\ / TV series \\ / anime.

Hmm ... Guan Ming checked it just now. Mu Xiaoxiao was not wearing a blue and white trousers, but was leaning towards the conservative four-point pure white.

"I said, Xiaoxiao ~" Guan Ming was holding Mu Xiaoxiao, but unfortunately, he was interrupted by Mu Xiaoxiao.

Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming solemnly and said, "Please call me Alto Li Xiaoxiao, thank you for your cooperation!"

With the corner of her mouth twitching, Guan Ming seemed to know something. After all, when she was saying this ~ ~ it might be a threat or a conditioned reflex, but she put a little energy on her hand ...

"You said, how about we travel to places like India and Japan in the future?" Guan Ming didn't know what important cos characters in India, but he remembered that he had played a game in his lifetime and there was an Indian woman Characters, um ... clothes or something, it's worth criticizing!

Guan Ming had a lot of money in order to get that game character, and it was all pulled out of his secret small vault ...

"Whatever you want, anyway ~" Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao sneered habitually.

The style of the painting changed suddenly, Guan Ming felt that he was watching "House of Cards" one second before, and seamlessly connected to "The Big Bang" in the next second. He froze for a while and didn't know how to face this guy.

He pulled his hand out of the duvet, and gave up his mouth. He crawled over to the bedside table, wiped it with a wet towel, and then left without clothes. He ran smoothly and took the long wooden sword. The ground was playing.

Altori Xiaoxiao?

Altory is a fool!

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