Private Technology

: 471 toilets

"Why! Why do my babies eat liquid food? I have to follow them ..." Lying half-on the chair, Mu Xiaoxiao looked sadly at the table.

"Correct, the baby is eating liquid food, you are not eating liquid food." Clipping a chopsticks and celery, Guan Ming eats deliciously.

There are many seasonal vegetables in April. For Guan Ming, celery is still very good. In fact, this season.

In fact, Guan Ming's favorite food this season should be lettuce, that is, vegetables that can be eaten raw. The green leafy vegetables rolled outside the barbecue in Korean dramas, according to Guan Ming's observation, is his favorite lettuce.

But I heard that some southerners rarely eat raw vegetables, not even garlic.

However, the Guan Ming family also had to eat lettuce, so they did not test Mu Xiaoxiao's resistance to lettuce.

"For me, celery is definitely evil! Meals without meat are no different from liquid food! I am also a baby, and I have to grow up ~ Mom ~ I want to eat meat ~" Mu Xiaoxiao order to eat meat , Has lost the face of being an adult, begging for food without shame, his mouth can be hung up to hang oil bottles ...

Looking at this shameless product, Guan Mingzhen wanted to ask her where she has grown to be 20+. In some places, the meat can be artificially fattened even if the food is poor ...

"Okay, this is meaty, pick meat to eat! Or mom call the kitchen now and ask them to get you some meat dishes, what do you want to eat?" Guan Ma couldn't see her daughter-in-law screaming hungry and got up quickly Momo Xiaoxiao took all the dishes with meat on the dining table, for fear she was hungry.

Seeing her daughter-in-law smiling every day at home, her mother's heart was warm.

The daughter-in-law is so stupid, even if the rogue is so good-looking, the caregiver is now holding her. After all, expecting her to have another baby, the impact must keep up, not lose on the ‘true starting line’.

"Mom, let her eat some vegetables. Those who eat meat every day, do not eat green leafy vegetables, can you digest it? You haven't seen it in London during this time. You are too picky and not good for your health." Guan Ming sullenly.

Ah, relying on my own digestive function, from London mocking to the Shanghai market, can I blame Laozi if the toilet is blocked! !!

What a toilet thing! !!

Four star hotel? Swish toilet! !!

"Cut ~ it's just that you're blocking the toilet ..." whispered, Mu Xiaoxiao was stupid, but it was a matter of rations, her IQ reached 249 in an instant, and a score of one less indicates that she is still personal, but she also knows these Tian seemed to be ridiculed.

After all, it is ridiculous to be ridiculed alone.

A sentence or two was a joke, and it ended in a day or two.

"Dry?" Guan Ma's black face question mark, looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, and looked at Guan Ming again.

She wasn't sure who the two were dry, or they were all dry. After all, eating meat, gastrointestinal digestion was indeed a problem.

"Where to eat." Knocking on the table, Guan Diao reminded a few of you, and the table was not allowed to play.


The liquid food made of carrots, rice, water, and a little bit of salt tastes good, and it definitely doesn't drip. Every time two little guys eat this thing, they can keep up with the punishment, all kinds of sorrows.

However, each time Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao coerced into it with men and women, eating more and rewarding more milk afterwards.

Since last month, the two guys have begun to eat liquid food. The Guan Ming couple felt that when they were one year old, they let the two guys start weaning. It was predicted that the two guys would be completely weaned when they were one and a half years old. As for Mu Xiao, To know when it can be broken here, you need to take care of this big baby ...

For liquid food, the main reason is that these two little guys are too good to eat. If you just eat milk, let alone the share, the two little guys are not enough.

Fortunately, the two little guys just opened their mouths, and they both had enough points. It may be that the children are too young and their IQs are not enough, so they do not eat while eating.

However, Guan Ming always feels that this is the genetic gene of Mu Xiaoxiao's diet. If he eats a bite, he will eat it, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

The feeding was fed by the Guan Ming couples, and the liquid food was slow to eat, so they watched the computer while feeding liquid food in the study, mainly for the children to watch the cartoons of the children, to distract the energy to feed.

"Husband, change, and the show is over." Mu Xiaoxiao urged while feeding, this cartoon is Jun Cao Keroro, Mu Xiaoxiao is also chasing recently ...

"Oh, okay, now ~" Guan Ming is in charge of managing Meng Xi. This little guy takes a bite and returns half a mouthful. He also needs to use a spoon to scrape liquid food at the corner of his mouth, which is very troublesome.

"Episode 62, 62 ..." Looking up, Guan Ming operated the mouse and muttered the anime to choose. As a result, he muttered at halfway and stopped mumbling. Turning his head to look at Mu Xiaoxiao, the corners of his mouth were twitching.

"Mu Xiaoxiao! Explain to me! Why is there a father's love in the folder of our daughter!" Guan Ming pressed his voice and pressed his anger.

Damn it, are you suggesting Lao Tzu! !!

"Uh ... this is a children's cartoon ~" Looking at the computer screen, then looking at Guan Ming, his expression was sluggish for a moment, then he started talking nonsense.

However, seeing Guan Ming's angry expression, Mu Xiaoxiao decisively acknowledged his mistake: "Don't be angry, I just put the wrong folder ~" One child and one spoon couldn't come out, Mu Xiaoxiao bumped with his shoulder Guan Ming, his voice is pretending to be cute, and he also plays a long sound.

Damn it, this thing shouldn't exist! !!

"Has it been misplaced? OK! The tickling at home, I'll look for it, you sit first, don't worry." Put down the spoon, Guan Ming waved at Mu Xiaoxiao, begging her to be calm.

"You, don't be impulsive, the children are still here, be careful to leave them a psychological shadow." Swallowed, Mu Xiaoxiao got up carefully, and rushed to the door a little bit.

Although it is said that you have to make a mistake and stand upright, greet your slap with the most perfect posture.

The problem is, she has never seen Guan Ming so angry, of course, she is too careless.

This folder is the designated download directory, just the list of downloads before going to London. You can look directly at it when you come back, but forget about the child ...

"Still a psychological shadow? Hey ~ I'm discouraged!" Holding the baby in one hand and the other in the waist, Guan Ming almost didn't breathe out the kidneys.

"Don't run, I see I'm packing you up today!" Guan Ming saw that she had signs of running and quickly spared the table ~ ~ to block the door.

"Don't get angry, don't get angry, it's bad to be angry!" Mu Xiaoxiao was also panicked, and decided to run around the table in a hurry. Anyway, he couldn't be caught by Guan Ming, otherwise he would have to be beaten. Will be trapped in bed, that is the night thing, don't think about it now.

"I'm mad! I will go to your house when I go back, and please come back with the tickle of your family, I really found it, your mother hit you for no reason!" Running around the table, Guan Ming's physical strength first supported Can't help, said panting.

Rao the table ran for several laps, but he did not hold the yoga girl, and Qi Guanming returned to his seat again. It was probably an intense activity and he was breathing badly.

Guan Mengxi may have the feeling of flying, giggling in Guan Ming's arms.

"This ... you already knew that, I was naughty, so my mother hit me ..." across the desk, Mu Xiaoxiao held Guan Mengyu and said aggrievedly.

Guan Ming faintly some eggs hurt, mommy eggs, so angry, what to do!

If you are angry, will you be blocked by the toilet ...

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