Private Technology

: 2 Miss and Nuclear

A phone call was given to the house in the evening, just to talk about the house. Mu Xiaoxiao said that when Guan Ming came back, he would surprise him.

Guan Ming has no expectation for such a surprise, after all, his wife is a fool, and the surprise is likely to be a fright.

Scared Guan Ming, and delighted himself!

Looking at the empty Gobi in the distance, there is no lingering lights, Guan Ming seems to be in the boundless darkness, without the interference of children and daughter-in-law, may be a kind of loneliness, or a quiet.

"How is your child?" After drinking beer, the cold liquid slides down the esophagus, and I can feel a line of coolness that goes straight to the abdomen, and the whole person is also more energetic.

"Oh, that little guy, it ’s so skinny, it often cries in the middle of the night, and it ’s a lot of trouble. Fortunately, both parents came here to help take care of him, and thanks to the boss, you." His daughter, he also smiled.

In terms of age, Zhou Wu is 31 years old. In ancient times, this was almost an old woman. In today's society, the 30-year-old firstborn is not too late, but it is definitely not early.

Unlike Mu Xiaoxiao, Zhou Wu and Ma Qingyun's first child is a daughter, and there is only one daughter.

Clothes are not as good as new, and people are not as good as they are.

Everyone has their own advantages and disadvantages, but for Guan Ming, he thinks that he can still tolerate Zhou Wu, who has some disadvantages.

"Take it down, you and your daughter-in-law have a child with me, be careful Xiaoxiao turn around and trouble you ~" Guan Ming joked half yellow.

Zhou Wu smiled and didn't take it seriously. After all, how Guan Ming originally pursued Mu Xiaoxiao, he and Ma Qingyun both saw it with their own eyes.

He really appreciates Guan Ming, no matter for his generous and easy work, or because he knew Ma Qingyun because of Guan Ming. For Zhou Wu, from the moment he knew Guan Ming, his destiny did change.

Guan Ming is not a troublemaker everywhere, and at the same time no one is in line to find Guan Ming trouble. For Zhou Wu, if you look at the current work intensity, he can at least be 80 years old, because he is more like a housekeeper.

However, this is just the thought in his heart. The so-called steward is just a luxury.

Anyone knows that Guan Ming's future is infinitely bright. Like the big tree in the sky, there will be infinitely many creatures living under the shade of the tree. Zhou Wu doesn't think he can be the only and irreplaceable existence.

Just a parent, he will also think about the next generation. This may be the difference between Europe, America and Asia. At least in his opinion, this needs to be planned in advance.

"Speaking of it, I want the little guy to be the follower of the young lady and the second lady in the future. In the middle, I might let her join the army and exercise myself." Zhou Wu had a good drink, as much as Guan Ming drank. Beer, even though Guan Ming has been a little dizzy, he remains as clear as ever.

"Hey, Miss? Miss two? My two girls aren't so valuable." Guan Ming picked up a piece of beef and ate it with pleasure, and he was very happy when he heard someone praise his daughter.

Guan Mengxi and Guan Mengyu are twins, and they are the first babies of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao. Even if Guan Ming no longer pays attention to them, with their worth, these two dolls are also doomed to be extraordinary in the future, not to mention Guan Ming also likes It's terrible.

Don't care about the names of the old and the young every day, he has been promoted from the old masonry king to the father-in-law of the whole people.

Even Guan Ming, who does not pay attention to the Internet, knows that a large group of people on the Internet are fighting for the idea of ​​Guan Ming's son-in-law. In this regard, Guan Ming said, who wants to marry my daughter, step on my body!

"They're worth more than you think. I'm going to let the children know early, even if they can't be the bodyguards in the future, at least they can be good friends." He did not move the beef slices on the table, he stubbornly ate Fried peanuts.

"That's the way I've been in my life. I can only do it to the extent of my child. At least the future of Miss and Miss II must be bright." After finishing the speech, he also picked up a peanut, and Zhou Wu did too. Eat with a little peace of mind.

Guan Ming company has villas, Guan Ming also said that if the staff perform well, then the company's dormitory villas will be used as rewards and rewards to employees. Among them, Guan Ming is responsible for the cost.

But this is only Guan Ming's wishful thinking. Guan Ming's hasty decision that year was also full of loopholes.

If the villa was rewarded with good performance at the beginning, what will happen to the ownership of the villa after leaving?

Some time ago, a resigned staff member of the rewarded villa told everyone that the government was behind him.

The government came forward to buy it at a bargain, turned it around and sold it to future technology at a bargain.

As for whether there are any other actions, no one knows, and no one will comment arbitrarily.

Ma Qingyun has been a full-time bodyguard from Mu Xiaoxiao for the company. After leaving the post, Guan Ming once gave her several job options, but Ma Qingyun chose the lowest wage and the most stable one ~ ~ How hard are you and the pony? Guan said with a pointed finger.

"Of course ~" smiled, Zhou Wu took a sip of beer.


"Mom ~" pointing at his nose, Mu Xiaoxiao said in a rounded manner.

"Ah ~" slap, slap Meng Xi's face with a smile, as if seeing something interesting.

Guan Mengyu's performance was very good. He could call out the words "Mom" completely, but only in a very impatient state.

"Daddy ~" Mu Xiaoxiao pointed at a static projection next to Guan Ming's face, without Yanzu's face and Weizi's eyes, but with his own smile.

"噗 ~" Guan Mengxi's mouth flattened into a duck's mouth, and he began to drool.

Compared with the laughing Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ma's face hurts, what to do if her son is not seen by his granddaughter!


Before the nuclear test under Guan Ming's location, a shock caused the outside world to focus on Asia. North Korea, led by Erfa, conducted a second nuclear test, which made the Asia-Pacific security a global focus.

In this context, even the financial crisis seems to have become a neglected point.

In the room on the ground, Guan stared intently at the display, while beside him were Zhou Wanli and Zhu Xiaoguang, both of whom looked nervously at the display.

Outside the room, Zhou Wu was dressed in a black suit and looked around like a wolf and a tiger. A little further away, soldiers carrying live ammunition also watched vigilantly.

Unlike previous empty ammunition, if someone approaches or even breaks in without prior notice, they are authorized to shoot directly and kill ...

Although the giants did not come, even this time only Zhou Wanli and Zhu Xiaoguang came, but the tense atmosphere spread from these two people.

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