Private Technology

: 488 Warrior of Love and Freedom

Guan Ming's changes to the stellar are not big. After all, the theoretical basis is not wrong, and Guan Ming only fine-tunes the last data.

Of course, even with fine-tuning, there are many things that need to be corrected.

It's a bit like a game patch. Guan Ming designed an extra piece of hardware with a current transformer as the main body, which is mainly for more accurate measurement. Of course, it also has a further protective effect.

The hardware that melted last time was actually quite a delay. I wo n’t talk about the time wasted by re-ordering, but it ’s also a problem to check the hardware afterwards.

If the calculations of the binary stars are not large, it will take a long time for Guan Ming to derive the results from the data.

"Xiao Xiao, you really are ... my wife-in-law ~" Waist-down, Guan Ming looked at the bed with emotion.

This time Guan Ming did not go with the giants, but went to Washington a few days in advance. Anyway, if Guan Ming had a plane, he didn't have to worry too much. The US side was responsible for the accommodation, and the problems were not big.

I wanted to take my family to Washington this time. After the meeting, everyone would visit Washington together. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao had to go to school. If she missed this opportunity, she might have to wait for next year.

But because of the H1N1 incident, Mu Xiaoxiao painfully chose the former while the child was safe and playing abroad. As a result, Guan Ming went to Washington alone.

Not to mention his wife and baby, even his father and mother are unwilling to go out with Guan Ming.

"A must, I am not afraid that you will sleep alone, I am so considerate!" Mu Xiaoxiao was proud and raised his head upright.


"It won't take me a week to die, I'm not so hungry ~" Yang Tian sighed, Guan Ming really wanted to know what he was like in Mu Xiaoxiao's heart.

A glance at the things on the bed, uh ... silica gel really is not ordinary, even if you look at it, it feels very good ...

"If there is no date, there are three shots to prevent you from making mistakes." Xiaoying walked over and pulled Guan Ming's hand to the side of the bed.

Putting Mu Xiaoxiao's equal-sized headshot on the silicone face was originally no problem. It may be that Mu Xiaoxiao expects that she can accompany Guan Ming ‘all the time’.

But it is worth noting that the photos are flat and the features are three-dimensional.

After cutting the three-dimensional facial features into a flat surface, and then pasting a photo of Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming felt that it was not necessary to go to the evening. He had already produced a psychological shadow, and the shadow area was larger than the shadow of her chrysanthemum kiss. The area is even larger ...

"Hee hee, feels super good, and comes with heating and speakers, completely Japanese accent, I have read online reviews, and they are all very popular ~" It ’s a cumbersome dragon claw, but Mu Xiaoxiao ’s smile is not insignificant. It should be fun, with a curious and excited smile.

"Take it down, keep this thing for yourself, I'm sure not to bring it, shame more! People around me ~"

"Either you believe me and leave me alone in Washington, or you follow me." Guan Ming said that, but with a little curiosity, he opened his skirt ...

Keke, Guan Ming mainly wants to see if there are blue and white underpants.

After all, the appearance of Japanese school uniforms is a little curious how to look, it's really just curious!

Guan Ming, who hadn't bought such a high-end thing in his life, had a silicone base of 10,000 yuan.

Don't ask Guan Ming how to know, he doesn't know anything!

"I want to go with you too, but this H1N1 is so dangerous. The baby still has to feed. I can't get sick!" Mu Xiaoxiao needs to ensure the safety of the milk source.

With a frown, Mu Xiaoxiao's face was tangled. At this age, she was curious, yearning, and showing off for everything outside.

The places that I have never owned, desire to have, and have never been to are far away.

Mu Xiaoxiao, a warrior of love and freedom, said that she really wants to go out to play ~

"Trust me then ..." sighed, as if choosing a relatively reasonable one out of all the unreasonable answers.

"Don't be so reluctant, I can't believe it? The trust between people!" Hold her little face, Guan Ming rubbed round and flattened, but also the root of the hate itch.

Although there is a sage time every night, it can only represent love!

"Oh oh ~ well, trust you are not OK, let go ~ pain!" Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was hurried.


"Well, boss, I really enjoy it!" In a black suit, Liu Mengmeng nodded and praised.

Not only Guan Ming but Liu Mengmeng went to Washington this time.

Guan Ming actually doesn't understand commercial matters. He is just a technical staff, negotiating nothing at all.

It can also be seen from his previous business model that many prices and the like are put forward by Guan Ming unilaterally, and there is no room for bargaining.

Can accept, that's no problem ~ ~ Can't accept, then come again next time.

This time there are commercial activities, so this guy Liu Mengmeng also came along, holding Guan Ming's plane together.

"It's just a plane, you can't afford it." Relying on the sofa, Guan Ming watched TV.

The navigation satellite specially broadcasts TV programs to Guan Ming. Guan Ming is watching the latest episode of "Tonight Show". The host is an old man with white hair. His name is Jay Reynolds. Guan Ming does not evaluate the appearance, at least Guan Ming feels slightly ...

The American joke made Guan Ming slightly uncomfortable. The guest is a movie star, probably a publicity movie. Guan Ming is not sure whether it will be a summer holiday in July.

"It's still too expensive. Although the stewardess is very beautiful, but it is better to raise the stewardess directly for the sake of the stewardess." In front of Guan Ming, Liu Mengmeng didn't need to hide anything, and directly exposed his nature.

When Guan Ming did not have a girlfriend, she still warned Guan Ming from time to time, for fear that Guan Ming would be a hungry tiger to attack the sheep, but everyone has been together for so long, Liu Mengmeng is very relieved about Guan Ming.

At least on him, Liu Mengmeng did not see ‘Flower Heart’, which pleased Liu Mengmeng.

She is comforted that she is safe, and also comforts his love with Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Well, I said you're almost done. You drank four or five glasses of water this hour, went to the toilet twice, and from time to time you walked on the ground and peeked at the stewardess. Too much, you are so green. Friends? "A glance at Liu Mengmeng, Guan Ming spit out.

From Shanghai to Washington, you need to fly at least ten hours in the sky. With this frequency, Guan Ming feels that Liu Mengmeng will drink edema.

"When you come out and mix, you always have to pay back, either to be green or to be green." Wen Yan said that Liu Mengmeng also sat beside Guan Ming honestly.

"You look good ~" Guan Ming laughed indifferently.

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