Private Technology

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The blind money Junhao doesn't think Guan Ming is pushing. No one will blindly press on such a thing. If Guan Ming is not sure, he cannot easily say it.

The key to that question is why.

Why did the other party behave so ‘water’ in this incident? What is their purpose!

Coming in a hurry, going in a hurry, Qian Junhao was busy with the documents. He needed to report to the headquarter about the new news, and at the same time analyze the opponent's intentions against the existing news.

There is no love in the world for no reason, no hate for no reason. You always have to know what the other party is doing and what you want to do in order to plan and deploy.

"Husband, this is my egg custard. If you haven't eaten it before noon, eat some belly pads first." Holding Guan Mengyu in one hand, holding a tray in one hand, the egg custard in the big bowl on it.

No matter who is in a bad mood at home, Mu Xiaoxiao's thinking is very simple. Just let Guan Ming have lunch and make him feel better.

If the child is not sensible, then there is no need to consider the child's factors. Guan Mengxi always spit. Mu Xiaoxiao hopes that Guan Mengyu can make him feel better.

At least children are weak, and it doesn't hurt to shoot people.

"Oh, you did it ~ No wonder you smell a scent of it all the time." Guan Ming also smiled, and took the tray.

Home is the harbor of the soul. Although Mu Xiaoxiao's actions are too naive and useless, Guan Ming does feel this awkward warmth.

Looking down at Mu Xiaoxiao's arms, Guan Mengyu looked at Guan Ming, and then looked at the dynamic projections. Unfortunately, these projections are all in the direction of Guan Ming as the best angle. From the perspective of Guan Mengyu, it is very awkward.

"Yeah ~ It tastes great, have you all eaten it?" Digged a spoonful of egg ravioli, and Guan Ming couldn't surprise it.

Although the egg scabs are a little hard and there are many small bubbles on them, people with dense phobia will see scalp tingling, but how to say it.

Slightly salty, small shrimps have been added, slightly salty ...

"Well, you've eaten it, don't worry, everyone is safe anyway." Sitting beside Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao also politely put the child in his arms, like a toy.

"Rest assured, it's okay." Guan Ming belongs to the existence of heartless and lungless, and now there is not much concern about the existence of Guan Mengyu.

If Guan Mengyu was awakened or reborn / traveled after birth, Guan Ming pinched her heart, but through Guan Ming's observation, she should have been reborn / traveled in the embryo.

Because he looked back and thought carefully, Guan Mengyu's accent was strange at the time. This kind of strangeness is not that the teeth are not completely leaky, but it is more strange that foreigners speak Chinese.

There are tens of thousands of Chinese characters, thousands of commonly used Chinese characters, and they can speak with Guan Ming skillfully. Although the language environment is excellent, time cannot be denied.

Guan Ming has never considered him to be the only rebirth, but he feels that not all rebirths have cheat fingers. At least cheat fingers in language reinforcement are beyond his imagination. Can it be said that a sip can automatically learn Master a Chinese character?

"Speaking of Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu eating a lot today, but Xiao Xi is a bit sleepy, that little girl may be tired of playing in the morning." I don't know how to comfort Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao can only talk about the child Things.

"Well, a little nap, you can grow your body ~" Guan Ming, who was in the arms, continued to eat slightly salty eggs.


"Do not move, raise your hands!" With the shout, the rusty door was kicked open, and even because it was too hard, the rust fell like snowflakes.

In the light of the sun, the black pistol glowed a dazzling cold.

An old house in a certain country, this family has not lived here for a long time. There are only a few elderly people left behind in the village. The so-called chickens and dogs can not be seen. The purpose is all armed police with guns.

One by one, they rushed into the room vigorously, giving no response time at all.

She clipped her hands behind her back, giving the other party no right or opportunity to speak at all, and handcuffed them directly.

The cold pistol hit the forehead, even the so-called big brother, still could not resist, and fell to the ground directly.

His face was stained with blood. After the armed police checked the photos with no errors, he untied and notified his superiors.


"According to the news, yesterday, your country organized a cross-province crackdown operation. The incident aroused great concern of the society, which involved Guan Ming, the chairman of Future Technology. What's your comment?" Baipi raised his nose. Microphone, Mandarin spoke in Mandarin.

"The Chinese side is very shocked by this emergency. At present, we have obtained sufficient evidence. This event is a purposeful operation by foreign organizations, which seriously disrupted our country's security and stability and greatly undermined our stability. Leaders at all levels have expressed serious concern and great indignation over this incident. We will continue to investigate and pay attention to this incident to ensure homeland security. Anyone who wants to commit a crime in our country is ours. You can't stand it. "

On television, a Foreign Ministry spokesman made a sharp statement.

There are too many Chinese characters, and there may be several or even a dozen synonyms for the same meaning.

Guan Ming doesn't have much research on trivial words, but it is worth noting that he sees the movements above him, of course, he also has to make his own voice.

Guan Mingtang's side, it took more than 40 minutes from calling to inform Guan Ming to pay the money, was arrested, which depends on Guan Ming's precise positioning, but can not deny the close attention to this matter.

"I'm really sorry this time, because I didn't do my job properly. I feel ashamed of everyone's trust in me!" Shaking hands one by one, the Shanghai gangster came to visit, and his attitude was very good.

"You are too modest, after all, this kind of thing is an accident." The big brother was polite to himself, it was in the face of his son, and he could still manage the weight of his father.

"I still have some ideas at work, but we will strengthen the security work afterwards. You can rest assured." As a boss, it is difficult to say such words.

But this is relatively speaking ~ ~ Especially this time Guan Ming also invited the other party over.

"Thank you so much. This time, I was really scared." Guan Dian sighed.

Although he did n’t see the kidnappers this time, what did he say? He also knew about the situation. His own brother called and cried and said that his father ’s nephew was so **** that he could n’t get up in hospital now. and many more.

Parents are short or parents are short. Some things can't be clarified in a simple sentence.

Mu Damu Mu's work has been adjusted, and all of them have entered the government department. I don't know whether to say TOEFL or bad luck. At least at the door of the government, even if there are any loopholes in security, they can respond quickly.

After chatting with Guan Dang Guan Ma, Guan Ming came forward and invited the big brother to go upstairs to chat.

The boss did not decline, and he was also curious when talking about it. Guan Ming was curious about this invitation, because Guan Ming said this time he wanted to cooperate with some high-tech technology promotion.

It was just because of his height that the big guy didn't notice that Corgi, a short-legged man, followed Guan Ming, shaking his hairless butt, and entered the study together.

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