Private Technology

: 508 The Charm of Rhubarb (2/12)

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Remembering Rhubarb's IQ does not need to be doubted. From the perspective of thinking logic, Guan Ming feels that it is worse than college students. If you consider the memory and the speed of reflection, you do n’t need to take the PhD or Master ’s degree. The answer.

On most objective issues, rhubarb performs very well, but on subjective issues, its tendency is obvious, that is, leaning on Guan Ming, leaning on housekeeper, rather than looking at the issue from a neutral standpoint.

For example, the big guy asked Rhubarb: Guan Mengxi always bites it, will he hate Guan Mengxi?

Rhubarb banged his teeth at the gangster and issued a low whining sound. At the same time, he showed his loyalty through the game's private chat interface, saying that Meng Xi bit it only because the child was too young and sensible, just because of the relationship between teeth. Bite something, and it doesn't hurt, how could it hate such a cute little guy!

Guan Ming often asks Double Star to "load" information about "loyalty", loyal to Guan Ming, and loyal to the steward.

So even if Guan Mengxi bites it eight times every day, it will put the fattest part of her body in the past and let her bite the ninth time.

Of course, hairless electric hips are not in this range, otherwise the housekeeper's next meal will be cold dog meat!

Each answer refreshed the world view of the boss, but each answer was not unexpected.

Looking at the big brother, if no one kept asking questions, Guan Ming looked at this pig-like Corgi, and his thoughts were a bit flying.

He used to think that he was not afraid of the end of life, but many times people's thoughts and practices are completely opposite.

People who ca n’t eat spicy food like spicy food, but those who are afraid of death can face death with a smile. Those who are not afraid of death will evade reflexively at the last moment of life.

It ’s been 2009 this year. When Guan Ming was a human brain chip, he simply wanted to develop technology. There was nothing too ambitious. He had to say grand things. At that time, he might just hope that he could go to history textbooks a century later. Like Beethoven and his music, like Simon and Golden Lotus.

But when the child was born and when the elders were old, he suddenly found that his eternal life, which he had previously rejected, had been inadvertently completed.

Yes, it is eternal life, not longevity, nor longevity!

All roads lead to Rome. Different means can achieve the effect of eternal life, at least that's what he thinks.

If you upload a person's memory to a computer, is that computer's memory considered an independent personality?

Analyze this memory with a huge amount of calculations, and then come up with this memory's thinking mode and emotional mode. Does that mean that this memory has become a real existence, and the calculation is used to simulate this memory for new things? Judgments, just like real people.

If human memory is regarded as a data, and the human body is only a carrier, does the memory in the computer possess the same intelligence and ability as a real human?

After all, it just changed a carrier ~

Guan Ming doesn't like to study biochemistry, because he can't stand the white red meat, the large intestine and the like.

And organisms will eventually decay, and eternal life in biology is difficult to really exist, just like the perpetual motion in physics.

However, Guan Ming suddenly discovered that the eternal life in physics existed, and that he had inadvertently developed it.

There are two reasons for exposing the human brain chip this time. One is that the elderly are already old. Although Guan Ming has not yet studied the human brain chip to the second generation, he needs to know how long it will take to get one. A person ’s memory is “uploaded” to a computer. The human brain is much more developed than a dog ’s brain. The rhubarb ’s data is not complete. He needs accurate data, and such experiments require the support of the state.

Guan Ming is less than 'eternal life', but the age of the old people is no longer young, before needing awesome life, Guan Ming still weakly hopes that the old man will live forever, even if he may encounter this. 'Great terror'.

The second point is that Guan Ming is annoyed by this US action. He needs to fight back with actual performance.

Guan Ming has nothing to do with chickens. All he can do is vigorously develop science and technology, so that the country's science and technology can be rapidly improved, and the United States can lose its position as the largest country.

To deal with one country, only another country can do it.


One afternoon, the big guy has been spending time with the rhubarb question and answer.

And through the afternoon, the big guy felt that the hairless dog was not unacceptable, at least it was not strange, and it was slippery to the touch, and it felt very good.

Even the big guy asked if rhubarb rubs skin care products every day to make the skin slippery. Rhubarb gave a scornful expression without accident.

I've heard of celebrities throwing powder on their legs, but I haven't heard of any dog ​​that touched the skin ...

It ’s like meeting a child with the toy they want ~ ~ The big guy doesn't care that his precious time is wasted, he just chats with rhubarb whatever he wants.

"Secretary, do you think we should eat first? Our dinner is ready, and you can have a light meal together at my house." Looking at the phone, Guan Ming issued an invitation.

Also, I was in the same room with the boss. If it was someone else, I guess the stewardess came up and knocked on the door at this time.

"It's so late, then I'm welcome, just to see what your big scientist eats for dinner!" The big brother is in a good mood, although a lot of time is wasted in the afternoon, but how to say, the waste is valuable.

The words of the big brothers are a kind of ridicule and a kind of emotion.

Even though Guan Ming's performance in technology has been infinitely raised before, Guan Ming refreshes everyone's evaluation of him again and again.

I feel inexplicably honored. When standing on a destiny to become a node in history, the ranks of the post are weakened infinitely, as if people now evaluate the first emperor's puppet government as casually and fearlessly, and only the deeds of that world will not follow Fading over time.

"What kind of scientist am I? And it's all a regular meal." Eight honors and eight shames are still there. Although Guan Ming usually lives luxuriously, he must be modest and low-key.

Watching the big guy holding the hairless dog, Guan Ming opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

The existence of rhubarb is only known by Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao, and Shuangxing. Of course, the big brothers also know that the giants above will know when they are not asleep tonight.

Originally I wanted to tell the boss not to tell the father and mother, but now that this thing has been told to the boss, Guan Ming is also prepared for promotion or application, at least on a small scale.

Therefore, there is no need to hide the family, at least Guan Ming thinks so.

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