Private Technology

: 545 Abandoning the international market

The Spring Festival is a universal festival for the Chinese people, and it is also true for Guan Ming. The working place of my last life to this life was in a city with my family. There is no long separation, and naturally there is not much sense of expectation.

This New Year is probably the most exhausted one for Mu Xiaoxiao. Even if the Spring Festival Evening program is even more beautiful, but it was also until midnight, she was already sleepy.

Lie down on Guan Ming's legs and fell asleep, Guan Mingzhen followed this silky silk hair, the car was driving on the road with few pedestrians.

Guan Ming was playing with his mobile phone, thinking about the ins and outs of the whole thing in his mind.

Once a notice from the US Department of Commerce was issued, Guan Ming had already received the news. Double Star was very skilled in information retrieval and classification. Naturally, it knew what news needed to report to Guan Ming immediately.

It's just that this kind of thing is not good and Mu Xiaoxiao said that she didn't understand anything, and after knowing it, she only increased her troubles.

The present lies in what Guan Ming can do and what Guan Ming wants to do.

Guan Ming can do a lot of things, whether it is public opinion bombing or binary star hacking, but he has few things to do.

Perhaps it was because the highest technology award allowed Austrian Hei to further confirm that Guan Ming really has any better technology, which is so good that he cannot be exposed, so he forced Guan Ming so aggressively, but this persecution There is no solution.

Because of his identity, Guan Ming really has no good resistance.

Assembling robots and then sweeping the United States across the ocean? What a joke, it is estimated that the United States has not swept down. Guan Ming was first lit by the sky lanterns. It is not a joke to level the world.

The degree of hacking is also very limited. At most, it is only scratching the boots and not hurting the other person's bones. Even if he maliciously plucked Pio Black's past, these things are useless to O'Black.

The car quickly arrived at the hotel door, and Guan Ming woke up this sleepy stupid idiot.

The upper and lower eyelids seemed to be sticking together. Mu Xiaoxiao was holding Guan Ming's arm, and he didn't look at the road at all. If Guan Ming lacks virtue, it is estimated that Mu Xiaoxiao can hold the toilet for a night.

"Double Star, how many years can you look at the company account?" Wearing a nightgown, Guan Ming couldn't sleep. He brought a Bluetooth headset and asked softly.

The rooms have been inspected. There are no taps and pinhole cameras, but correspondingly there are no loudspeakers or small speakers.

"Not counting future income, based on last year's company and household consumption calculations, it will be enough to support 132 years. Counting last year's economic growth, consumption growth and inflation and other factors, it is expected to support 90 to 95 years." Double Star's voice is not loud, but Very clear.

"Oh, it's easy to become a century-old shop." Guan Ming teased subconsciously, but did not get feedback from Double Star.

Guan Ming ’s big expense last year was employee salaries and celebrity endorsements, because Guan Ming never divided stocks or dividends, but basic salaries and bonuses were never ambiguous, and research funding was greatly reduced due to the existence of Guan Ming and Double Star. Not even the celebrity endorsement fee. Of course, the endorsements here are global endorsements, and there are too many celebrities.

As far as money is concerned, do n’t talk about Guan Ming. As long as employees of Guan Ming ’s company do not have any professional ethics, it is basically a gesture of sleeping on banknotes, and people who eat Guan Ming ’s mouthful of rice do n’t care. Count, say less than 10 million people.

Regardless of foundries and partners, the current producers of holographic projection and AR / VR content are examples of current gaps and high salaries.

But all this is of no use to Guan Ming and will not affect him.

"Boss, what are you going to do next?" Double Star's flat tone said the question into an affirmative sentence.

It doesn't use big data analysis to control the next judgment, which does not make sense to it.

"The next step is to wait for the New Year. Anyway, it will be a New Year." Guan Ming weighed his intentions. Even if he was bearish about money, some decisions were not so easy.

Hearing Guan Ming's words, Double Star was silent.


Mu Xiaoxiao's last ski resort was an indoor ski resort that had been closed in a certain imperial city.

Rich people can really do whatever they want. From the boss to the coach to the waiter, they ran back to serve Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao during the New Year.

Originally, Guan Ming wanted to take her to ski in the Northeast to let her feel what is called natural, but during this period, the giants have too many things to talk about in detail.

Including the announcement of the US Department of Commerce, including Guan Ming's thoughts on the incident, and of course, some systems created around artificial intelligence.

In the establishment of a system around artificial intelligence, Guan Ming is more of a witness and a technician to answer the questions of the giants, including how much Guan Ming can do, including how much artificial intelligence can do.

For a week, Guan Ming met with the giants every day, sometimes a giant, sometimes a few giants, sometimes a giant meeting, and so on.

A week later, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao embarked on a journey home.

"Boss, let's not go to court or be interviewed? This one's profit is too great!" Liu Mengmeng said sadly in Guan Ming's study.

Within 30 minutes of Guan Ming's arrival, Liu Mengmeng killed him because the US Department of Commerce was too powerful, or the United States was too powerful.

In one week, it is not just the United States that has begun a physical blockade. At present, Germany has also officially announced a physical blockade.

This not only means that Guan Ming was expelled from the German market, but also that Guan Ming was unable to import components from German companies. This was the most hurtful point.

The US Vice President made frequent state visits in the past week. It would not be impossible if another country announced a physical blockade at the next moment.

"The foreign market is huge and huge ~ ~ But I always have to take back my strength before I can go out. Even without this, I may gradually withdraw from the international market in the next few years." Rubbing Palm, Guan Ming said.

Some people always think that money can threaten everyone, but they don't know that when the money reaches a certain level, the threat is infinitely small.

Guan Ming's company is different from other companies. The shares are owned by the husband and wife of Guan Ming. There is no shareholding or dividends. There is no phenomenon that employees force the company to progress. After all, this is only a company that serves Guan Ming.

"Ah? But ..." Liu Mengmeng was suddenly at a loss when he heard him say that.

The general manager Liu Mengmeng is not tired, because the domestic market and the foreign market are definitely two performances. The domestic market is to send food to the mouth. The company only needs to open its mouth to eat it, and abroad because of poor technical performance. "You can only look at me and eat me but can't help it."

Used to these two markets, she couldn't digest Guan Ming for a while.

Abandoning foreign markets? Does that mean that you don't need foreign endorsements? Does that mean that sleeping with foreign girls is more troublesome in the future?

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