Private Technology

: 548 Death and Thought

"Sergeant Ivan, Ivan James, he escaped when the plane was about to crash into the sea and was rescued by the salvage team. He said that the plane's landing gear was suddenly retracted when it landed, so this accident happened. "" The soldier raised his chest, his voice agitated.

It would be better if the background picture didn't have that heavy smoke.

"It must be a problem with his operation! The landing gear will lock up when it is opened, don't I know? Where is the other person? Show me!" The captain looked resentful, although the report had not been sent, but he knew This time the aircraft carrier was severely damaged. In the eyes, the need to return to the field for repair meant that the United States would lose one aircraft carrier's combat effectiveness!

"Yes!" When the soldier heard it, he stomped and turned to trot out.

The captain's correspondent passed by with the previous soldier. "Captain, the current carrier damage is mainly concentrated above the supply silo. The area where the carrier's runway is completely damaged is 23 meters long and the widest point is about 7 meters. The unusable runway is about 154 meters long. At present, two crew members have confirmed their deaths and 13 logistics personnel have temporarily disappeared. At the same time, the White House is aware of the incident and is waiting for your call back. "

Taking a deep breath, the captain's face paled and he became serious at the same time. Maybe this was the first step in his accountability, but he dared to guarantee that this officer Avon would be sent to a military court! He will work in the middle!

"Tell Deputy Captain Sendi and let him temporarily work for me, and I need to report to my superior."

With that said, the captain strode out of the meteor.


"Wow, this ..." Waved his hand, Guan Ming didn't know what to say.

With regard to the distance, Guan Ming was unable to determine whether there were dead people, but the probability of dead people was very high, especially since he also saw that the plane turned over to the course of entering the sea, there were also some people.

Although Guan Ming lacks virtue, he is only lacking in virtue.

The fragility of life is just like the greatness of life, it is worth taking seriously.

Just like a star said, if killing doesn't break the law, I won't go!

You can use Guan to describe Guan Ming. After all, the person who died also died because of Guan Ming. After all, in the last life, they may not die.

"In fact, in the confrontation between nations, this level is already very slight. After all, Yugoslavia at that time ... well, don't have a psychological burden, we are also forced, and there is nothing for you in it." Seeing that Guan Ming's face was a little pale, the gangster in Shanghai immediately comforted him.

Guan Ming has experienced too little. If there are so-called family relationships, friendship, love, justice and evil in the communication between people, then the country and the country only have the "interest" clause. More than Guan Ming's two lives together, and more gloomy.

Inviting Guan Ming over this time, in fact, he also wanted to use this event to let Guan Ming grow up quickly, so that he could see what is called the "real world", instead of knowing 'eating, sleeping, popping Xiaoxiao' every day, the country ’s Rising can't be done by one person, but one person has more strength, especially Guan Ming.

The giants want Guan Ming to be stronger in the heart, but also to make him agree with the concept of the country and support it.

There is great horror between life and death, and powerful people have no fear of life and death!

"This ... I understand. Only dead enemies are good enemies. I have played Dota so many times and killed a lot of people." Guan Ming looked at the big man, showing a reluctant smile.

Guan Ming claims to be the tumor prince in the 800th position of the ladder. He is best at grabbing the heads of teammates. The team fights first, the last move and the stand-alone 10,000 years.

But this is a real life, even if the foreigner is hung up ...

"Oh, you still don't have much knowledge. How can peace be so easy? The country can now go forward with a heavy load." Do not go deep into Guan Ming's "nonsense", get up, the big man slipped to the window sill and watch Looking out the window.

Looking at the traffic jam, watching the high-rise building.

Success comes at a price, such as the battle of the Yellow Emperor in the ancient times and the replacement of the ancient dynasty.

"Uh ... rest assured, I just feel a little uncomfortable. I also had meat when I was a kid, and I was sick when I was a kid. Maybe it ’s a space hole to revive the motherland, but I also want my children and grandchildren to live in In a peaceful, stable and powerful country. "

Seeing the back, which can be described by thinning, Guan Ming quickly got up and stood on the side half a step behind him.

When Guan Ming was a child, his family was not rich, and it can even be described as poverty. A family of three lives in a small house of more than 40 square meters. Most of the friends around him dropped out of school to work and earn money to support their families.

However, Guan Dang Guan Ma still gritted his teeth for Guan Ming to go to school. Guan Ming ’s meat source even required Guan Dang Guan Ma to catch clams and crabs, and Guan Ming ’s favorite thing to do when he was a kid was to go fishing at the beach on weekends Because this is meat, it was meat for Guan Ming's childhood.

At that time, if there was any economic fluctuation in the housekeeper, perhaps today's Guan Ming is fishing in the sea. There is no Mu Xiaoxiao and no future technology.

Don't talk about relatives and the like. If you can rely on them, the Shanghai Stock Exchange will not be the only Guan Mingyu family.

"You, I still do n’t know much about it, so I will go back and arrange it for you, show you some information, and find someone to talk to you by the way." Turning around, the big brother smiled and patted Guan Ming's shoulder and squeezed hard. Pinched.

It's not joke, it's encouragement.

"I do n’t need it. I ’ll just sleep. You also know that my foreign market is broken. There will definitely be problems in funding. I was still thinking about whether to develop a civilian product. The company ca n’t have negative growth. Ah. "Guan Ming quickly shook his head.

The most powerful weapon in the world is not nuclear weapons ~ ~ but thought, Guan Ming doesn't want to arm his thought for the time being.

A little counseling, a little counseling can lead a peaceful life.

Guan Ming doesn't have much ambition, and he is not ready to be a prime minister. Even now, he is just a big push from his wife and children to seduce!

At the same time, he also wanted to persuade him to the end!

"Developing a new product is a good idea, but don't delay the business. Tell me if you are short of money, and I will say hello to the bank." Hearing Guan Ming said this, the boss didn't force it.

A person who can develop a pistol does not mean that he is a good soldier. Guan Ming is wise and brilliant, intelligent, Yushu is in the wind, and is 1.8 meters tall. He is only a scientific researcher and a logistician. His ideological level can only keep up The average level is just fine, and the country has not expected to train him into 'Qiu Shaoyun II'.

Only by developing better and more advanced technology can Guan Ming and even the country hope.

If Guan Ming had to carry a gun to kill the enemy bravely one day, that would be a joke.

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