Private Technology

: Five hundred and fifty

Guan Ming did not have the idea to enter the manufacturing industry, specifically he did not want to enter the CPU and other industries. Although he was not too satisfied with the data of Godson 3A, but that was all.

Guan Ming is more about selling ‘concepts’, one by one scientific research projects, and then outsourcing, various outsourcing.

If the policy factor is eliminated, Guan Ming is actually expanding the entire market, not eating it alone, because the components of the product are purchased out, increasing the sales and profits of the component company, and accelerating the development of the market components as a whole. , Thereby improving the update speed of civilian technology.

"Are you ready ... sunglasses?" Mu Xiaoxiao stood behind Guan Ming with his hands on his back and looked at his drawing and asked.

"It's better to use a color-changing mirror to describe it." Guan Ming didn't look back, touching his chin.

In fact, Guan Ming wanted to make the shape of a 'swimming goggles'. After all, the vision of VR is different from that of AR. All the images of the former are false. If there is light leakage, the effect is not ordinary.

It's like watching a horror movie with VR. If all the light leaks up, down, left, and right, and it is still white light or a street scene, the effect of horror must be discounted.

However, the wearing experience of swimming goggles is relatively poor, Guan Ming can only try to make the distance between the lens and the eye closer.

"But there seem to be a lot of elements on the mirror leg, will it be very heavy." Holding his chin, Mu Xiaoxiao asked a question that he thought was key.

"This is an enlarged view. It doesn't matter." Looking back, looking at her serious little face, Guan Ming responded with a smile.

In fact, this figure is only a plan view of the temples. In Guan Ming's design, the lenses are double-layered, and the middle of the interlayer is a small circuit that is invisible to the naked eye.

The materials of contact electronic glasses must be very safe, but the requirements of electronic glasses are not so high. The requirements for heat resistance, corrosion resistance, and even curved surfaces are not so strict, except for the degree of fine circuit technology in the double layer.

In fact, with regard to the degree of craftsmanship of lenses, electronic glasses are magnified and simplified versions of contact electronic glasses.

"Cut ~" Skipped his mouth, wrinkling his nose at Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao carrying a small hand on his back, kicking and walking towards the door of the study.

"I'm not playing with you, it's boring, I'm going to find two little babies."


The second human body experiment of the human brain chip has not yet begun, and the preparations have not been completed. Guan Ming originally wanted to take advantage of this time to make good use of this electronic glasses. However, some customers came to the door, or Guan Ming could not refuse. .

It is a bad experience to interrupt the continuity of thinking.

"Hello, hello, please come in." Smiling and shaking hands, Guan Ming invited the other party in.

Ding Zhi, the current secretary of the academy, also succeeds Qian Junhao.

They are not short, but people are thin and most importantly young enough.

Today, in his early forties, he has become the secretary of the academy, indicating that his potential is great and he is valued by his existence.

"I took the liberty to disturb, just in time for Saturday, so come and see." Ding Zhi said with a smile, followed Guan Ming into the room.

Guan Ming and this Ding Zhi have met two or three times, but somehow, every time I see him, he will think of Zheng Shaoqiu, maybe the role of "Ding Crab". At least Ding Zhi is not ugly, but also lean. Kind of, the hairstyle is a bit shaggy.

"Uncle Guan and sister-in-law, I disturbed again." Folding his hands together, Ding Zhi approached while saying sorry.

"Hey, there's nothing to bother, don't bother, come over and sit down." Guan Diao mixed the system and knew the other party's future development trend, and he may not be able to reach the top, but as long as he doesn't make mistakes, he will definitely be a senior person.

There are rare people in the family to come and go. Everyone also has a chat. Let ’s not talk about the content of the chat. Parents are short, but at least the atmosphere is lively.

After talking for about half an hour, Guan Ming invited each other to sit in the study.

The steward is not Bai Hutang, but since it's coming, there must be something. After all, everyone is not familiar enough to come to the door casually.

"Secretary Ding, please sit down. I don't know why this time?" Guan Ming asked frankly after inviting the other person to sit down.

"If you come here this time, one is to see where you need help, and the other is to hear what new technology you are planning to study, so I want to make fun of it." Then, Ding Zhi couldn't help but choke. A glance back at the silicone robot.

Qian Junhao brought him here last time. When he first saw the robot for the first time, he almost didn't stare out. This was still under the premise that he had seen Guan Ming's information, although he didn't He knows technology, but he can make up for it.

"There is nothing very busy at home, but I really didn't expect Secretary Ding to pay attention to my recent research developments." Guan Ming heard it, first snorted, then nodded with a smile.

For Guan Ming, nothing that can be solved with money is not a problem.

In this land, things that can be solved with power are not a problem.

So Guan Ming didn't have any problems at all.

As for Ding Zhi's curiosity, Guan Ming also had a little hunch, because he had also contacted Ding Zhi a few times before, how to say, he is a very motivated person.

"Sometime ago I went to sit in the Shanghai market, and occasionally I heard that you need new technology research here, so I was curious, after all, your every move is really important." Flat head, Ding Zhi said with a slight emotion.

If it was the former secretary of the college ~ ~ It is not an important position for Ding Zhi, at most it is a flat tone, but the current school is not the previous school, and the treatment has increased a lot, otherwise It was said that the construction of a dormitory had just started in March, and no money was needed from the school. The above initiative provided funding, but part of the credit was attributed to Ding Zhi.

Both Ding Zhi's old leader and the Shanghai stock market boss explained to him clearly the meaning of the school to Guan Ming and the meaning of Guan Ming to the school.

The treatment of the school has been improved, which is definitely the reason for the improvement. Ding Zhi was able to take up this post, and actually paid a lot of costs, including his factions.

So when he heard that Guan Ming had new technology research and development, he also hurried over to see if there was anything to help.

Qian Junhao once had a small drink with Ding Zhi and said some small things about Guan Ming. For example, the next day, he would arrange for the team to come and get things, and keep it secret throughout.

For example, once I found surveillance equipment sneaking into Guanming Company, I even needed to dispatch a team to perform tasks.

For Ding Zhi, if Guan Ming is able to present a scientific and technological achievement that is "full-secret", it will definitely be an indelible mark on his resume.

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