Private Technology

: 586 R & D and transfer

"By the way, aren't you going to work today?" After seeing the interaction between his man and the child, Mu Xiaoxiao asked his own question.

Guan Ming has been very busy recently, probably from the end of last year. Every day is super busy. Even Mu Xiaoxiao has become accustomed to Guan Ming in this state. Suddenly his parents went out for a trip, and his original life status was broken. , Even with Guan Ming was nesting at home.

Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't want Guan Ming to go to work because of family reasons. In her opinion, Guan Ming's time is the most precious. People like him should be busy going to work during the day and going home at night to look at the documents, even when they are smashing You have to be thinking about various formulas in your mouth, otherwise his talent will be blinded!

However, Guan Ming was at home leisurely today, and she ran down to follow her with her daughter, which was strange.

"Oh, company, there hasn't been a big deal lately, you can rest for a long time." Guan Ming said indifferently.

The third human experiment with the human brain chip has been completed, or this experiment is only half completed.

Among the tasks of the third human experiment, the most important task is to use a supercomputer to simulate memory to achieve eternal life in the 'spiritual'. This part of Guan Ming is well completed. The experiment by Master Gongzi has been done 10 times. Above, based on the original memory as the skeleton, it has a certain 'learning' ability. From a performance point of view, it is like a real person.

Having the love and hatred of his original character, even this memory knows that his existence is in the form of data, etc., very 'smart'.

The results of this part of the experiment are perfect. If we have to say the shortcomings, that is to occupy a slightly larger share of the calculation amount of the supercomputing. It is still impractical to realize the true meaning of "everlasting life for all people".

As for saying that other tasks are only testing the limits of the human brain chip, referring to the controlled nuclear fusion project afterwards, it was decided to end the human experiment on Guan Ming's side. All the experimenters went to the human brain chip experiment that has been built in the country. In the room, related work such as experiments is continued.

"Okay, but wouldn't you be a bit bored." Mu Xiaoxiao, who had turned his back on Guan Ming, twisted his small waist and kept the splitting action. He turned around and looked at Guan Ming.

It is said that black is thin and white has temperament.

The black sports vest and black tight-fitting sports trousers have very good lines, but it is a pity that there are two nasal babies at home.

Therefore, the child really is the biggest obstacle between husband and wife, Guan Ming really wants to plug the child back to the original road!

"Well, it's okay, and it's not very boring, and the news on TV is also very good." A coveted glance at the big chest, Guan Ming felt that he would have to wait until the year of the monkey for any snapping session during the day.

Deeply aware of Guan Ming's spleen, Mu Xiaoxiao proudly held her chest and glanced at Guan Ming with a charming expression. Although embarrassed, she still felt that she was relying on her strength to attract the attention of her own man.

"The news is nothing good, you don't have to talk to us. If you don't delay your work, you can work in the living room." Refreshing dressing has spread to the entire villa, and you don't need to pay much attention at all.

"Don't worry about me, I'll work if I want to work." Raised his hand, took the electronic glasses on the coffee table and shook.

Seeing Guan Ming's movements, Mu Xiaoxiao said nothing, but turned his back and looked at the two girls in the mirror to see if their movements were standard.

180 ° is still difficult for beginners. Mu Xiaoxiao is going to develop it from obtuse angle.

In fact, Guan Ming is not watching TV or chatting. He is used to working for a fixed period of time. Guan Ming really can't relax.

The human brain chip has long been completed for Guan Ming, even for the next three human experiments, at most it is the work of summary and the like. Guan Ming looks forward to the development of controlled nuclear fusion in the future. After all, this one It is still important in Guan Ming's plan.

Guan Ming has made the most critical point in controllable fusion, which is successful ignition.

At present for Guan Ming, there are two research directions, one is small, and the other is controllable fusion. One is the ignition of large equivalents of controllable fusion, and the other is the use of the output.

The remaining small is how to transfer the energy from the output to the input port, so that the stellarator becomes a 'perpetual motion' to a certain extent.

Of course, the fuel still needs to be paid attention to. The amount of helium 3 on the earth is still very small. If you want to use it on a large scale, you really have to go to the moon to develop it.

Guan Ming intends to start with the application of the output end, then the cycle of the output / input port, and finally the large-equity controlled nuclear fusion experiment. After all, raw materials are scarce. Guan Ming also needs to consider the state's scientific research progress in the space field.


Just when Guan Ming was at home fantasizing about arbitrary cracks ~ ~ Liu Xi stepped into a place he had never heard of.

In the suburbs of the imperial capital, if Liu Xi remembers correctly, there is a military area nearby, but from the position point of view, this place does not seem to be affiliated with the military area, but it is worth noting that the sentry at the door of this place is not worse than that of the military area. Maybe there are empty ammunition in those guns. This is the sixth sense from men.

"Report, Captain Liu Xi came to report!" Standing in front of the lintel, Liu Xi first sorted out her military uniform, then shouted loudly, and then knocked on the door.

"Come in!" The sound is a little familiar. In terms of Liu Xi's senses, this sound does not have the sense of 'nearness' of the soldiers, but simply has no power.

"Liu Xi, let's meet again, come over and sit down." Professor Wang looked at the standard standing posture, and looked at the steps as if measured by a ruler, with a lot of smiles on his face.

From the first human experiment to the end of the third human experiment started by Liu Xi, Professor Wang observed a total of nearly 70 human brain chip experimenters. Only Liu Xi's performance was the most satisfying, because Liu Xi was the only one. It is a paralysis of the whole body, and at the same time, only Liu Xineng can use it with a human brain chip as the main obstacle, so that the body's performance is at its best.

"Professor Wang?" Liu Xi was surprised when he saw the old man in front of him.

In the previous paper order, Liu Xi did not have any meaning of refusal. After all, obeying the order of the superior was already a habit of sneaking into the bones, but he never thought that his superior became Professor Wang.

If Liu Xi remembered correctly, the nameplate on the door just now should have explained everything.

With a human brain chip, he immediately thought of several possibilities in his mind, and at the same time determined the largest one.

ps: sorry again, really sorry! !!

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