Private Technology

: 589 Sweating Youth Sweat

Looking at Guan Mengyu's desperate expression, and then looking at Rhubarb's aggressive expression, Guan Ming suddenly felt that the sky was blue and the air was fresh. The whole soul seemed to be purified, and his whole body was refreshing.

Of course, he will silently give Mu Xiaoxiao a praise in his heart. After all, it will make Guan Mengyu unhappy to a certain extent. Guan Ming said he will be very happy.


"This has nothing to do with me at all." Sighed, Guan Ming looked at the Shanghai big boss and didn't know what to say, after all, he was also a former person.

"Isn't it you?" The big man in Shanghai looked at Guan Ming with a suspicious look, and seemed to want to see something from his facial expression.

The last door incident was violent. The most direct consequence was that the US economic crisis was aggravated. It depends on the advanced technology. At most, everyone doubts and doubts Guan Ming. At that time, Guan Ming was willing to be a otaku at home all day long. Relatively speaking, part of the subsequent physical blockade is also because of this, because many American company stocks fell and lost their profits.

This incident has once again pushed the United States on the wave of public opinion. Of course, this time is also negative news.

However, to a degree, it is still inferior to the last door event.

WikiLeaks released 77,000 U.S.-Afghanistan war documents this month. The war, which had been controversial, has been debated again.

After all, the international police also need to make money to buy nutritional supplements. The United States will not do anything good, and the reason for sending troops at first was far-fetched, especially with the support of these documents, which put the United States at the forefront.

"It's really not me. I used to do scientific research honestly at home before. How can I do these things?" Spreading his hands, Guan Ming said that he was innocent.

"That's right, but in this case, there are a lot of things you can do ..." The big brother in Shanghai didn't take Guan Ming as an outsider and mumbled to himself.

After hearing what he said, Guan Ming shut up decisively, he was very bad in interpersonal communication, not to mention the international situation, it is estimated that he is wilder than wild observers.

However, the boss in Shanghai did not let him go, and said a lot of things, but they were all at an end, and many things were not explained. This is the task given to the boss, because Guan Ming ’s child is only two years old. Being able to emit such a high energy, whether it is a giant or a big man, has the responsibility and obligation, so Guan Ming does not have a busy point of ability!

Guan Ming and Guan Ming, while examining the content of the other party's words, sighed that this position was powerful.

Judging from the memory of Guan Ming's last life, the Shanghai boss can basically lock a giant position.

In his mind, more or less thinking about what the boss said, Guan Ming took a bus home.

"What do you think, why frown?" He turned his head and saw Guan Ming frown while sitting on the sofa. Mu Xiaoxiao instinctively pressed his thumb on the center of his eyebrow, trying to smooth Guan Ming's heart.

"Oh, nothing, just work." Guan Ming's eyebrows stretched, his IQ points to the high school girl, oh no, I also allocated a little to scientific research, and let him think about something he is not good at It is really difficult for him to do things. This is not the case of the so-called "one method, one method".

"Well, all right." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and stopped speaking, after all, she didn't help at all in controlling Ming's work.

"By the way, Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu?" Guan Ming suddenly found that his two daughters were gone, and asked curiously.

"Sent to Ma's house in the morning. When Ma heard that I was going to send my babies to kindergarten, she specifically instructed me to send the babies often so that I could get to know her little baby. She also wanted to send her The children were sent to the kindergarten together. "Mu Xiaoxiao knelt on the sofa, staring at Guan Ming brightly, without speaking.

"Ma Qingyun's girlfriend seems to be half a year younger than ours. It's too nonsense to go to kindergarten at the age of one and a half." Guan Ming faintly remembered what Zhou Wu had said to him one night.

"This is not the point!" Mu Xiaoxiao said unhappy.

"Huh?" Guan Ming froze for a moment, is there any hidden feelings in the middle? Or is there a small class under the small class?

"There is no one else in the family except us ~" Turning around, lying on the back of the sofa, Mu Xiaoxiao blinked at Guan Ming.

Looking at the tight-fitting suit and poss that were still prominently displayed, Guan Ming's eyes became red.


"Drifting is really exciting. You should really bring Xiaoming and Xiaoxiao to play." Eating local specialties, Guan Da's face was full of sunglasses, and his spirits were shaking. On the contrary, Mu Da looked a little bit unreal.

After all, Daddy goes out every day, and apart from that, physical strength and body are able to kill Guan Ming.

"If you can pull Xiaoming out, Xiaoxiao will definitely follow up." Knowing his son-in-law's virtue, Mu's father laughed and laughed.

Husbands and wives will interact with each other. At this point, Mu Xiaoxiao was imparted with experience by Mu's mother, but Mu Xiaoxiao automatically translated the message into: Try not to affect Guan Ming.

Or this influence must be controlled within a certain range ~ ~ Try not to make Guan Ming feel reluctant, for example, some of the hobbies that Mu Xiaoxiao usually shows, and so on.

Otherwise, it really depends on Mu Xiaoxiao's temperament, not to mention the whole of China, that is, she can go around the world. As a result, she has been married for three or four years. When spring was in bloom, he took Guan Ming to the park in Shanghai to watch the flowers, or Zhang Luo was holding a barbecue in front of his house, which fully considered Guan Ming's patience and physical strength.

However, all of this, the witty Guan Ming did not notice.

In the eyes of Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao is still the quiet woman of the last life, and the understanding woman. In his eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao has not yet evolved completely and belongs to the middle stage of monkeys becoming human. Take off.

"It's hard. Xiaoming is lazy than me. It happens to be noon. Why not give him a call and seduce him so that he won't become a fat man in a few years." Showing off is a good idea. For the first time, the father and mother took the waves alone with Mom and Dad. He also wanted to show his results.

"Okay, I'll call him. I guess he's eating." Guan Ma agrees with Guan Da's idea. People who lose weight are not good, but people who are fat are not good.

His son is always his own son, and Guanma also hopes that Guanming can live a hundred years.

Double Star monitors everything, and instantly knows the origin of the phone, and even hears what they say through the equipment carried by the four elderly people, and then makes a logical judgment.

The phone has no ringtones, no vibrations, and even the display is dark. In the logic of Double Star, as long as it is not a big thing, in this kind of sweating youth, do n’t disturb Guanming, even if you control it. mom.

At the same time, after double star observation of Guan Ming, it seems that he did not find any strange habit.

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