Private Technology

: 597 forgive him

"The Prime Minister of Spain will pay a state visit next month on the 3rd. During that time, he will come to Shanghai to visit our Expo. It has been settled by the giants. The Expo will be thoroughly cleaned on the evening of the 2nd, and the security will also be cleaned. Pay special attention to this matter ... "Without evading Guanming, the big boss in Shanghai took Guanming to a meeting.

Although Guan Ming's seat was forward, it was also aggressive, it seemed that it had nothing to do with his half a dime, and this meeting was suitable for him to participate?

Although the collusion between the government and the business has been stronger than in the past few years, it is only stronger. Every year, many people go to jail because of corruption.

If you are sensitive to business and politics, you can make some plans to make money by meeting content.

Of course, Guan Ming, who listened to the whole process, did not find a way to make money, or his business talent was really terrible.

After all, the whole process of the meeting is to arrange a meeting between the main leaders of the two countries. This visit to Shanghai is more of a kind of tourism, relaxation, and perhaps learning from it. After all, the development of the Shanghai market is not small, not just Asia. It is also a famous city in the world.

The meeting lasted for more than half an hour and ended. It was nothing more than the boss of the Shanghai market telling everyone about it, then assigning tasks, and then discussing the reception and so on.

Subsequently, the Shanghai stock market chief said the meeting was over and at the same time let everyone out, except Guan Ming.

"How's it, what's your feeling?" Taking a sip of some cold tea, the big brother in Shanghai looked at Guan Ming with a smile and asked.

Although this meeting involved the journey of giants, in the capacity of Guan Ming, he is also qualified to know in advance, because this matter is more or less related to Guan Ming, and the boss also wants to use such things To cultivate Guan Ming's sensitivity to some things.

Looking at it from the top, Guan Ming is like a child of the ancient Mohist school, specializing in playing with his own things. Although he cannot deny the strength of Guan Ming, nor can he ignore the importance society attaches to Guan Ming, but he still hopes that Guan Ming can be in the country. In the confrontation and cooperation with countries, we have our own ideas. In simple terms, we are proficient in science and technology, based on the country, and then look at the world.

However, the hope above is beautiful, and Guan Ming's behavior is touching.

"Uh ... nothing." Glancing at his head, Guan Ming couldn't help feeling.

In his opinion, the Spanish Prime Minister came here to chat with him, and he had an egg relationship, let alone the Spanish Prime Minister. In recent years, there have been many big brothers in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Is it different this time?

Or did the Prime Minister of Spain bring a team of football babies to Guan Ming to get their sperm and bring back the excellent genes?

What a joke!

Guan Ming is an individual when he is serious, but he is also an individual when he is not serious ...

"You, you ..." Shaking his head helplessly, the Shanghai boss didn't know what to say, he couldn't say that Guan Ming was stupid.

After thinking about it, the big names in Shanghai can only use ‘focus' to describe.

It is indeed a scientist who focuses on the field of science and technology! The big brother of Shanghai stock market said with emotion.

But again, I still have something to say. After a moment's pause, the big brother in Shanghai continued to say, "I heard that there are several countries in Europe who want to invite you to refer to things like people's livelihood?"

"It does, but it is the invitation to Liu Mengmeng, who is the deputy general manager of my company, and this matter was pushed. I did n’t decide to withdraw from the international market before, so I did n’t plan to go out at this time, after all, time is Suitable. "Guan Ming nodded and said.

This kind of commercial invitation is very common. Why do many bosses spend a thousand hours on the plane each year? Part of the reason is that they are engaged in various foreign affairs, some are invited to pass, and some take the initiative to pass.

China's rise has been seen by many countries. If its own motivation is insufficient, it is definitely a good choice to follow suit.

Just as when the country was just reforming and opening up, were n’t there many businessmen in the inland areas who went to Shenzhen and Shanghai to find companies and pull companies? Even when they came across big-name companies or enterprises, they were all headed by China Merchants Bureau. There are many benefits, and even now there are business groups to go abroad to study together with domestic leaders.

"This time I heard news that the Prime Minister hopes to meet and chat with you in the Shanghai stock market. I guess there is a great possibility that I want you to invest, and European countries are doing very badly now." The big brothers in Shanghai didn't want to go round the corner, and they made it clear, otherwise, judging by Guan Ming's current expression, if he keeps going around the circle, Guan Ming may not be able to understand it tomorrow morning.

"Ah? This kind of thing ... It should be between nations, right, and I don't advocate going out and investing now, it's too early. Do you want me to invest?" Frowning slightly, Guan Ming somewhat Inexplicable.

Withdrawing from the international market is a joint decision between him and the above. In fact, in addition to Guan Ming, state-owned enterprises are also in a shrinking situation in foreign markets, which is not considered the three industries.

Because from the perspective of Guan Ming's channel ~ ~ At present, most of the major companies in the three industries have been delisted, and the exit is cleaner than Guan Ming.

When to go out depends on the country ’s use of the human brain chip and the exposure time. Failure to go out means that the probability of being clamped is small, which means that the benefits are high when going out.

In the human brain chip, the country does not expect to hide for many years, but it also tries to hide as much as possible.

To be honest, domestic enterprises now go out and are seen by others with colored glasses. Every year, they encounter a lot of difficulties.

However, if the human brain chip appears, it will not be troubled, but the foreign market will be asking for the human brain chip to enter. Although the supply and demand relationship can only control the market price to a certain extent, many benefits are not reflected in the market.

Guan Ming also hopes that the new company will be inherited by his children as heirloom. At this time, he can't mess around.

"There must be no change, you can rest assured, but since the Prime Minister came here in person, we have to give a little bit of dignity. You have freed up the three days from the 3rd to the 5th, including Xiaoxiao and the children. At that time, everyone will meet and chat, and you do n’t need to give a positive answer. If you are invited to Spain, then you will pass by, and you will play right. After all, people are also the general giants of a country, but the inspections are also It's just a survey. "The big boss in Shanghai didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Guan Ming, and simply spread out everything and talk to Guan Ming.

"Oh, the sugar coating is eaten and the shells are returned?" Guan Ming nodded thoughtfully.

"... Yes!" The big brother in Shanghai almost didn't spit out old blood. If the subordinate was his own, he would definitely send the other person to the archives to support the elderly!

But considering that the other party was Guan Ming, the big brother could only forgive him with tears.

ps: Take a rest, slowly your mind, this update comes here first.

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