Private Technology

: 604 The shed tears

"Hasn't it cracked yet?" Aohei was playing with his electronic glasses. Although the tone was peaceful, the conference room was still full of strong low pressure, as if it was the scene before the storm in the sea.

It is a pity that none of the people present is the brave sea bird.

"We have thoroughly analyzed the composition of all the components of electronic glasses. Without considering patents, we are fully capable of assembling a brand new electronic glasses, or even components in the United States. If we want to spare the patent part, We may be successful, but it takes a little time, "said a white foreigner with glasses. He was about fifty or sixty years old, with curly hair and golden hair on his head.

"What about the program? I don't know much about this, but I know that as long as it is out of China's borders, it can't be used." Looking up, Okuai looked at the white old man.

"We are temporarily unable to confirm its internal encryption program, which has greatly increased the difficulty of cracking it. Although some attempts have been made to crack it with a supercomputer, it is expected to exceed 1,000 years. If we can have a more advanced supercomputer or targeted software, Maybe this time can be shortened. "Swallowed, said the old white man.

There is racial discrimination in the United States, but O'Neal's ability to take office and to be in power at the same time has also demonstrated O'Hair's wrist and ability, especially its role in promoting medical insurance. No matter how the outside world evaluates O'Hair's behavior, it cannot Denying Okui does what he wants to do also means he has the ability to do other things.

To a certain extent, skin color can be despised, but power covers skin color.

Facing the dark, skin tone is no longer an issue.

"That is to say, you haven't cracked it yet, or I won't be able to see it until I live 1,000 years, right?" Although there was no outrage, there was endless anger in Okui's voice.

Since the rise of Guan Ming, all countries and companies around the world have increased investment in research and development, and even this year ’s US research budget has increased by 32.67% over last year. This was approved by Austria and Black under pressure, but People in the scientific research department actually gave such results.

How can Austrian Black not be angry!

How can Austrian Black not be angry!


Okui's anger was untouched, and the white old man acknowledged it on the spot and bowed his head.

After watching one by one sitting on a chair like a quail egg, he didn't even dare to stand upright, for fear of being named and talking, Okui would be sore.

As the only superpower in the world, the United States can be said to be ahead of other countries in all aspects. Whether it is military, political, scientific research, education, or even international influence, the United States is well deserved No.1.

However, the emergence of Guan Ming has made everyone see the weakness and fatigue of the United States, and made everyone feel the great charm and influence of science and technology.

It was originally expected that China would grow into a major power in the world within 20-50 years. However, Guan Ming's personal strength alone gave China a faint sign of take-off. More precisely, Guan Ming is more like an amplifier, increasing China's rapid development.

Originally, China might walk half a meter away, but now it can walk 60 cm, or even 70 or 80 cm.

Technology is no longer just a convenience in human life. When technology reaches a certain level, it can have extraordinary effects in education, military and even mentality!

When Guan Ming did not rise, China has a large number of technical personnel and wealthy businessmen to migrate overseas each year. However, the appearance of Guan Ming has greatly reduced the immigration base. Although the United States has a large immigrant population from China each year, Judging from the level and number of people, it has been reduced a lot, and it is gradually decreasing.

Commercially, several major Hollywood giants have encountered a cold in China because AR / VR and holographic projections have withdrawn from the international market. These movie companies have long known the news and have disbanded their technical teams. The market, rather than withdrawing from the global market, in China, home theater has become a real home theater. As a last resort, these movie companies have already established branches in China and are recruiting related technical personnel.

Because of the excellent performance of the hardware, there are even some American rich who buy real estate in China. Each year, a considerable part of the time is spent living and enjoying the technology of Guanming. However, looking at the world, Austrian Hei does not know how many rich people will go to China to buy real estate. There must be a huge amount of funds flowing into China, which will further promote China's development.

Now, Guan Ming has launched another electronic glasses, just like a sharp knife, he is scraping his meat with a knife!

The number of petitions from the White House has long been beyond technology, even if the threshold is raised.

Depressed, there was no sound in the conference room with a large number of people, as if the sound of people's breathing was gone ~ ~ For a long time, Okui waved helplessly, letting the group add up to more than one The Chitose hurried away.

The ichthyosaur went out, and then the ichthyosaur came out.

The same room, different batches of people.

With the door closed, Okuihuan waited for everyone present and said solemnly, "About Guan Ming ..."


"Let's go!" The lobby manager said impatiently after watching several security personnel at the security checkpoint, while watching a group of people not far away.

The head is a young couple with two children in their arms. Since the couple wear sunglasses, the lobby manager can't see anything, but they can also feel the couple through two beautiful little guys He must look good.

Of course, there are mainly bodyguard teams with six or seven people, and there are also coordinators specially assigned by government departments.

You know, it ’s rare for civil aviation to have this treatment. The lobby manager also made a phone call to inquire to confirm the identity of the coordinator.

"Hello, welcome to Spain. This is Morales, and this time you are responsible for security in Spain." Holding Guan Ming's hand, Morales introduced himself.

"Hello, Mr. Morales." Speaking fluently in Spanish, Guan Ming nodded with sunglasses.

Guan Ming, who has learned Spanish, knows that Morales is a surname derived from the Visigoths who occupied Spain. At the same time, the Spanish name is actually not short. When introducing himself, sometimes he would personally Get used to shortening.

It's like Guan Ming introduced himself to new employees in the unit in his lifetime. Sometimes he would directly call himself Yan Zu, and then there was a simple girl who really thought that Guan Ming was surnamed Yan, and was joked for more than six months. Story of the tears ...

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