Private Technology

: 607 sneak into

"A total of fifteen dollars." Scanning the code skillfully, then quoted the unit price.

"Twenty dollars and five dollars for change, I wish you a good dinner." Pushing back the change, he said with a smile.

"Thank you!" A white woman in her 30s nodded in response, perhaps a white-collar worker or a housewife occupation, who knows.

Song Di, who has just arrived in the United States for less than a month, has worked in this small convenience store for more than half a month.

Of course, on the surface, it was introduced by the fellow. Although he was a black householder, the background introduction said that he had been mixed in the United States for many years. At the same time, his fluent Los Angeles spoken language will make people ignore a lot. If there is another proper English name, With a salary cut in half, his advantage is much greater than that of Mexican blacks.

However, most black people in Mexico go to car wash yards to work. Although they are manual work, they also earn a lot.

"Thank you today, Tom, you go back to dinner first, and you double the time today!" A round old white man smiled and walked over, laughing and speaking, as if to give Songdi extra Reward.

"It's great. You know that it's time for the major leagues, and I will definitely watch the scene this year!" Song Di smiled just right.

"Come on, your wish will come true." Nodding with a smile, the white old man didn't say anything else, such as processing capital, such as vacation.

And Song Di seems to have forgotten that he was only working for half a day in the morning, with a little caper, a smile on his face, humming Jackson's "beatit", going to the lounge to change clothes and get ready for work.

"Super Bowl? I guess you definitely won't pay him that much salary, and you won't give him a vacation." Seeing Song Di who was far away, the old customer who heard the two chat with a smile and joked about the old white man.

The so-called major league is the American Football League, which belongs to one of the four major professional sports leagues in the United States. Its influence in the United States is no less than that of NBA. The other two are baseball and ice hockey, without muscle mass e.

"I have a job and I have a salary. I don't reject the hobby of young people." Hearing old customers' ridicule, the white old man was not annoyed, but scanned the code sloppily.

"Yeah, there is a salary for a job ..."

When he walked out of the convenience store, the sky was not dark. Hurrying to the back of the convenience store was his direction.

As if it were a Chinese of real descent in Los Angeles, without a trace of curiosity and introversion, with one hand in his pocket and one hand holding the Mexican rolls he just bought on the side of the road, Song Di walked forward.

After walking for about 20 minutes, I came to a relatively old street. Song Di opened his room door. The entrance was a small space. The whole room had only a small ventilated window, which looked much darker. The room was a hall and a hall. The toilet, not even the kitchen.

One of his most expensive home appliances is his laptop, followed by the house's own water heater.

The layout of the room is also very simple. The total area of ​​a bed, a wardrobe, a table, and a chair may only be 20 square meters or smaller.

When the room door was closed, the expression on Song Di's face quickly converged. First, he went to the toilet to put water on, then opened the notebook, and started to log in to his own Facebook, or browse the star gossip, or browse sports content.

It's just that in the dim room, the computer screen illuminates a face without any expression, which has a strong sense of contradiction.

"How long am I going to work at this convenience store? I always think that white fat man is an idiot!" Song Di

"Happy to you, my side is even worse. My boss is a serious racist. He almost didn't exhaust me today, and moved things for a day!" Niu Tao

"I hope my boss is a racist, but what a special old man he is!" Shi Junting

"Has been touched by the butt? But you should be working now, don't show the stuffing." Song Di

"Go to work? Have you ever seen the boss in big floral pants and the two of you in the same room, saying," You can win if you fight? "" Shi Junting

"Don't make trouble, the United States didn't say that. If I remember correctly, the last time you said: If you want to stay, it's better to be a little bit better." Song Di.

"You remember correctly, I also have the impression, when Junting went to the sea, say something, for you I can save a month's salary, ha ha ha ~" Niu Tao


Through the human brain chip and the network satellite floating on Los Angeles, the exchange of information is only a moment. In front of science and technology, time seems to have lost its concept, and the person on the opposite side is almost finished without saying a word. Already a lot of content with comrades Hu Kan.

"So, what's your choice?" Erlang's legs, a thin white man, looked at the oriental beauty with a smile.

Bars do not offer special consumption, however this is not absolute, it depends on the wishes of the customers and their own strength.

For example, the person in front of me is very in line with the aesthetics of westerners. She has a high nose and delicate skin. Her chest is not smaller than that of Westerners, but her waist is more slender than More importantly, she is new to the United States It didn't take long for the Orientals, which meant that she would speak another language besides English.

At some moments, language is a great plus.

"Sorry, I'm here to work and study, not to be a lady. The United States is a contract country. I think my future school will help me if I have trouble." The long hair that will be put on my chest Leaping back, Shi Junting said humblely, but during the action, the waiter's uniform was tightened, making her figure more eye-catching.

"I didn't say anything, and (UCLA) there were many students who came to work and study. My starting point is good. After all, consumption in Los Angeles is not low, even if you are an exchange student." With a shrug, this white man has done it. Many similar things are not afraid of secret recording and video recording, and the choice of language is also well controlled.

Although they came from the same batch, each person's identity is different, and even each person's approach is different.

Only three people came to Los Angeles in the first group, namely Song Di, Niu Tao and Shi Junting.

It's just that Song Di and Niu Tao are black households, and they sneaked in. At the same time, the backgrounds are the ones that have been mixed in the United States for a long time.

Shi Junting is different. She was sent to Los Angeles as an exchange student by a well-known university in China. Domestic security inspections are easy to say, but the United States is more troublesome and has a lot of work.

However, considering the gender issue, the above still makes her safer, at least she is also a person with an identity.

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