Private Technology

: 609 Security Crisis

Guan Ming does not like to talk about face to face. It is undeniable that in the last life, he and Mu Xiaoxiao were able to look at each other. First, he was attracted by her looks, then he discovered her inner beauty, and finally smashed the children together.

But more often, Guan Ming is still not very taboo about the looks of others, just like the domestic Taobao BMW. When Ali was not up, the appearance, pick ten people, nine people said that they were ugly, but wait for Taobao to get up Later, for one hundred people, it is estimated that fifty can be handsome.

Richness makes a man handsome, poverty makes a person ugly.

At this moment, Zhang's appearance was below the average line, but that's it. Fifty-year-olds are still full of pockmarks. How can I tell? Guan Ming feels that he is so blind.

Talking and enthusiastic.

This is the first impression of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, at least the couple's impression of the surname Zhang is very good.

"I still have something to do, so let's change the phone number and wait for my holiday. Let's go out and watch them holiday together." There are smiles on his face, the surname Zhang said.

"Okay, that's bothering you, Brother Zhang." Then Guan Ming exchanged a phone number with him. It was his own personal phone. After all, it was a fate that he could meet abroad.

No specific name was exchanged, only the last name was exchanged. This kind of thing looks very open, after all, so is he.

Looking at the chubby body struggling to squeeze out the cold drink shop, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming and said, "This brother is not bad."

The previous communication has always been in the early days of Guan Ming. Mu Xiaoxiao is very ‘father-in-law’.

"Well, it's very hot, and it is estimated that few Chinese are seen here." Guan Ming nodded, agreeing.

When Guan Ming wanted to say something, he saw Zhou Wu, Liu Xi, and Morales coming together, and he could see bodyguards moving closer together.

"Boss, I want to talk to you about something." Lowering his voice, Liu Xi motioned for Guan Ming.

Guan Ming smiled at Mu Xiaoxiao and the two children, motioned them to eat slowly, then he got up and followed Liu Xi to walk outside the cold drink shop, Yu Guang can see that Zhou Wu and two other bodyguards came to Mu Xiaoxiao's round table was personally protected, and Guan Ming frowned subconsciously.

This is obviously an accident, and it is not a commercial thing like a company, but its own security problem.

"What's wrong?" Guan Ming asked seriously, stuck his sunglasses on his face.

"Boss, that person has a problem just now." Raising his hand and touching Guan Ming's arm, Liu Xi's chin moved forward, Guan Ming looked up.

It was found that the fat man with the last name Zhang was just across the street, and two uncles who appeared next to him didn't know what to say. Then he saw that fat man fiercely resisted and tried to escape, but he was pushed to the ground by his uncle Rubbed it twice, then handcuffed it and walked in the police car. The whole process probably took less than half a minute. Although the surrounding people's expressions were aggressive, it did not cause a large crowd to watch, mainly because the speed was too high. almost.

"What's wrong with him?" Guan Ming didn't go up and help out. After all, he trusted Liu Xi more than the surname Zhang. At the same time, he wasn't the Virgin again. If the other party is OK, Guan Ming will arrange someone later. Go to help, but if the other party really has a problem, Guan Ming can only say that the other party is in trouble.

You know, Guan Ming came here with his wife and children. If he was killed by a group abroad, the old housekeeper would be gone.

"I did not find his information in the entry and exit of Spain. I did not find it in the past few years. Then I looked for a surveillance video about him and found that he first appeared in April this year. A convenience store appeared, and then moved to Barcelona. "Liu Xi whispered as he watched the police car leaving.

Tossa de Mar is to the north of Barcelona and is close to the Mediterranean. The scenery is uncertain, but it is worth noting that the Mediterranean connects many countries.

For example, Greece, for example, Turkey.

Guan Ming's first reaction was that the surname Zhang was sneaking into Spain, drifted from the sea to Tossa de Mar, and then came to Barcelona.

However, what is his purpose.

Or, Guan Ming's face recognition is too high?

Touching his chin, Guan Ming pondered.

"Apart from that, is there any other news? I can hear the accent ..." Without asking, Guan Ming shook his head and stopped speaking.

Even if he does not check, he believes that both Spain and China will check. Guan Ming does not think he can be ignored.

It doesn't matter if there is no problem. If there is a problem, there is no need to go through Guan Ming, and the other party will definitely be dealt with. There is no need to worry about Guan Ming at all.

In some ways, Guan Ming also controls the existence of the other party's fate.

"If he has a problem, or the problem is very serious, remember to put his mobile phone in there with my personal phone number ~ ~ and nodded at Liu Xi, Guan Ming returned to the cold drink shop.

Feeling the coolness of the air conditioner in the store again, Guan Ming turned back subconsciously, but found that there is a cold drink shop on the corner of the street. It may be a problem. Even if he is far away, Guan Ming can find that there are not many people in the store.

Taking a deep breath, Guan Ming's face was full of smiles, and walked towards his wife and children.

In the Prime Minister's Office, Rodriguez frowned and looked at the security adviser in front of him. He had thought about the situation of Guan Ming in Spain, but at most he was a thief or he was discovered by the media, that's all, but the fact Tell him that what happened to Guan Ming was worse than a petty thief, and the situation facing Spain was even more serious.

An unemployment rate of more than 50% and a sluggish market economy have all made this country falter, and also made Rodriguez's position crumbling.

The entire European Union is licking its own wounds. There are no more secure channels and methods to fill the national treasury. Even state visits during this time are centered on the economy, from America to Europe, from Europe to In Asia, even he has been to Africa, but he has no choice but to run into a wall again and again!

"We have arrested these criminals and made sure that they have not contacted anyone externally, at least since the arrest." The security consultant also looked at Rodriguez with a look of fatigue.

It is now more than 11 o'clock in the evening, and I have been busy with it since the afternoon, and even dinner hastily ate a pie.

For older people, this is a torment.

"Tell me why they found Guan Ming and how they recognized him." Rodriguez looked down at the files on his hands, his eyes twitching involuntarily.

PS: Send Chapter 2 right away.

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