Private Technology

: 612 Forever!

Morales is the head of security in Spain. He is one of the three main bodyguards and also a witness to Liu Xi's abnormality.

Morales is not a bodyguard, he is a soldier.

No matter whether he is professional or attentive, he is one of the best.

Although no special order was arranged for him, he was keenly aware that Liu Xi's response was too fast, faster than the entire Spanish authority!

In the absence of accurate information (name), and in the absence of any communication (communication equipment), only a few sentences (less than a minute), Liu Xi could actually judge the danger of a person!

It's incredible, it's fantastic, and it even rises to the level of fantasy!

In the report of this incident, Morales focused on things about Liu Xi. At the same time, besides protecting Guan Ming, he also closely observed Liu Xi.

Accurate to a harsh stride span, the time interval between two head swings to check the surrounding conditions back and forth does not exceed 2 seconds, and even Morales faintly feels that Liu Xi's head movements are consistent every time!

Inexplicably, Morales is a little bit chilled. He is not sure how many Liu Xi there are in China, but he knows that if Liu Xi is a criminal, it will be difficult to capture it without considering his personal combat effectiveness.

Considering that Liu Xi, who can become one of the three bodyguard bosses, he has a high probability of being a strong player in terms of personal combat effectiveness!

In the report of Morales, Rodriguez naturally attached great importance to it, but he paid attention to it differently.

China currently has a large number of military personnel in all countries, but it is still on the way to reducing staff. After all, the development of science and technology has reduced the number of advantages too much, whether it is the reduction of staff in 2003 or 2005, Rodriguez There are clear information on it.

However, it is worth noting that downsizing does not mean unconditional downsizing. Those with strong personal and professional abilities will not be reduced, but will be promoted and reused.

What Morales sees is Liu Xi's super-high and even severe personal qualities, while Rodriguez sees how many Liu Xi are among the active servicemen in China.

A peasant uprising cannot go out of town, and a group of peasant uprisings may be able to turn over a country.

Rodriguez attaches less importance to Liu Xi than to soldiers with the same qualities as Liu Xi, and to China's current combat effectiveness.

"Get home ~" Sitting in the car, watching the school's doorman, Guan Ming teased the little things in his arms.

"Oh oh oh" patted the small slap, Meng Xi looked up at the head and looked at the Ming, smiling little face, the meat toots, very funny.

"It's finally time to get home. What's the first thing when you get home?" Sitting next to Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao also teased the little thing in his arms.

Unfortunately, Guan Mengyu didn't eat this set. After glancing at her old mother, she lowered her head and played with her fingers.

"Go shhhhhhh!" With a small meat hand, Guan Mengxi leaned out and patted Guan Mengyu's small meat feet.

"Haha, you have to boo, but my mother has to clean up. We will be dirty at home when we go out for so long." Seeing Guan Mengxi talking, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and bent her eyebrows, taking away from Guan Ming's arms. Take control of Meng Xi, to achieve the left hand boss and right hand second child.

"The house is not busy at home. I have a double star to help clean up. I wo n’t get out of the car after a while. I still have something to do at noon and I wo n’t eat at home." Mu Xiaoxiao's head.

"Well, what should we do, Dad don't want us anymore, he is going to see his little lover, and our mother-in-law will only be able to live by myself later." Forehead of forehead.

"Oh ~ little lover ~ little lover ~" A smile bloomed on his face, and Guan Mengxi patted his slap, repeating Xiaoxiao's words milkily.

"Don't teach bad children, have you forgotten the fear that I dominated?" Turned into a pinch, holding the delicate little face, Guan Ming threatened.

"A punch to a child? Or to ask me again ..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming meaningfully with a smile, and brought his own expression pack.

Looking at that expression, Guan Ming remembered the tingling the night before, and he was just talking ridiculously at the time, but the other side died dead ...

Eyelids fluttered, Guan Ming didn't know what to say.

"Oh ~ kids ~ kids ~" Slaps, and Meng Xi repeats.

Tian Ling covered her chin, Guan Mengyu looked at Guan Ming with impunity, his eyes looked like mental retardation.

As for whether the opposite sister Guan Mengxi will find out, Guan Mengyu said that it is true. After all, the little guy who is only two years old does not remember at all. At least Guan Mengyu couldn't remember what happened during his lifetime 2 ~ The Shanghai Gangster Office. There are only him and Guan Ming in the office. He looked at the materials sent by Guan Ming.

It's not the news of Guan Ming's last life, but the information that Guan Ming specially asked Shuangxing to collect.

Not yet linked. At present, the most famous extremist organization is Al Qaeda, which is also the main target of attacks in various countries, and * countries.

* The country has a deep relationship with Al Qaeda, but from the current point of view, Al Qaeda is a bit more fierce, and it is also the main target of each country.

But I'm sorry, the organization behind Zhang Mingliang is * Guo. Incidentally, Zhang Mingliang's ashes have been buried.

It's just that this thick file and information can't meet Guan Ming's words.

"It's too good to attract people's attention." The gangster put down the file and said such a word after a while.

Guan Ming truthfully reported that there was not much content, but it also caught the attention of the boss, because he knew what Liu Xi was and at the same time confirmed that Liu Xi was more important than combating terrorism.

"But you don't have to worry about it, we will help you out." After tapping the documents on the table, the big guy's voice was loud and powerful.

"I can't talk about it, but I can feel Xiaoxiao is worried." Guan Ming wished that everyone who didn't like him would die, but he was not God.

"Rest assured, in our country, you, Xiaoxiao and your family will be safe and at the same time always safe." Nodded solemnly, although only a few days, the upper levels of the country pay more attention Guan Ming.

Because there is a big brother in China who is so weak that he will die almost next second.

At the same time, the big brother has uploaded the memory to the network satellite through the human brain chip, and has successfully simulated the memory to make his 'soul' immortal!

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