Private Technology

: 613 influence

No matter how perfect the theory is, it hasn't been experimented, and it's nothing more than imagination.

For the above, the concept of immortal life of the human brain chip is now truly realized!

No matter how many previous human experiments and how many times have been successful, these are false before the big man is immortal, but they looked like real at the time, and also had the value of investing in research.

Nowadays, the memory of a big man has been successfully simulated, and even the top can chat with the simulated memory, including analysis of the latest international situation, including discussion of some domestic policies, etc. If you ignore the virtual Reflection, it is really like communicating with real people.

These are the things that the top people value most.

However, Guan Ming doesn't know this, maybe Double Star knows it. However, in the eyes of Double Star, the former big brother is like the memory of ordinary people, but only exists under the ability of Double Star, just like most people No special distinction is made between tomatoes and persimmons and tomatoes.

"That's why I came back so early." Hearing the big names in Shanghai, he smiled unintentionally.

"Since Liu Xi was found over there, hey ~ I will apply to the next step, and let Liu Xi lead the team, and then go abroad to fight against terrorist organizations. It is also considered to be training." The Shanghai gangster pinched his chin and pondered. Say it.

"Don't tell me, don't tell me these, I don't understand these things." Guan Ming quickly waved his hands.

Although Guan Ming didn't exist, he knew that the more he died, the faster he died, but he didn't want to be annoyed by these things. He wasn't a generalist, and he didn't need to be a generalist.

"You, you, really a lazy guy!" With a smile, he pointed his finger at Guan Ming, and the old man looked helpless.

Even to this day, China is still an official country. From the point of view of the boss, Guan Ming has the ability to establish a 'family'. Even if Guan Ming does not want to get involved in officialdom, he can let his children go.

You know, even if Guan Ming does n’t do anything right now, he can still influence the superstructure. Even if Guan Ming ’s child finishes his first job in college, he can become the secretary of a giant or big brother, and then With invincible connections, step by step to the peak.

Only in this way can we form a large family from top to bottom.

But Guan Ming was so ... don't care?

The big guy is not sure what Guan Ming really thinks, maybe he wants **** ...

"Haha, do n’t talk about it, it ’s noon. You do n’t provide meals. Before I came, I told Xiaoxiao that I would not go back for lunch at noon. If you do n’t serve meals, I will definitely go back. Starving. "Guan Ming glanced at the table in the room, it was more than twelve.

"Come with me. There must be something to eat in the cafeteria at this time. Besides, can you still lose your meal at home?" The big brother in Shanghai gave him a glance, then got up and stretched a big lazy waist.

"Small family and small households, cooking is counted according to people's heads every day." With a shrug, Guan Ming joked.

"It's getting slippery!" He shook his head with a smile, and the gangster went out first.

In the evening news, the sound of yin and yang frightened people's attention.

"Prime Minister Rodriguez met the Guan Ming couple from China at the Prime Minister's House. The entire dinner lasted for an hour and a half. During the dinner, Guan Ming, President of Future Technology Co., highly praised the scenery of Spain, and also recognized Spanish investment. The environment, it is reported that before this, Guan Ming and his wife played in Spain for more than ten days and participated in China's famous Assumption Festival. "

"After the banquet, Prime Minister Rodriguez held close talks with Guan Ming for two hours, during which he exchanged views on China's economic situation, etc. Perhaps in the near future, we can see a large number of visionary companies coming to China for development. It is bound to drive China's tourism industry and reduce the current unemployment rate. Prime Minister Rodriguez said ... "

On TV, a forward-looking host is reading the news. Although there is suspicion of slapstick, it has to be said that this gives hope to many Spanish people, and it is also foreseeable that Rodriguez's approval rate will continue. rise.

It's not important whether Guan Ming invests in Spain. What's important is that as long as Guan Ming doesn't tell the truth, he only needs to keep silent.

Looking at the graphs of the various data, Rodriguez smiled contentedly and at the same time nodded.

Although it is evening news, although it is only one night, from the evening news last night to just 12 hours this morning, the crime rate in several major cities led by Madrid has decreased a lot year-on-year, and within 12 hours, the country Hotel bookings are also much larger than in the past.

Undoubtedly, it took only one night to let those who walked on the road of crime 'drop the butcher knife', hoping that there is no criminal record, and then went to work at Guan Ming's company, and then became ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Marry Bai Fumei and embark on the peak of life.

At the same time, there are many people abroad who want to come to Spain for an inspection, maybe they want to invest in an industry, maybe other, but have to say that Guan Ming's influence is rapidly fermenting.

But thinking of the information from Okui, Rodriguez's original smile turned bitter.

The European financial crisis is very serious. So many rich people have begun to doubt the economic development in Europe. They have rushed to China to buy real estate. Many companies have even set up branches in China, especially film and television companies.

Although this is just a normal business problem, if you look closely, it is not just a business problem. For example, in the United States, the property on their side is subject to tax every year.

Buying a house less in the United States means less tax on a house in the United States, which means less taxation in the United States that year, and it's all rich houses.

In China, although there is no house tax every year, real estate transactions are subject to tax. That is to say, if you sell a house, the state collects a house tax. However, the rich are buying luxury homes.

One country has one less tax and China has one more tax. The richest people in the world buy houses in China, then China earns the group with the most money.

Then there is the purchase of real estate, companies and so on. It is foreseeable that China's taxation will continue to develop without going out of the financial crisis in Europe for a few years, and the economy will continue to develop at a high speed.

Within a few years, China will certainly develop rapidly in economic terms!

And all this is Guan Ming!

Based on technology, become a business giant, use technology to lead the times and change people's lives!

Using a neutral pen to write the two Chinese characters ‘管 明’ on white paper, Rodriguez sighed and continued to think about countermeasures. ) !!

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