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: 621 I want to be smart

"Baby, did you miss me?" Pushing the door open, Mu Xiaoxiao saw her own size and babies, her face beaming.

"Come, mother hug ~" said, ignorant Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out a sinister hand to Guan Mengxi.

There was no resistance, but unfortunately, although Guan Mengxi's body had shifted, her eyes were still staring at Guan Mengyu, like a wood man.

"There is light rain ~" Kirin's arm broke out, Mu Xiaoxiao held Guan Mengxi in one arm, and vacated the other hand to hold Guan Mengyu.

However, Guan Mengyu, who had been stared at for a long time, consciously wanted to dodge. After all, she had no way for her own sister, and even had a fear of her sow-like snot. After all, there was a mix of snot and tears. The body flowed to the corner of her mouth, and the slightly salty taste was unforgettable ...

Guan Mengxi tried to flatten his mouth and frowned, as if he was going to cry again in the next second.

As a result, Guan Mengyu, who wanted to dodge, was 'petrified' and later captured by Mu Xiaoxiao.

Looking straight at Guan Mengyu, Guan Mengxi smashed the ball in one hand, holding his sister's little hand in one hand, and came with a stubborn expression pack.

Looking at the "overflow" part from the fingers, Guan Ming wanted to tell his own daughter-in-law, that what is Lao Tzu is all Lao Tzu!

However, considering Guan Mengxi's amazing combat effectiveness today, Guan Ming feels that only a big breast can heal everything, if one doesn't work, then another ...

"Is Xiaoxi Xiaoyu good today?" Mu Xiaoxiao decisively ignored the salty pig hands of her own daughter.

"I have a good girl, my sister is not good!" Guan Mengxi started a small report in front of his sister, and saw Guan Mengyu's face collapse.

"Huh? Why isn't Xiaoyu out of order today?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked with a surprised look at Guan Ming.

"Sister doesn't play with me!" The assertive declaration made Mu Xiaoxiao kind of square.

In her opinion, her eldest daughter is naughty, loves fitness, and enjoys playing. Ok, this is all right, but her little girlfriend is not too big a problem.

Although they are twins, the younger daughter does not like fitness and is usually quiet. It is very suitable for the 'sister'. Since the birth, the two sisters have eaten, slept, and played together. Play 'situation, even the symptoms have never been seen.

Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming aggressively.

Helpless, Guan Ming can only talk about today's things, but only a brief part of the content of Guan Mengyu appropriately.

Guan Ming doesn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to know too much. The more he knows, the more tired he will be.

After listening to the whole process, Mu Xiaoxiao looked down at her two baby dolls in stunned eyes. She felt that she had not born two children, but had two female versions of Nezha!

Guan Mengxi said nothing, or stared straight at Guan Mengyu, as if acquiescence.

And Guan Mengyu probably couldn't resist the burning eyes, lowered his head, and pressed his small face against another ball.

"This ... are you serious?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked up, and asked Guan Ming earnestly, she couldn't think of why a two-year-old child wanted to skip a grade, and she even knew what a jump grade was!

My junior high school mathematics level was only a high one, but when my daughter was two years old, she actually added or subtracted less than ten! You can even recite the multiplication formula! !!

Well, this is not important, but the problem is that my mother is going to open a parent committee today. My mother has also passed three major resolutions and eight small projects and expressed some testimonials. However, her daughter wants to skip the grade!

Mmp, is your mother going to talk today?

"Uh ... Xiao Xi's words are not sure, but in the case of Xiao Yu, I think ... how to say it, the problem is not big." He waved his hands, Guan Ming didn't know what to say specifically, but could only sum it up vaguely.

"Not a big problem?" Mu Xiaoxiao's voice rose eight degrees, exasperated: "They are only two years old!"

"Mom, I can do it too!" Squeezed the ball, Guan Mengxi looked up, and looked at his anger angrily.

Grinning, Mu Xiaoxiao has a little pain, but she brought out the fitness of her own girl, even if it hurts, you must bear it!

"Well, you are so smart, of course you can ~" With a bare smile, Mu Xiaoxiao coaxed the child.

Hearing the praise, Guan Mengxi showed a naive smile and released the ball at the same time.

Looking at the relieved expression of her daughter-in-law, Guan Ming suddenly remembered that when she was just married, she often showed this expression at that time, but to this day ...

Alas, looking back ...

"Xiao Xi Xiaoyu, you go out with Rhubarb first, my father and I have something to say ~" Putting the two children on the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao crouched on the ground and whispered in a soft voice.

"Well, I will take care of my sister!" Holding Meng Mengyu's little hand, Guan Mengxi responded earnestly, then pulled his sister and went out shaking.

After the door was closed, the smile on Mu Xiaoxiao's face converged first, then bloomed like a blooming flower.

Hit a shiver ~ ~ Guan Ming just wanted to say something, but he had no chance at all!


"Five-five-thirty, five-six-thirty-five ..." carrying a small hand, Guan Mengxi and Baba carrying ninety-nine multiplication formulas.

Sitting on the ground, Mu Xiaoxiao sat in front of Guan Mengxi, all with smiles on her face.

However, Guan Ming was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, and he felt that the swelling was certain, and it was up to now to see if it was broken.

Guan Mengyu's multiplication tactics passed, although Guan Mengxi was embarrassed, but how to say it should not be a problem, at least Guan Ming thinks so.

"It is indeed a mother's good baby, so clever!" Reaching out, holding the child in his arms one by one, Mu Xiaoxiao once again forgot the pain in the chest that was controlled by the child.

"Well, I'm smart!" Seriously, Guan Mengxi nodded hard.

"Yes, you are the big smart at home, and Xiao Yu is the little smart at home." Mu Xiaoxiao was so relieved to see that his daughter is so talented in mathematics!

"What about our son? Not smart?" Guan Ming grumbled bitterly.

My stupid daughter-in-law, Lao Tzu is the smartest one in the family!

"Well ... it's really a problem, or it's called Sicong, you want to be smart!" After a moment of groaning, Mu Xiaoxiao gave a very unreliable answer.

"Don't, you will think of Pharaoh next door." Guan Ming rolled his eyes.

If you remember correctly, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao have also seen the next king and the next king.

"Hee hee ~" Mu Xiaoxiao had a stupid smile on her face, and then began to test other knowledge of the two girls.

Mathematics is the pain of Mu Xiaoxiao, but Mu Xiaoxiao also has pride, such as big breasts, oh no, it is other courses.

When she was admitted to Fudan University, she did not only rely on the ability to incubate eggs. Other cultural classes were very powerful. Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to know if her excellent cells were inherited by her children.

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