Private Technology

: 629 China Qiming Group Corporation (March 24)

"I'm glad to meet all media friends here. First of all, I announced that China Qiming Group Corporation was formally established. It is a large cross-industry group reorganized from all major state-owned enterprises in the three major fields of domestic communications, networking and energy enterprise."

"The company is affiliated to the State Council, and is directly under the State Council ..."

"In the field of communications ..."

"In the field of networking ..."

"In the energy sector ..."

"At the same time we ..."

Sitting on the podium, Kong Yulin talked eloquently, in the capacity of chairman and party secretary of China Qiming Group Corporation.

Although the contents of the speech have been reported up and approved, he is still very excited and excited at such a moment.

Prior to the reorganization of all major state-owned enterprises in the three major industries, the number of employees was above the level of 10 million. Although the reorganization and integration, the number of employees has only been reduced to less than 10 million.

As the boss of tens of millions of employees, Kong Yulin was more excited, grateful and grateful!

In a year, all companies involved in restructuring were delisted as the first step, and internal review was the second step. All violating leaders were thrown into the jail, and then leaders were selected and so on.

In the past, Kong Yulin said that the chairman of Qiming, the vice chairman of Sinopec and PetroChina, struggled. However, the intensity and scope of this internal review were unprecedented.

The person who took office of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and now one of the giants is the team leader, one company by one company.

Regardless of faction, regardless of age, regardless of human relations, grab it and throw it in for free meals.

It doesn't count after checking it again, check it back and see if anyone takes it lightly and new bad signs appear.

As a result, Kong Yulin, who was originally pushed into the corner, was like tofu in a coal pile. Although he had a physique that would break when touched, he couldn't hide the pure white inside.

Being able to work in a leadership position without greed and due diligence is not only that the giant team leader has a good impression on him, but even the entire upper level has a good impression on him.

No one dares to take advantage of this new company, even if it is the chief giant.

The blood of one year told everyone that some things can't be touched.

The one-year record tells everyone that the giant is merciless.

On this day in late December, Kong Yulin spoke on behalf of Zhong Qiming, the nation's largest state-owned enterprise.

"Hello, Chairman Kong, I would like to ask, you said that the company will recall its iter employees and exit iter at the same time. Does this mean that the country will withdraw from the research and development of controlled nuclear fusion? Does your company have such power? "The question was made by the domestic official media, and at the same time, this is what it should be.

After becoming the chairman, Kong Yulin immediately “unlocked” new knowledge, such as controlled nuclear fusion, etc. Of course, in order to ensure that he can handle complicated things and other things, he is currently installed in the human brain chip The highest level.

"Exiting iter has no causal relationship with the research and development of controllable fusion. Ten years ago, people said that controllable fusion would be successful 50 years later. Now everyone also says that it can be achieved 50 years later, but I believe that after 10 years everyone Will say the same thing. "

"It is said that science knows no borders, but scientists have nationality. When administrative forces intervene in scientific research, we cannot expect to produce any sweet fruits, more green fruits. I have a data in my hand. It is about the sum of manpower and material resources that the country has invested in iter in recent years. I can say bluntly that we are working hard to complete the controllable fusion project, but some countries are hindering them. I I think this is a waste of national resources and an unsustainable choice. At the same time, I have the ability and qualification to make such a decision. "Nodding at the reporter, Kong Yulin put down the microphone.

"Hello, your company is an integration of nearly a hundred state-owned enterprises in the three major areas. As far as I know, all the original companies involved have been delisted. Does that mean your company is not ready to go public?" Or an official media, Of course, it is also the official media in China.

"At present, there is no preparation for listing, but I am not sure whether it will be listed in the future. I chose to restructure after delisting. The most important reason is to ensure that it will not be interfered by outside parties during the reorganization. The price of Philip. "Nodded, Kong Yulin put down the microphone again.

"You just said that you need to introduce non-governmental forces in a planned way. Can you talk about it specifically? Does it cover foreign individuals and companies?" The third speaker is a foreigner, a well-known foreign media reporter.

"We have plans to release 15% to 20% of the shares to attract civilian power. Regardless of domestic and foreign, everything is good for us, we are open to welcome, but the new company is not short of funds, so we hope to have more Advanced technology, individuals, and enterprises can grow with us. "

The microphone is in the air, thinking about Kong Yulin and continuing to say: "One more thing, this time introducing civilian power is not a task that must be completed. If there is no appropriate technology, individuals and enterprises, then we will not introduce any civilian At the same time, we have organized a team of reviewing technology, individuals and businesses to take charge of this matter. In order to ensure fairness and impartiality, we will update this part of the information on the official website in real time. "

"Hello, does that mean that an individual has performed well and has a chance to acquire your company's shares? For example, Bill Gates, such as Hawking, such as Guan Ming ~ ~ The fourth question is also A foreigner.

"Sorry, for individuals, this time we hope to have academic and technological leaders rather than talents in the economic field. At the same time, we are more inclined to compound talents." Nodding, Kong Yulin expression of sincerity.

However, some people laughed at the scene, scattered, both at home and abroad.

The three people listed can be said to be scientists, Bill Gates to the operating system, Hawking to physics, Guan Ming to Guan Ming.

But Kong Yulin divided Bill Gates into the economic realm and Hawking into theoretical science and technology. Although he didn't say it directly, in the limited three options, everyone can see his tendency. At the same time, through this comparison, Everyone can feel the awkwardness of Bill Gates.

"Hello, if it is an individual, is it the invitation system or the application system? At the same time, if you say that, will you be too inclined to the Chinese? After all, we all know that Guan Ming is Chinese." Yulin learned from the brain chip that he is a reporter for a US media, and it is not surprising that he has such an attitude.

"First of all, this is the application system. We want talent, but we will not bend over."

"Secondly, a tendency is inevitable, because everyone knows who has allowed Hawking to settle in China for almost a year. I repeat once again that we are eager for talent, and we also have a tendency, but this The tendency is not to look at skin color or nationality, but to look at the person's performance and ability. "Spreading his hands, Kong Yulin said with a smile.

At this time, some reporters only remembered Hawking's recent developments and felt the charm and influence of electronic glasses from the other side. At the same time, they also truly saw Guan Ming's influence and influence in the technology circle.

ps: Who am I, where am I, how can I owe so much more!

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