Private Technology

: 634 big scenes

It is not good news for Mu Xiaoxiao to end his college career so soon. Mu Xiaoxiao, who is reciting the "standard answer" for the final exam, said that the news came too suddenly and was a little aggressive.

"So, this is the last exam?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked, scratching his head.

"Do you want to end your college life by strength?" Pointing to the answer on the table, Guan Ming said, self-evident.

"Of course, I learned it by my real ability!" Mu Xiaoxiao's expression looked right with a chest.

Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming didn't want to care about these trivial matters with her, and groaned, and said, "This time I estimate that the pressure on the head is a bit high, so I just want you to hurry up and handle the affairs of Zhong Qiming. University, there is always a finish At the same time, it will be the same after you finish your studies in the morning and evening. You will get your diploma and degree certificate on time. "

"Oh, okay." Bianbian mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao replied somewhat discouraged.

Although she is usually stupid, but after all, she is not really stupid. She can talk about Guan Ming, which means that things have reached a certain level. Maybe Guan Ming can't stop it, maybe the country can't stop it, but no matter who it is, Living means that Mu Xiaoxiao cannot help but she is the weakest chicken.

Mu Xiaoxiao is content to be able to read such a long time after giving birth to his children. Although he has not been able to begin and end, he can at least have the opportunity to remember such a time in the years to come.

"Don't feel sorry?" Guan Ming was somewhat surprised to see the stupid daughter-in-law who did not sing.

Guan Ming didn't want to let his daughter-in-law have any regrets. Although he didn't have much research on psychology, he found that problem solving was a very easy process. Guan Ming still wanted to enlighten her.

Although I have been a tutor before, I have n’t done it manually, which is quite regrettable.

Now I have the opportunity to be a psychiatrist, and it is not impossible for everyone to play the game of doctors and patients. Anyway, Guan Ming refused to take a stethoscope. He was once pitted by Mu Xiaoxiao. He was obviously listening to the heartbeat with a thick chest. As a result, the cargo snorted into the stethoscope and almost did not scare Xiao Guanming.

"It's okay, it's just a bit sudden. In the future, you can just relax and maybe find something to do." Even if Guan Ming didn't think so complicated, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a grim expression, and his expression was a little puzzling. It is probably thinking about what to do in the future.

"Or else, take advantage of this opportunity to regenerate another?" Guan Ming was a lack of virtue, and when he saw that his daughter-in-law was okay, he began to think about his own affairs.

"Go, slowly, slowly, Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu haven't grown up. If you accidentally touch it, it will be miserable." Guan Ming gave a blank look, Mu Xiaoxiao said.

"It's okay. You can be optimistic about Xiao Xi. Xiao Yu is a lazy man." With a smile, Guan Ming came together and grabbed each other's waistline.

Even in winter, with the buff of the air conditioner, the room was very warm. They didn't wear much. The lower abdomen was flat. Compared with Guan Ming's belly, Mu Xiaoxiao's belly was a little firmer.

"That won't work, wait for Xiao Xi Xiaoyu three ... at the age of four, and then get pregnant at the age of four, and then they will become a five-year-old younger sister, then they can take care of the younger brother and sister, and when the child is older, 5 years old is also a very good point of time. Xiao Xi Xiaoyu is so smart that he will make up lessons for his younger brothers and sisters, and then take care of their lives ... "Nestled in Guan Minghuai, Mu Xiaoxiao Barabara said non-stop, interest very high.

Guan Mingyuan thought it would be a picture of persuasion, but in the end, it became a fantasy of the future.


On January 5th, Guan Ming's plane took off from the Shanghai stock market. Guan Ming took the four emperors and his wife and daughter and began to do emperor.

Guan Ming is not a star, and there is no follow-up by fans. No one even mentioned the incident from Guan Ming to the imperial capital, but there were still pick-ups.

Guan Ming did not know the person who picked up the plane. It was Zhou Wu who made the transfer in the past and confirmed his identity.

"Grandma, foreigner!" Lie on the window, Guan Mengxi's little flesh hand patted the window, looked at the street excitedly, the car was not moving fast, and it looked relatively clear from the inside.

"Well, it's really a foreigner, it's so dark ~" Looking along Guan Mengxi's little flesh, Guan Ma saw a black man walking on the street.

Guan Mengxi hasn't been out since birth, and even on the few days when she went to kindergarten, she walked on Guan Ming's site. This was the first time she saw a foreigner.

In the touring car, the men and women are divided into two groups, Guan Ming and his dad and Laozhangren sit and chat.

"It's too anxious, my dear, do you have any more beautiful clothes for me to change, this ... the scene is a bit big!" After looking at the schedule, Dad Mu scratched his head.

"There must be clothes, but let ’s not go this well ~ ~ Xiaoming, otherwise, let ’s talk about it, just you and Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxi Xiaoyu, four of us go to eat, four of us old guys It ’s the same where I eat. ”Scratching his head, Guan Dian's face hurts, and he continued thinking,“ The emperor is so big, right, I want to take my in-laws to stroll around. ”

"Yes, go to the Forbidden City, and now it is just free, let the driver take a detour, and let the four of us down at the Forbidden City." Mu Da said quickly.

"You can't make it. The scene is a bit bigger, but you have to adapt to it. Maybe there will be such a thing in the future." Looking at the performance of the two dads, Guan Ming still refused, although he understood them well.

Headed by the chief giant, led the giants at home to entertain the Guan Ming family, where the giants' offices were located.

It can be seen from the itinerary that after everyone eats, there will be someone to arrange a visit to the office of the giant. After all, whether it is a cultural or natural landscape, the most important thing is that the giants need to free up time and Guan Ming talked something else.

When it comes to taking photos with giants, it's a trivial matter.

"Also? I don't think there will be such a big scene anymore." After crossing his fingers over a certain line, he silently counted a few numbers in his heart, and he said with emotion.

"Left and right is also a matter of meals. It is probably meant to express closeness." Guan Ming is also not sure of the giants' thoughts. It stands to reason that it is already good for a giant to come and invite the housekeeper to eat. This home giant Come over, Guan Ming can only think of the Divine Comedy "忐忑".

When he saw the schedule made by the giants, he didn't know what expression to use to describe the feeling of holding the grass in his heart. You know, when the Austrian Heihe visited China, there was no such scene, and everyone They are all their own.

Another picture?

Guan Ming is not sure, but he knows there must be something in between.

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