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: 642 The wisdom expression of a wise woman (Six / twenty-four)

"She is a beautiful and intelligent woman, with an elegant smile, like the morning dew, making people quiet. Maybe she doesn't have the reputation and achievements that are widely known, but she has successfully captured them. Guan Ming's heart, using the knowledge she has learned, is applied to life, allowing Guan Ming to fall into love and marriage willingly. "

"Beauty and youth may be an important capital for a woman, but wisdom is the wealth throughout a person's life."

Holding the two babies, Mu Xiaoxiao read a newsletter aloofly and eloquently, with a flattering tone, full of emotions, as if recite Tagore's poems, and even his body was swinging back and forth with the sentence and tone.

"Mom, Mom, what are you learning? Fitness?" Catching the ball, Guan Meng Xi looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with his head in a dumb look, innocent.

Mu Xiaoxiao stiffened for a moment, she really wanted to shout aloud that her mother is studying history! It's history!

However, she feels that the little guy doesn't know what history is. Maybe it ’s easier to understand “history” instead of “history”, but what the **** is past learning!

"No, my mother learns to eat!" Looking at her stupid younger sister, Guan Mengyu frankly talked nonsense.

Near Zhu Zhechi, Guan Mengyu suddenly found that teasing her stupid old lady is also an activity that is good for physical and mental health!

"Oh, no wonder my mother eats more than me every time!" Guan Mengxi realized suddenly, then looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with admiration, as if the believer saw God, the expectant little eyes seemed to be full of immense light.

"Hey hey, to be precise, your mother learns to eat meat, and she has a hundred ways to eat meat." Guan Ming laughed indifferently, and also joked Mu Xiaoxiao very badly.

"Bite you!" Mu Xiaoxiao originally wanted to laugh, too childish, she couldn't be angry with a child so much!

But after hearing Guan Ming's words, she could only converge her smile, threatening Guan Ming, but she could still see a smile in the corner of her eyebrows.

"You two little guys, just say something ..." Guan Ma came over and wanted to take the two children away, talking at the same time, but he was interrupted by Guan Ming only after the words were finished.

"To be honest, Jing tell some big truth!" Guan Ming coaxed beside him.

Hearing Guan Ming's words, the management mother couldn't help but laughed, and even the management father and Mu Da Mu Mu over there laughed.

Seeing adults laugh, Guan Mengxi also giggled.

Do not resist, when the two children leave their arms, Mu Xiaoxiao jumped up immediately, as if the tiger down the mountain, is about to fight life and death with Guan Ming!

The fourth emperor was in front of him, and Guan Ming was not good at subduing the other with some inferior methods. Xiaoquan smashed his chest and his chest groaned, prompting Guan Ming to increase his pectoralis major muscles.

"Okay, don't make a noise, the children will talk and be so mischievous, your mother is so smart ~" Seeing the son-in-law's hammer, Mu's mother came over and opened Mu Xiaoxiao.

"Mom ~ he bullied me ~" Pulling a long note, the last word was gentle and changeable.

Holding Mu's hand, he swung back and forth as if he were a small child.

"It's time to clean up Guan Ming, and make Xiao Xiao angry every day." In front of her in-laws, Guan Ma also showed his attitude at this time, saying Guan Ming could be bullied.

"No more, no more, how about everyone packing up? Almost we're leaving." Seeing that the current situation has evolved into the stance of the four emperors hanging Guanming and his wife, Guanming quickly turned away from the topic.

"Let ’s just go back. Let ’s go home with Xiaoxiao first. I ’ll take your father-in-law and mother-in-law and Xiaoxi Xiaoyu to play here more often, and then go back when the New Year is coming.” Guan Dad didn't want to leave so early, to him In terms of changing places frequently, it ’s too tedious, and the schedule is tight.

"It hasn't been so bad these days. You have nothing to play with." Guan Ming shook his head with both hands and palms, his head was quite full, but unfortunately he didn't have a big back.

It is now mid-January 11th, and the Chinese New Year is on February 2nd. For the imperial capital, if you want to play it all for more than ten days, it is basically impossible. If you do n’t say anything, just say the Forbidden City. If you want to take a serious look at it, let's say it takes half a day. This is only the time spent playing in the Forbidden City.

In addition to the Forbidden City, there are too many places for the emperor to play. Tsinghua University, Peking University, Lama Temple, and the Summer Palace, Yuanmingyuan, and Grand View Garden. This kind of scenery has gone a lot. According to the schedule of Guan Dian's usual travel, one The emperor has been around for two months.

"Your family is right. Regardless of the length of time, stroll around. Then, your goal is a little big. You and Xiaoxiao go first, and we can relax here." Mu Da thought a little more, and also advised With Guan Ming.

Mu Da Mu Mu often collects information about Mu Xiaoxiao. Prior to today, the evaluation of Mu Xiaoxiao on the Internet was not high. Although it was only an evaluation on the Internet, it also represented the mentality of the public to a certain extent.

However, today, Mu Xiaoxiao has turned into a "smart woman". To be honest, Mu Damu, who has raised Mu Xiaoxiao for more than 20 years, was really kind when she saw the news ~ ~ because None of them felt that Mu Xiaoxiao was 'wise'.

Ever since Guan Ming was recruited as a home tutor, Mu Xiaoxiao has been stunned by the other party. Fortunately, Guan Ming is responsible, otherwise Mu Xiaoxiao may be hiding in which corner to cry.

Feeling that the evaluation of her own daughter has risen, Mu Da Mu Mu thinks it is better to create more time for the young couple to spend time alone.

The so-called subscription is not enough to make up, ah no, IQ is not enough to sleep to make up!

No matter if Mu Mumu or Dad is in charge of his mother, he is actually counting on grandsons and grandchildren!

Mu Xiaoxiao obviously didn't have to go to school, so the beautiful scenery is just the season for having children!

Even if they did not know each other, the four emperors of the famous earthquakes and rivers and lakes also knew each other and colluded with each other.

"There is a motorhome directly downstairs, uh ... well, then let Xiaoxiao and I go first." Seeing his father's angry expression, Guan Ming decisively counseled, although he once felt that expression was described as constipation Would be more appropriate.

However, I can't really say this kind of words, otherwise it will be easily constipated!

"Leave it upright, leave the RV, use it back, remember to fly the plane back again." Guan Dad nodded with satisfaction, and commanded the handsome scientist Guan Yanzu easily, pointing the battlefield like General Chang Sheng.

"Oh, then I'll dress up." Didn't wait for Guan Ming to say anything, getting used to the commanded 'smart woman' Mu Xiaoxiao, scratching his head, getting up, and returning to the room.

Seeing such an unhappy girl, Mu Da Mu Mu sighed heartily, they were very satisfied with Mu Xiaoxiao's current life and emotions, but they were also worried about her IQ.


It doesn't exist, it has been digested with mixed meat!

ps: should be updated here today, continue to cheer tomorrow! I'm the best!

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