Private Technology

: 649 stunned and dazed

Guan Ming rarely read other people's prepared speeches, mainly because most of them were new product release conferences. Regarding product data and other things, Guan Ming can do it clearly.

Similar to Zhong Qiming's press conference, Zhong Qiming had prepared a speech, but Guan Ming changed the scene. Because of the problem of Guan Ming's identity, Zhong Qiming would not deliberately ask Guan Ming for what he said.

To put it bluntly, when a person reaches a certain height, all the words he said are correct, they are success stories, they are all old-fashioned words.

Speaking at will will make people feel that this is a heartfelt remark and more sincere.

Nor does a regular speech make people feel embarrassed, it just feels that this is more sincere and more important.

Of course, the premise is that you can't do this frequently. If you make people irritable, then it is considered to be sky-high, but it is just the fuss of flying flies.

I haven't read this manuscript beforehand, but after reading it, Guan Ming will subconsciously give a judgment.

In his opinion, the content he read was nothing wrong, at most it was scattered and uncentered, typically one sentence after another, but after subconsciously looking at the text below, he found that things were not as he imagined It's that simple.

The first word of each sentence, when read in conjunction, is not so beautiful, it can even be said to be very vicious.

In the rest of the unread text, the first word in all paragraphs is connected, which is the text often written on a dollar.

For example, Guan Ming was constantly taking pictures and uploading videos to the Internet. Guan Ming felt that if he read the above, he would definitely not be able to take off his hat for publicizing anti-Party and anti-society.

Looking at the people in the venue, because of the distance, Guan Ming could not find the little Meng for the time being, while Liu Mengmeng and Mu Xiaoxiao were standing closer, so close to Guan Ming that Liu Mengmeng was smiling. , And Mu Xiaoxiao whispered.

"Well ... eat well, drink well, and have fun. My wife Mu Xiaoxiao, who is invited below, comes to the stage to speak." After the voice at the scene was a little quieter, Guan Ming nodded and said with a smile.

No one finds this surprising, because the other party is Guan Ming.

When they heard that the boss was about to come on stage, the employees whistled and applauded as if welcoming the stars to come on stage. In the eyes of the employees, the boss was more worthy of attention than the stars who were present today.

Because worshipping stars costs money to buy the surroundings, but worshipping the boss may be processing capital.

The dignified and beautiful long dress, although covering her shoulders, although not revealing much, but her outstanding figure still made people shine.

A reserved and elegant smile, with her own unique rhythm and rhythm, will always lead to more thoughts in life. Perhaps this is the added value brought by her identity and property. Of course, her own appearance is also necessary. of.

"Hello everyone, my name is Mu Xiaoxiao. For the first time, I ..." On the podium, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was very nice, lingering around his ears like a breeze, showing a warmth.

However, Guan Ming didn't care.

After seeing Liu Mengmeng, Guan Ming reached out and motioned for her to stop talking and beckoned at the same time. Zhou Wu, who was not far away, immediately came over and obeyed the instructions.

"You arrange a few people to help me control Liu Mengmeng's secretary, Xiao Meng." There was no one around, so Guan Ming didn't have to lower his voice on purpose, his expression was serious, while Liu Mengmeng on the side looked at the tube in surprise. Bright.

"A good boss, is there anything else?" Seeing Guan Ming's solemn expression, Zhou Wu realized that something might have happened, but after hearing Guan Ming's special name 'Liu Mengmeng', he also subconsciously looked To Liu Mengmeng, at the same time speculate in his heart whether Liu Mengmeng also committed a crime.

"Not needed for the time being, let Ma Qingyun come over and wait for her to accompany Xiaoxiao, Liu Mengmeng and I say something, uh ... you will follow me too." After looking at Liu Mengmeng, who was staggered, thought about it, Guan Ming Said.

Zhou Wu didn't ask why, just nodded, and then went out without a trace.

The eyes of the entire staff were focused on the podium, focusing on the beautiful woman.

Gestured at Liu Mengmeng, Guan Ming took the lead in going out.

Hitting a deer in her heart, Liu Mengmeng quickly followed in a daze, she didn't realize what was going on.

There is not only a lecture hall on the fourth floor. In fact, there is a larger lounge, but Guan Ming did not go to the lounge, but let the security guards in the corridor pull out, leaving a relatively secret space.

Standing still, Guan Ming stared at Liu Mengmeng's delicate little face, as if to see through her heart, but this was useless.

"Old, boss, I like women!" In a panic, Liu Mengmeng quickly lifted the collar of the suit up, and Zhou Wu, who returned and returned, grinned and was speechless.

Zhou Wu knew Liu Mengmeng's little hobby. In fact, as Guan Ming's people, Liu Mengmeng's information was not confidential information, but suddenly she said it was very painful.

For a few minutes, Liu Mengmeng couldn't think of Guan Ming's intention to control Xiaomeng. Is it the coveted beauty of Xiaomeng?

If you really like it, just tell me, I won't rob you!

Liu Mengmeng swallowed saliva subconsciously, supplementing his brain to make up Mu Xiaoxiao's speech on the fourth floor, and she was escorted by Zhou Wu to the seventh floor office, where she was then managed by Mingpa.

A chill, she felt so cracking when thinking about it, oh no, it was terrible! !!

"Did you prepare this speech?" Guan Ming ignored her teenager's heart (girlish heart?), But shook her speech ~ ~ and asked.

For a few minutes, Guan Ming also wanted to understand a lot of things. If he really wins this time, maybe he will still maintain the current state of life and rhythm, but the upper management will definitely have some small ideas for him, which is very important for Guan Ming. fatal.

Good impressions are constantly maintained, but bad impressions can be created in an instant. It's easy to get good and bad, and it's very difficult to get good.

Guan Ming needs to know if there is anything about Liu Mengmeng in it. To be precise, whether Liu Mengmeng actively participated in the rhythm of Hang Guanming.

"This is what I asked Xiaomeng to prepare. She has always been very careful. I ..." Liu Mengmeng also understood at this time that there should be something wrong with the speech, but she hadn't figured out the specifics, so there was something wrong with the words.

"Have you seen this speech?" Guan Ming asked politely, interrupting Liu Mengmeng.

"Uh ... I've seen it, but I think it should be in line with the boss's usual pace of speech, is it not in line with the boss's mind?" Liu Mengmeng said carefully.

Carefully observe Liu Mengmeng's expressions, movements, sentences and expressions, and Guan Ming's preliminary judgment, she should be unaware.

After thinking for a while, Guan Ming passed the speech and said, "The first word in each paragraph is connected, and I miss what it is."

Holding his shoulders, Guan Ming and Yu Guang saw the door of the lecture hall opened, and two security guards surrounded Xiao Meng and walked straight towards the elevator.

"Everyone read with me, retreat ..." The sound of a jam, Liu Mengmeng's forehead frantically exuded cold sweat.

"Zhou Wu, you accompanied Liu Mengmeng today and confiscated all her communication equipment. Even if she was going to the toilet, she couldn't get out of your sight." Sighed, Guan Ming shook his head and instructed.

Zhou Wu nodded a little, while Liu Mengmeng was at a loss, with some dry lips, but couldn't say anything.

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