Private Technology

: 652 Am I handsome?

Facing the same thing, different people's choices and coping styles are different. Just like looking at the same landscape, whether it is three-dimensional height or two-dimensional distance, or even the difference of light and shadow, it can also make people feel that only they can See the scenery.

Compared to the so-called interrogation, criminal psychology, etc., Guan Ming believes in technology more, and he believes in the technology in his hands.

In a deeper level, he still hopes that Liu Mengmeng will be able to weather the crisis smoothly, and it is precisely this that he will hold Liu Mengmeng instead of handing her over to the security office with Xiaomeng.

Although Guan Ming rarely comes to the company, although he pays little attention to the company, he knows that when people and things are handed over to the security office, that means throwing the matter up and throwing it to the top instead of him. deal with.

And this matter, serious treatment is certain.

"You should also understand the seriousness of this matter. Now on Weibo, all of us are envious of our company's reception news, and even have been searched on Weibo, and this matter is certainly overwhelming, I hope you It ’s unknowing, so I ’ll give you a chance. To be honest, this is my lie detector. Double Star will monitor your heartbeat, pulse and other physiological reactions. ”Pointing to this machine, Guan Ming said .

"Zhou Wu, you sat opposite her. I remember you had worked as a public security officer after you were discharged from the army. You came to observe her. Similarly, your conclusions will also affect her results, but I hope you remember that today and now The matter will form a complete video and document report, including you and Liu Mengmeng. I will sort out a document report when I look back. I need to submit it. "

"If Liu Mengmeng has no problems with you, this document, including our conversations later, will be a good promotion for you, but if you have problems, then ..."

Speaking of this, Guan Ming also shook his head and did not continue to say anything.

If she is really sick, let's say so, she basically has no way out on this land.

After all, this incident is not simply stealing a file, installing an eavesdropper or the like, but trying to drive Guan Ming to the death, which is to break the prospect of some domestic advanced technology.

"Well, I must be honest!" Her nose was a bit red, and her eyes were a bit red. She also knew that Guan Ming seemed to be indifferent, but she was actually grateful to save her.

Taking it together, looking at Zhou Wu who was sitting in front of him, he was also serious and could not see any thoughts.

"Did I write that speech, do you know what it contains?" After looking at Zhou Wu, he found that he was carefully observing Liu Mengmeng, Guan Ming asked.

"No, I did n’t write it because the reception was too hasty, so I made the whole and the work was detailed. Meng Liting is my secretary, and the copywriting is very good, so I asked her to write a speech And also let her refer to what you usually write in the speech. I have seen it afterwards, but I did n’t see that she was going to pit you. I really do n’t know the hidden content! ” Ming, said with some excitement.

Even the metal on the left hand was subconsciously ignored, the cold metal.

Nodded, Guan Ming did not say to her, but continued to ask: "Did Meng Liting come to the company, have you soaked her, or did anyone say hello when she entered the company?"

Regardless of who Meng Liting is, it is definitely a spy. There is no doubt that it is possible to make the spy into the position of Secretary Liu Mengmeng, which is not what ordinary people can do.

"No one said hello, and I wasn't prepared to soak her. The boss, you know, although I like women, I have basically stopped working at the company. In addition to looking for female college students, I have been looking for female stars in recent years. Later, Is n’t our company withdrawing from the international market? There are a lot fewer female celebrities abroad. I invested in our domestic live broadcast company, and then pushed some female students to promote them as internet celebrities. Meng Liting is really boring! I just I think she is strong and good-looking, so I use it in front of my eyes, but just want to see the beauty in my free time! "Blushing, Liu Mengmeng said.

Not because she was shy, but because she was speaking too fast, and she spoke all of her words only once, probably because of insufficient oxygen to the brain, which caused hormones, oh no, qi and blood.

The corners of her eyes were twitching, Guan Ming was really speechless about her previous behavior.

This also knows how to use ‘them’ to describe, your sister, the woman I ’ve slept together in my two lifetimes is estimated that you have n’t slept much a year!

Hearing Liu Mengmeng's words, Zhou Wu also really feels the egg hurts. It may be difficult to fall in love with the same gender, but it is not difficult to make soy oil. If you go to a bath room, it ’s all oil!

However, he did not forget his work. He has been observing Liu Mengmeng's movements, tone, speed of speech, tone and expression, which also includes the corners of his mouth and the width of his eyebrows, including whether his eyes are dodging, and whether there are additional small actions.

With the growth of Guanming Company, in fact Zhou Wu has also received additional training, and the content is very complicated. For example, how to determine whether a passerby is threatening ~ ~ And able to block bullets skillfully and decisively when critical.

Rubbing his brain, Guan Ming thought for a moment and said, "Am I handsome?"

In fact, there are only two questions he needs to ask. First, is the speech related to her? Is it active or passive?

Second, she has no relationship with Meng Liting.

If it is said that the speech has something to do with her, specifically if she gives Guan Ming the meaning of the speech, she can only turn in her and enjoy the treatment of the panda, and close the cage directly. Exhibition for a lifetime.

If it doesn't matter, if it's just passive participation and no knowledge, then everything is okay.

The second question is the same.

However, the judgment of Double Star needs to compare the data, as if everyone knows that red plum smoke is better than Chinese tobacco is a concept, because there is a price for comparison.

For Liu Mengmeng, a separate individual, Double Star needs to collect more data for comparison, so Guan Ming is also prepared to ask some obvious questions.

Stuck, this time changing to Liu Mengmeng's eyes, she didn't know what to say at this time. If there is no lie detector, then she is definitely flying wildly.

But when it comes to her life in the second half of her life, she opened her mouth and wondered what to say.

"To be honest!" Pointing at the polygraph, Guan Ming said calmly.

"That ... not ugly ..." She shrunk her shoulders, her voice was low, and she was still eager to show something, but now she is a big quail.

ps: Thanks to the book lover 20171001122249948, Xiaoyao Hengdao, the book lover 160101200754633, tea & # 29483 ;, Mu Xue also gave a reward, thanks for your support! !!

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