Private Technology

: 655 loyalty

After chatting with Ding Zhi, Guan Ming retreated.

Although he had the thoughts and behaviors of Liu Mengmeng, Guan Ming said that she still had to bear the mistakes she made, at least to let her know what it was to be afraid.

Don't watch Liu Mengmeng's trial, let her first be frightened.

After talking with Ding Zhi, Guan Ming pondered for a moment and decided to sit there with the big brother in Shanghai.

Although he did not contact the Shanghai stock market boss after the incident, he knew that the Shanghai stock market boss must know this matter and pay attention to it.

In addition to reporting peace, Guan Ming also wanted to intercede with Liu Mengmeng. Some things should be done sooner rather than later. In the event that a decision has been made, Guan Ming has little room to operate.

"Yesterday was scary enough," said the gangster in a ridiculous smile on his face.

You need to be hard to play the iron. Guan Ming is also a baby egg in the eyes of her head. It is also a kind of tofu. She is afraid of being broken when she blows her breath.

Although it scared everyone this time, from the perspective of divestiture, it is also a rare warning to administer it without any bad results.

Secret situation has experienced a lot for big brothers and giants, but Guan Ming is different. At least his current age is still far worse in terms of life experience.

Guan Ming also knew his weaknesses.

The years combined in two lifetimes may be as small as 40, but just like Mu Xiaoxiao, the growth of human thought is actually closely related to the surrounding environment, rather than simply summed up in years.

This is why the gap between first-time employees and those who have been working for two or three years is obvious. It is not just the work process, technology, etc., but also the level of ideology.

"Fortunately, I have a quick response. In the future, I still have to do it myself." Guan Ming did not mind being ridiculed and sighed.

"Hum, do it yourself? You want to make more of it yourself." He snorted artificially, and the big man continued to say, "Ding Zhi just called me and said you want to protect Liu Mengmeng. What's wrong? What happened? "

Brother time is also very precious. After seeing that Guan Ming's look has not changed, he asks specific things.

"Liu Mengmeng, like me, belongs to the pit. I use her more habitually. Although I can't deny that she has a problem, she can't hide her flaws. I think this lesson has made her realize her mistake I believe that when she returns to her original post, she will definitely pay attention to this issue. "

Guan Ming organized the language a bit and said.

"Original post? Um ... I can understand your thoughts. Although your company shouldn't say anything to me, the position of that general manager actually has too many secrets. It's you, me, yes. Everyone doesn't want to disclose the secrets. I don't think Liu Mengmeng is the best choice. "The boss took a deep breath and looked at Guan Ming very seriously.

As soon as Guan Ming left Ding Zhi's office, Ding Zhi immediately called the boss to report work, so the boss also knew what Guan Ming was thinking.

Whether it is controlled nuclear fusion that does not yet have a stable fuel source, human brain chips that are expanding production and confidentiality, or artificial intelligence in the hands of Guan Ming.

In fact, the requirements of the company's general manager are very simple. In addition to professional ethics, more needs to gain the trust of the management and the upper levels.

However, the company is actually not directly controlled by the upper management, at least in terms of personnel, but this does not mean that it has not recruited Guan Ming from the top, but whether it is now or in the future, it will still treat Guan Ming with Huairou means. It is easy to not directly issue an order or anything.

"I know your concerns are clear to me, but this is not a perfect way to deal with it, of course, provided that Liu Mengmeng is really unaware, but I believe she is unaware. I reviewed her yesterday. With a polygraph, there must be no problem technically. "Leaning forward slightly, Guan Ming said looking at the giant.

"Then I was thinking at night, thinking about how to deal with this matter, and finally I thought about the human brain chip. Although I didn't pay much attention to the follow-up of the human brain chip during this time, I think I have already paid attention to the human brain chip. I ’m happy with some of the features. "

"You mean ... loyal?" Hesitated, the gang asked back.

In fact, when the housekeeper went to Didu to eat with the giants, the giants already felt it. Perhaps Guan Ming didn't dig deep into the later application of the human brain chip, but his knowledge of the human brain chip is absolutely better than everyone else. Imagine.

After all, Guan Ming is a developer, and he can make some predictions about the products he develops.

Guan Ming once said that he didn't want his child to install a human brain chip immediately after he reached adulthood, and gave his own explanation. Perhaps there is no contradiction in that explanation, but who doesn't want his children to succeed?

In the eyes of the giants, Guan Ming refused to let his children install it for one reason: Guan Ming knew that in addition to the beneficial side of the human brain chip, there was actually a harmful side.

At present, the country ’s use of human brain chips has been extended to the private sector ~ ~ Last time, reemployment of laid-off workers caused by the removal of illegal and illegal foreign companies has now entered the society, as if Each loach is writhing under invisible waters, and maybe one day a hydrating dragon will emerge.

There are two main reasons why you are so relieved.

First, the human brain chip is monitored by network satellites in real time. Although the artificial intelligence contributed by Guan Ming is relatively low-level compared to Double Star, it is definitely a technology product that kills the world and leads the world by dozens or even hundreds of years. Quantitative data calculation, this artificial intelligence can monitor all the people who have installed human brain chips at any time, and judge whether they have dangerous thoughts.

Second, the country can use the human brain chip to strengthen the patriotism of the installed people. Although it cannot reach the situation of being overpowered when it thinks of jeopardizing the motherland, it can continue to affect people's thinking through data. Perhaps this effect is It is very small, but people have been too long in their lifetime, and even a small amount can create a patriot.

The above two reasons can be summarized into two words, which is 'loyalty'.

I believe in the loyalty of people who install the human brain chip, so they secretly expand the number of human brain chip installations, and they are not limited to military and political aspects.

"Yes, although I do n’t have detailed data, I know that the human brain chip actually has a lot of potential to be tapped in this area. After the controlled nuclear fusion and the human brain chip are exposed, I will actually be attacked by the US side The forces are more concerned. In the future, I hope that I can have a generalist to build a relatively safe perimeter, and a generalist who is loyal to me to help me manage the company. "

Yes, Guan Ming wants someone who is loyal to himself, not to the country.

From this point of view, the fart is the best choice, because the fart itself is also a self-hypnotic process.

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