Private Technology

: 657 The future?

With money, you can be free.

With money, you can do whatever you want.

On Guan Ming, the role of money is fully reflected.

If Guan Ming has no money, maybe he will take scientific research as a job, or maybe he will not take the path of scientific research, but will do something else to make money to support his family.

The boss talked a lot, and talked a lot with Guan Ming, including the construction progress of the so-called small, middle, and high experimental schools. Send it to school, etc.

Until Guan Ming left, the big brother thought for a while, and then called his giant to report the content of this chat with Guan Ming, mainly Guan Ming's thoughts and mentality.

The chat just now wasn't all nonsense. Instead, I talked about the changes in Guan Ming's mentality through chatting.

I do n’t know if he ’s being tricked by Guan Ming. The company has Sun Yanan to support it, as long as it doesn't go bankrupt, it will take Liu Mengmeng to handle it.

Although Guan Ming didn't go to work in the afternoon, Guan Ma still felt that Guan Ming's performance was very good today. At least after two or three months in the house, she also knew that she had to go to work early.

Sitting in the study, there was a document on the table, and Guan Ming was a little lost, and didn't know what he was thinking.

My mother-in-law seemed to have eaten too much at noon. I was almost in the toilet this afternoon, and my grandparents ran out to play again. Dangling in Guan Ming's eyes.

In the middle of boredom, Guan Mengyu saw the document on the table, and then looked up with interest. As for her younger sister, she was ignored by her. Anyway, she didn't like hard plastic ducklings, just like Guan Meng. Xi doesn't like to eat blueberry jam, even if they are twins, but each has their own personality.

"Type 1 diabetes? Do you have this disease?" Looking up, looking at his own dad, Guan Mengyu looks like he is mentally retarded in the later stage, and his expression is filled with ‘caring for the intellectually disabled is responsible’.

"Go, while I was playing, I didn't get sick." Guan Ming poked her tickling meat with her finger and said angrily.

Got sick? In addition to obesity is an incurable disease in my life, I have nothing left!

"Then how do you look at this thing? With type 1 diabetes, there is no possibility of cure at the current level of technology." A glance at her younger sister revealed that she was still playing with herself. Unbridled chat with Guan Ming.

"I know it's bad, it's a pity." Shaking his head, Guan Ming said with emotion.

Maybe everyone is pursuing beauty, even if Guan Ming doesn't intend to derail, but seeing a beautiful mm pits himself because of affection, and the culprit is this illness, his mood is also complicated and changeable. The little princess hiding in the inner castle probably strolled out again.

"Is it the beauty of your company? If my mother knew it, it would be very sad!" Guan Mengyu looked at Guan Ming with a serious look.

Although Mu Xiaoxiao is stupid, to Guan Mengyu, no matter how stupid is her own mother in this life, and still very good mother, she did not want to make Mu Xiaoxiao sad.

"Don't plant me, or you'll be thrown in the toilet and let you know that even your beautiful mother-in-law, the **** is stinky! And it's a man who is ill, why isn't there any beauty? Guan Ming warned her, otherwise she really whispered something behind her, and Guan Ming's fun would be great.

When she was joking, Mu Xiaoxiao would have a rocket mallet, but if something really sad happened, she would probably cry.

"Cut ~" Skimming his mouth, even though Meng Yu didn't talk back, after all, she knew her own dad.

Do n’t overestimate Guan Ming ’s lower limit of martial arts, let alone Mu Xiaoxiao shit. Even when she took a bath, Guan Mengyu saw him run through the bathroom. It was probably not impossible to put her in the toilet. Things.

Seeing that Guan Ming didn't talk, Guan Mengyu looked at the information again, and it was a little bit itchy. After thinking about it, he looked up at Guan Ming and said, "Do you need my help? In my case, there is still something to be done in this regard. Type 1 diabetes It's a bit more research. "

"Huh? Are you on the drug side?" Guan Ming froze for a moment and looked at the little pink-carved little guy carefully, very skeptical.

"Not just drugs, I was actually a scientist in my last life, but it ’s not the same direction as you. Although I know about computers, I am more inclined to biochemistry. Well ... I have also dissected corpses, and you want to learn more about them. What? "She raised her eyebrows deliberately, provocatively, after all, she also knew her father's likes and dislikes.

"Scientist? Just you?" A hand held her collar, looked left and right, Guan Ming looked suspiciously at this little thing.

"Of course, I'm still a very powerful one!" After being lifted up, Guan Mengyu stood on the table, and his little hand patted Guan Ming's arm vigorously, and he scorned his mouth in disgust.

It can be seen that she despised Guan Ming's behavior.

"It just happened that your old lady went to the pit, and carefully said, what was your last name, I will look it up, if you are really a scientist, then I will consider giving you the opportunity to experiment ~ ~ or even It ’s a lab built for you, and you've probably been stunned for years. ”Holding his shoulders, Guan Ming thought for a moment, and said with a serious expression.

Habit is a kind of inertia that runs through human life, whether it is hobbies or work, when a person is used to something for a long time, it will become difficult to change.

For scientific researchers, there may be hobbies such as star chasing and ktv, but these are always just adjustments in life, and scientific research is an indispensable existence throughout their lives.

After hearing Guan Ming's words, Guan Mengyu's eyes seemed to light up for a moment, but unfortunately it dimmed.

"Can't say, anyway, I have drugs that can improve patients with type 1 diabetes. Although they can't cure them, they are definitely better than the mainstream drugs at the moment." .

"You have seen your father and my forces. Let ’s put it this way, even if you have caused a terrible disaster in your last life, I can handle it on this land. After all, I wo n’t say anything about you. Go out. "Guan Ming still remembers her excuses, but Guan Mengyu, as a woman (girl) who was once embraced by the giants, as long as she is not anti-human, Guan Ming does not think her trouble is greater than his own.

"Uh ... I still can't say it." Hesitantly, Guan Mengyu shook his head again and again.

"Future man?" Guan Ming asked for a moment, thinking for a moment.

Scientific research is inherited and orderly, just like drugs, they are all from inferior to high quality, and finally to cure. Since Guan Mengyu said that Haikou is better than the current mainstream drugs, Guan Ming can only think that this drug comes from the future. Drugs that belong to ages may be relatively short in age, maybe five years, ten years, or even 20 years later.

"... Almost." Frowning for a moment, Guan Mengyu nodded, believing Guan Ming's conjecture.

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