Private Technology

: 659 collision between now and the future

"I don't recommend that Guan Ming has a person who is only loyal to himself. In this world, no one is absolutely loyal to anyone, and even in the human brain chip system that has been promoted, there is a way to check and balance the giants."

"The concentration of power will swell people's mindset, and we should handle this matter with caution." The general giant said, expressing his attitude.

The total number of giants is singular. This is to make it as easy as possible to avoid 'draw' when raising hands. Of course, the giants also have the power of the giants. .

"The problem is that in terms of technology, we do not have the same level of beauty as Guan Ming, and even the analysis of human brain chips and artificial intelligence are performed in the context proposed by Guan Ming. We should not just look at At present, without looking at the future, Guan Ming is too young. We are so young that we are not sure what cross-generation products he will develop in the future. "The giant in charge of technology said while turning his pencil.

The general giant represents the present and the most powerful person in this session, while the giant in charge of technology represents the future and represents the next important figure.

Now confronting the alternatives in the future, the rest of the giants are silent, waiting for the third giant to speak, and waiting for the next highest rights holder to speak.

In fact, for the existence of Guan Ming, only the person in power knows what it means, and only the person with the highest power is qualified to judge what.

The world is so big that the giants can't say what they say, but they are not keyboard heroes. Every sentence, every thought, and even every thought and look of the giants continues to influence downward.

With the popularization of human brain chips, this impact will be passed on completely and clearly, and there will be no violations. In this context, as an independent developer of human brain chips, a scientist less than 30 years old , Becomes the cornerstone of the entire system, the unshakable cornerstone.

What attitude to stabilize Guan Ming is a topic that is inevitable for all giants now and in the future, but also a long-term and important topic.

In fact, from a certain perspective, Guan Ming is just a national treasure in a cage, but the cage that holds him is very large, as large as 9.6 million square kilometers is not enough, the iron bars are very thick, even the giants are Turned into an iron bar, and came in close contact with Guan Ming.

"From Guan Ming's previous resume, he is an outstanding patriotic scientist and a scientist dedicated to scientific research. Perhaps he has many problems, but I believe that such a large country can still hold the next Guan Ming Maybe we are very difficult to deal with Guan Ming, but everyone is not an isolated individual, parents, wives and children, these are important factors affecting Guan Ming, virtue is the best choice, do not forget How early are the two daughters of Guan Ming, after all, a few of us have also been in close contact. "After looking around, the next head of the giant said.

"I'm not sure if Guan Ming's genes in scientific research have been inherited, but I can only say that Guan Ming's two daughters should have outstanding performance in the future. Now Guan Ming may be a very good scientist. In the future, perhaps the Guan Ming family will be a family of scientists. At least before Guan Ming's death, no one can ignore his scientific research capabilities. We should also consider how to make Guan Ming continue to provide scientific and technological support for the country. Ten years of technology support! "

After speaking, the next general giant pouted and looked at his colleagues.

As the election approaches, the mentality of the giants is also divided into two types, one is to seek stability to ensure the current power, and the other is to ensure the scientific research progress and stability of Guan Ming.

Undoubtedly, the giants who will continue to be on duty in the next term are all more radical. They believe that it is not impossible to control the management. All they need is support within the scope, and emotional **** is needed.

"How is the research on Guan Ming's genetics?" The chief giant thought for a moment and asked.

"Although the domestic gene map has been drawn, the current technology has not been able to accurately measure the Guanming gene. Judging from the current level of scientific research, it may not be able to break through in ten years. I personally recommend that Guanming be as much as possible. Health, at least based on the current situation, there may be a few more scientists, maybe. "The giant in charge of technology said jokingly.

The country has implemented family planning for a long time. Otherwise, there will be an extra brother or sister in the morning. However, multiple births are no longer within the scope. At the same time, because of so many years of family planning, the current age ratio of the population in China is also a bit imbalanced. Promoting second birth is already a topic on the agenda.

Although even the giants have only one child, they have no objection to Guan Ming having more lives. Regardless of the fine, at least eugenics and excellent education can still be reflected in Guan Ming, even if this is a joke.

At the giant meeting, everyone's words are very cautious, because every sentence will be carefully analyzed by everyone, and then judged.

Everyone can see that the giant in charge of technology insists on Guan Ming's attitude.

Guan Ming didn't know that he wanted Guan Ming to have more births ~ ~ In fact, Guan Ming was only ready to regenerate one, and it was better to be a son, if he was a girl, it didn't matter.

Ten months of pregnancy, subsequent breastfeeding, and so on, actually consume Mu Xiaoxiao's prosperous age, as well as Guan Ming's age.

Before reaching a certain age, Guan Ming's views on sons and daughters are no different. Compared with children, he cares more about his parents and daughter-in-law.

The sky was bright, Guan Ming was woken up by Guan Mengyu.

The little guy was wearing little pajamas, holding Rhubarb, and opened the bedroom door controlled by Double Star.

The moment he opened the door, Guan Ming was awakened, not sure whether he was old or the physiological reflection of the human body. He sat upright, like a zombie in the movie.

Chaoyang passed through the curtains to make the light more hazy, and her fair skin was not blocked in any way, leaking in the eyes of two uninvited guests, Guan Ming stumbled at the direction of the door.

Seeing the rhubarb sticking his tongue out and the rain in his pajamas, there was no sound like a ghost, and he stood so stupidly at the door.

After about a second or two, Guan Ming's cold sweats almost came down, and it seemed like Sadako appeared again.

If it hadn't been for his response, he would almost have called out a dolphin!

"I'm dizzy, why are you here so early?" Said angrily, and when he turned down, Guan Ming lay directly in bed, ready to sleep.

"Get up, the sun is basking in the sun." Guan Mengyu said milkily, stepping on the flesh of Rhubarb, Guan Mengyu climbed to the bed laboriously, and then sat beside Mu Xiaoxiao with one butt.

Because Guan Ming suddenly got up, and the thin covering Mu Xiaoxiao's upper body was lifted off. Guan Mengyu looked at the slick mother-in-law of the upper body. She couldn't help wrinkling her nose and wondering what she was thinking ...

ps: 唔 ~ It ’s Guan Mengyu who ingested knowledge, and Mu Xiaoxiao ingested the posture, so it must be knowledge ~

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