Private Technology

: Six hundred and sixty-two (Happy New Year!)

It is unexpected for Guan Mengyu to get a second life. Although she regrets that she is a younger sister, she is very happy to think that she still has an older sister, even if the older sister is only bigger than herself Just a few minutes.

Guan Mengyu once conceived that if her sister is not smart, is not a lady, is not a small family, and the problem is not big, since this blood relationship, then her sister is a big fool, and she wants to Take care of Miss Sister forever!

However, the subsequent development was beyond the expectation of Guan Mengyu ...

"Woohoo ~ sister, I thought you lost it, you have to follow your sister!" Guan Mengxi was crying, holding a pair of her short pants and a leg tied to Guan Mengyu's right wrist, The other leg was tied to his left wrist and could be understood as 'arrest'.

"I didn't lose it. I went to play with my dad." Guan Mengyu took a poke at his face and let his tears go down.

The tears were not Mengyu's own, but Mengxi's, the snot tears were all on her face, she was speechless, but could not beat her younger sister, mmp, mad!

"Also, don't be so naive, you won't be able to eat for a while." Raising her right hand, her wrist was tied into a big bun, which was also relatively heavy for her more than two years old.

"It's okay, I'll feed you for a while!" Suddenly sucking his nose, Guan Mengxi said with a serious face, and at the same time he pulled his left hand, Guan Mengyu, like Ruyan returning to his nest, was caught by Guan Meng Xi's arms.

"Sister, don't worry, my sister will take care of you!" Looking at the little guy in his arms, Guan Mengxi issued his first vow in his life.

God wants you to take care of it! Take your face off first! My nose is running on my face!

Eyelids fluttered, Guan Meng looked blankly at his father.

Whistling deliberately, Guan Ming looked at the other direction, but Mu Xiaoxiao, who had wanted to rescue Guan Mengyu, was pinched by his thin waist and could not escape.

In other words, under the premise of not harming Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao could not escape at all.

"Okay, I'm going to have lunch, Xiao Xi, take my sister to wash her hands first, then go to the restaurant ~" No way, Mu Xiaoxiao can only remotely control his big girl.

"Huh!" Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Mengxi nodded heavily, then loosened the pipe, and ran to the toilet happily.

Just like walking a dog, Guan Meng trot ran to keep up, and the small pants connecting the two were hung in the air with some tension.

After seeing the two daughters entering the toilet, Mu Xiaoxiao gave Guan Ming a grimace, and then opened him with one butt. The black leggings made her figure look better, but this beautiful woman needed to prepare Meals are, to be precise, meals delivered from the company kitchen on the table.

"Hello there."

"Oh, that's how it is."

"Okay, then in the afternoon, just send her over."

"Well, that troubles you."

After hanging up the phone, Guan Ming continued to eat his food, but he didn't take the call seriously.

"Is there something in the afternoon?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked, swallowing the food in his mouth.

I was struggling to get rid of the spoon that reached in front of me. When I heard it, I looked at Guan Ming. Although I was stuffed with a meal, how can I say it? Although one person and one mouth are very harmonious, but this meal she I ate enough of my sister's saliva!

However, as to whether she will go to the laboratory again this afternoon, she can only take another bite of her sister's saliva, in order to prevent her from continuing to trouble herself.

"Some thing, in the afternoon, you take the two little guys." Guan Ming nodded and said.

"Well, I have nothing to do anyway ~" Mu Xiaoxiao said indifferently. From a time perspective, this belongs to the winter vacation. From the nature of her work, she is unemployed and will not have to go to school in the future. Of course, a degree The school certificate will be issued.

"Feeling boring?" How much can Mu Xiaoxiao feel at the moment, Guan Ming looked up, looked at his daughter-in-law, and asked.

"It's okay, it just feels like there is nothing to do." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao showed a stupid smile, probably trying to let Guan Ming care less.

"Let me think about it, there seems to be an animation show in Guangzhou in a few days. If you want to go, you can check it out." Guan Ming carefully thought about a document summarized by Shuangxing years ago, about Mu Xiaoxiao last year One year of big data analysis, in this, out of the projects, she most inquired about the animation festival, second only to Japan's 'Akihabara'.

"Guangzhou, it's too far away, I still can't go." Although there was envy in her eyes, Mu Xiaoxiao reasonably refused. After all, she was not in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. If she was abroad, she might just play a trip. Consumption is certainly not small, the most important thing is that she does not want to be found by outsiders.

Think about it, if the news suddenly said that the wife of Guan Ming, the most famous scientist of this century, appeared at a certain animation exhibition, and also cos personalities, maybe ordinary people would think that Mu Xiaoxiao was too earthy, but the more real people probably He will oppose Mu Xiaoxiao's behavior, and even with it, he probably reprimands Guan Ming, saying that his family should not handle it properly.

With a smile, Guan Ming hasn't said anything. It's not yet the 15th day of the first month. Don't worry, for Guan Ming ~ ~ The most important thing is the afternoon.


On the third floor, Guan Ming looked at the two people in front of him, namely Liu Mengmeng and Ding Zhi.

Guan Ming's idea was finally approved, but it was not smooth in the middle. At least several giants also called to tell him the result of the incident, and then joked that he would save him some snacks and so on.

"Secretary Ding should have told you before, you still have a chance to repent." After inviting the two to sit down, Guan Ming looked at the shy woman in front of him and said.

The human brain chip may be perfect in the eyes of outsiders, but in Guan Ming's eyes, there are actually flaws.

"Now that it is decided, don't go back, no matter what the results of this human experiment are, it is also my right to dedicate myself to your boss for your scientific research." Liu Mengmeng looked at Guan Ming with a complex expression, regardless of Guan Ming Whether you want to cut a waist or a pair of waists, that's what happened to Liu Mengmeng. After all, I can rarely sleep women anyway.

She has already thought about it. No matter what the content of this human experiment is, if she can be intact, then Liu Mengmeng really owes Guan Ming one more time. If she is disabled, then do n’t say grace and justice, but at least they are different. owe!

"Ah? This ... didn't you tell her in detail?" After a moment's stun, Guan Ming looked at Ding Zhi a little squarely and said.

"This kind of thing must be something you say. I just said her. She has the opportunity to choose a human experiment project led by you." Ding Zhi smiled and looked at Guan Ming.

The same sentiment is more valuable to Guan Ming than to Liu Mengmeng, even if the sentiment is not great.

ps: Thank you Louis 123 for your reward and thank you for your support!

New Year's Day today, I wish you all a Happy New Year!

This is the first day of this year, this is the first month of this year, I hope everyone can have a new and better life in the new year!

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