Private Technology

: Six hundred and seventy-four thousand

Although Guan Ming ’s performance at the press conference made a lot of heartaches for the houseless people who did n’t have girlfriends, everyone ’s eyes were mostly on which scientific research products Guan Ming did n’t name.

At present, the global population is billions, and there are many types of non-amputing paralysis, including muscle problems, nerve problems, and bone problems.

There are many types of paralysis that cannot be said to be terminally ill, because people still live to old age, but this is only normal life to old age.

Although Guan Ming made it clear that this product is still under development and at the same time not sure when it will be successful, the outside world is full of confidence in Guan Ming. Even Hawking made a statement using his special wheelchair. He hopes that Guan Ming can complete the scientific research project as soon as possible. Looking forward to Guan Ming's new product.

"Are you sure this thing is easy to use?" Standing next to Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming shook the test tube in his hand. The inside of the solution was a translucent solution, showing a light yellow, carbonated beverage a little like lemon, and then diluted with water. a feeling of.

But without the bubbles he envisioned, at least from a certain point of view, Guan Mengyu did not come up with anything strange.

"You are questioning a professional. If you want to know the specific content, I don't mind explaining it." Dead fish looked at Guan Ming, Guan Mengyu pouted and did not want to talk nonsense.

You know, she was a professional in biochemistry in her last life, and this kind of configuration is not difficult for her. Even in her life, she can develop black technology that is no less than Guan Ming.

But to be honest, the previous life and this life are really two worlds for Guan Mengyu, and human experiments may be performed in the middle, because her psychology is also unremarkable in this regard.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, Meng Yu thinks she has a lot of opportunities, especially her dad still has such a powerful force. The most important thing is that this experiment can verify whether the humans in the two worlds are universal.

If there is commonality, then Guan Mengyu can tell Guan Ming very responsibly that her future achievements must not be weaker than Guan Ming.

If it is not general, then her workload will be heavy. First of all, it is necessary to analyze which aspects are the same and which aspects are different. At the same time, reorganize the medicament for the same and different points. By the way, take a look. Are there any differences in pharmaceuticals?

Although she was an individual in her last life, and her society was also a human society, this does not mean that the genes of the yellow race and the yellow race are the same, especially human beings that span two worlds.

"I personally recommend you to find a personal test, a medicament. It worked well in my last life, but in this life I'm not sure. It's better to transport people here, oh ... it's fine, it's not convenient for me to ship here. But it's better to collect all the data of this person and send it to me. I need to take a look at it. "Holding the small shoulder, probably the hand is short, and two small meat hands are holding the biceps. To prevent small hands from falling down.

"So, I still need to find a person with type 1 diabetes?" Guan Ming carefully lowered the test tube and asked.

"Are you going to let me find it?" Guan Mengyu looked at his father with a ridiculous look. His mother is less than three years old asshole!

Guan Ming: "..."

Lao Tzu is a scientist in physics, so why don't I go to find a test subject!

Aren't you professional? Need an egg experiment!

"Your last file was also a patient report. Isn't there just one patient?" Guan Mengyu reminded him weakly.

There is no way, although Guan Mengyu really wants to blunt the **** with Guan Ming, but after all, she grew up eating steward rice ...

"... Okay, I'll try it." Frowning and thinking, Guan Ming a little bit, it is considered to recognize Guan Mengyu's words.

Just to which brother of the passive pit sister would he agree with this experiment? Guan Ming had no idea.

It is not to say that it is necessary to find Meng Liting's elder brother. There are not many other people in China. It is really difficult to find a few patients with type 1 diabetes. Under the name of Guanming, I believe that there must be a lot of mice voluntarily hooked. .

But how to say it, Guan Ming probably still has the idea of ​​being kind to others.

Now there is no criminal law for sitting at this age. Here, Meng Liting is sent in, but Meng Liting's family has nothing to do. If the Meng family really jumps out a crossing passenger in the next generation or the next two generations, it is also a case for Guan Ming. Trouble, the most important thing is that Guan Ming still thinks that Meng Liting is not bad.

In recent years, I have seen more news about the collapse of property brothers and sisters. Leng Buding has a situation of pitting others for the health of his brother. It is probably another kind of positive energy. Of course, if Guan Ming is not pitted.

"I will arrange this later. The problem should be small. If you are late, go home. If it is too late, be careful your sister will hold your head to kill you!" Raising his hand and looking at the time, Guan Ming told the truth ~ ~ As if thinking back to the fear of being dominated by my younger sister, Guan Mengyu shivered, not much nonsense. He controlled the children's wheelchair and followed Guan Ming.

After a while, the lights on the third basement floor went out.

Butler, Liu Mengmeng was summoned, with joy on his face, and scratched the little sister's head with one hand.

"Do you want auntie?" With a smile, Liu Mengmeng gently adjusted the door.

"Hey ~" He got down, but Guan Mengxi wasn't annoyed, he just looked at Liu Mengmeng with a smile, then pulled his expressionless sister and ran hand in hand to the special toy house on the first floor, where This is a small room made by Guan Ming for Guan Mengxi's younger sister, which is regarded as a game room.

"Don't talk nonsense first, find something for you." Seeing that she wanted to talk to Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming quickly interrupted the goods.

After all, the goods also acknowledged in person, she still had an attempt to Mu Xiaoxiao in her heart, after all, Green's own boss, just think about it.

Of course, when I admit it, the picture is very touching.

"Good boss, what's the matter?" Ban Mengmeng sat on the sofa and looked at Guan Ming earnestly.

Looking at the daughter-in-law who was seated, Guan Ming thought about it and did not avoid anything. He said, "I have a medicine for type 1 diabetes just studied. I know about Meng Liting. You arrange a hospital and let Meng Liting. Brother ’s taking, all data must be collected for me, I will look back. "

"This ... is in danger?" Liu Mengmeng asked hesitantly after looking at Mu Xiaoxiao and finding that she had a confused but stupid smile.

Are you kidding me, do you say that you have to chase 30,000 miles from the boss and destroy more than a dozen mouths of the Meng family?

"Targeted therapeutic drugs, but no human experiments have been conducted, but they should be reliable." Rolling his eyes, Guan Ming did not want to chat with people with too big brains.

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