Private Technology

: 685 old photos

For Guan Mengyu, this time has been the most wonderful time since crossing, at least she can study what she likes to study again.

"It looks pretty good. There is no major difference in the human body in the two worlds." After reading Meng Zeting's report yesterday, Guan Mengyu nodded, looking satisfied.

"Large difference? Do humans in the future have three heads? Six arms? And for drug research, shouldn't the ultimate goal be to cure him, if I read correctly, you are at best just maintaining it." Tube Ming heard and looked at his second daughter, and said.

"First of all, he has an absolute lack of insulin in the body. I cannot help him to eradicate this part, and can only rely on taking or injecting insulin for treatment."

"Secondly, I just used this experiment to verify whether there is a big genetic difference between humans in the two worlds. Of course, at present, there is no difference, or the difference is small."

"Finally, I'm sorry I didn't have a third eye!" Gong Ming stared, Guan Mengyu pouted.

"Okay, okay, this drug has already taken shape? If it takes shape, I will arrange animal experiments and clinical trials, and finally promote it to the market." Guan Ming doesn't know anything about medicine, but from the performance point of view, he doesn't Don't feel how powerful Guan Mengyu's product is, he can only passively see the doctor's beautiful words to Guan Ming.

The doctor thought that the drug was developed by Guan Ming ...

"Any time." Guan Mengyu nodded arbitrarily.

Because there is no shortage of money in the family, and Guan Mengyu doesn't think she will be short of money in the future, the development of this drug has ended for her.

From a certain point of view, she and Guan Ming are the same person. Compared to money, she values ​​research more.

"By the way, I have already made the shell company. It's called Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical. After you get older, I will transfer this company to you." Guan Ming remembered something and said.

"Ha? Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical? This name is too careless!" Guan Mengyu spit out, because her nickname at home is Xiaoyu.

"No matter how powerful a name is, it's not as good as a product. Slowly, if you want to eat dirt later, it's up to you." After holding her head, Guan Ming began to think about her own thing.

After the end of the last anti-gravity equipment experiment, from the perspective of general scientific research, the current main purpose should be to consider how to increase the power of the magnetic field module, but from another perspective, reducing the mass itself is also a good way.

In the company's materials laboratory, Shuangxing develops several new materials every month, and it accumulates continuously over the years. Guan Ming has at least a slap material solution to choose from, and even Guan Ming can find an application and apply for a certain country. Some special aviation materials.

"Dad, change the company's name." Silently, Guan Mengyu interrupted Guan Ming's thinking.

"Huh? Renamed? Why renamed?" After a second or two, Guan Ming looked back and looked at her with curiosity.

"It's so obvious. I'm afraid my sister will have an idea. I can't even divide this pharmaceutical company with my sister." Guan Mengyu sighed.

When she heard that, Guan Ming was dumb.

Although the two children are twins, the problematic second daughter is a traveler!

So in mind, there must be a gap between the two children, and it is a kind of great gap.

Don't you really love me anymore? Oh dear!

I don't know why, Guan Ming suddenly thought of this line, with a handkerchief at the foot of the wall looking at his picture pitifully ...

This Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical is essentially Guan Ming's plan for his other children. At least financially, Guan Mengyu has only such a shell company, and other children will inherit all the property of Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, including flowers呗 Including.

Relying on the memories of previous lives, Guan Mengyu will certainly not be poor in the future, but this is only the financial aspect that can be seen, however, Guan Ming cannot tell Guan Mengxi now what she will inherit in the future, not to mention the child Can you understand? At least Guan Ma will be the first to jump up and play Guan Ming's head. After all, the company that manages Meng Yu is currently a shell company, and the differential treatment is too great.

"It doesn't make sense to change the name. After all, this company belongs to you, and I don't think it is a good idea to split a company. At least Xiao Xi will have his own life and his own family, and you will be the same." After thinking for a while, he refused to control Meng Yu's idea.

Perhaps the younger sister Guan Mengxi has a good relationship now and a good relationship in the future, but when they each have a family, each with children and even grandchildren, some things are really hard to say.

Finance can be separated as far as possible, it is best not to have intersections.

Anyway, Guan Ming has figured it out. At present, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao actually have shares in three companies, one is Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical, and this company is for Guan Mengyu.

There is also a future technology and part of the equity of Zhong Qiming, one of which will be given to Guan Mengxi, and the other will be given to the next child.

"If you feel sorry for your younger sister, then you can play with her more when you are free ~ ~ She is probably not interesting at home," Guan Ming continued.

"... Are you serious? Is it me to accompany her, or is she playing me!" Guan Mengyu couldn't help but vomit.

It may be that the age is a little older, and Guan Mengxi's hands-on ability has gradually become stronger.

In the past, Guan Mengxi always used ‘sister, sister’ for voice control, but now it ’s completely manual!

"Although Xiao Xi likes to move her feet by hand, she is always your sister, and she also likes you very much. I'll be fine when I grow up. I don't think I have treated you badly, and I haven't investigated your identity in the past. , I hope you can cherish Xiao Xi and let Xiao Xi have a happy childhood! "Guan Ming looked at Guan Mengyu very seriously and said.

For everyone, childhood is a yellowed old photo, a past that is cherished and irreversible.

Guan Ming is now considered powerful and powerful, but even now, he still has many things that cannot be obtained, such as time.

Guan Ming didn't want Guan Mengxi to grow up and looked at his childhood photos and was completely lost. If possible, he hoped that Guan Mengxi would grow up with a smile and comment on the old photos.

Not only Guan Mengxi, including his father and mother, and Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming is expecting the same.

As for Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming said that she should be able to regulate herself. After all, as a traveler, she should know what should be cherished and what should be retained.

"Well, I know. Although she is very naughty, I like her very much." The fluffy little face with a bitter smile, obviously a younger sister, must be carefully considered like a younger sister.

"Okay, let's play. I heard that Xiao Xi will play the piano for you at night. Don't let me and your old lady down." Glancing at her head with a smile, Guan Ming laughed.

When Guan Mengyu heard, the scalp was numb!

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