Private Technology

: 687 Can't waste such a good gene! (1/23)

For the time being, Meng Liting has not been arranged next to Mu Xiaoxiao. After all, Mu Xiaoxiao has nothing to do now, and Meng Liting always has something to do with the 'measurement'.

Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical is a good operating platform. After all, this company is still just a shell company. In the pharmaceutical field, it is also difficult for a new drug to enter the market. For example, various experiments, including massive experiments Data and more.

It may take a year or two or more in the middle. During this period, Guan Ming has time to look at Meng Liting's performance, both in terms of business performance and loyalty.

If she wants to contact her before going online, Guan Ming feels that she should have a very good harvest. After all, the human brain chip is not something Meng Liting can actively control, and the country's artificial intelligence is actually The double star replaced it, and since Guan Ming dared to fish her out, it meant that he had the ability to control the other party.

After letting Meng Liting go, Guan Ming thought about it and called the Shanghai boss.

"People have gone to the place?" After a few words, the big brother in Shanghai asked first.

"It's here, just after you meet, it's really troublesome for you this time." Although the other party couldn't see it, Guan Ming still had a smile on his face, and his tone was much lighter.

"Do you still know the trouble? This time, it's really a headache!" The big brother in Shanghai complained.

In fact, through time, Guan Ming also knows that the resistance to this matter is very large. It took about a month for Meng Liting to be caught. During this time, how did the upper levels achieve unity? Guan Ming did not know, but He knew it must be a difficult process.

You know, the last time when Liu Mengmeng was picked up, Guan Ming had a clear message within a few days. Even so, there were still different opinions on Liu Mengmeng's affairs.

Although no one told Guan Ming giants' attitudes this time, Guan Ming knew that the degree of opposition would be much greater than the last time, but if the result is good, there is no problem.

"Ha ha, there is no next time." Guan Ming said ha ha.

"Next time? There is no next time! Your boy, either there will be nothing for the first time of the year. Once there is something, it will cause people to scratch their heads." This is what the Shanghai big brothers do. Sometimes, it ’s not Guan Ming who actively looks for things. It was things that came to Guan Ming, and this was the case with Meng Liting.

"By the way, I'm going to promote that type 1 diabetes drug to the market, but at present, it still needs to go step by step. From animal experiments to clinical trials, I let Meng Liting do it. It may be troublesome for you at that time. Now. "

In addition to thank you, reporting this matter is the main factor of Guan Ming, because there are a lot of things involved, Guan Ming is an obvious double standard person, although he is a procrastinator, but he does not like others to procrastinate Pull.

"In the name of that pharmaceutical company?" The Shanghai gangster pondered and asked.

If it is in the name of future technology, let alone the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the whole country can walk away. No need to say hello, no one will control the card.

But Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical, whether it is inside or outside the industry, is a new one. Unless someone who pays special attention to Guan Ming will notice, few people know the company's affiliation.

"Yes, since the company has already been established, it is natural to fill in something useful. In the future, I am going to put things into this company." Guan Ming does not deny that, after all, he is just giving Guan Meng Rain platform only.

"Okay, I'll say hello in this part, right, I heard that you are going to make your little daughter a scientist?" Asked the big boss in Shanghai.

Regarding this issue, Guan Ming is not surprised, because the family tutors who teach Guan Mengxi are actually the people who install the human brain chip, and they are also the people above them. Of course, their personal skills are not necessary. Doubt.

Guan Ming actually did not hide anything in arranging Guan Mengxi and Guan Mengyu. Guan Mengyu's time plan for future school days, including whether to skip a grade, etc., can use this guise.

"I have this kind of thought, and if it's light rain, I really like playing test tubes." Guan Ming admitted quickly.

"Yes, come on, if there is anything I need to say straight, I'm very optimistic about your family, after all, your gene is so good, you must not waste it!" Said the Shanghai gangster jokingly.

Guan Ming's eyelids bounced, and this monthly ‘down south study’ also made Guan Ming a little bit sore.

It's not that he can't bear the hundreds of millions of transactions, it's just that the middle process is troublesome, and the delivery is very embarrassing.

A large group of people is like a money transport vehicle. There is such a small test tube wrapped inside and outside three layers, and it is solemnly signed, such as an acceptance report, and so on.

"As far as possible, I try." Guan Ming said awkwardly.

After talking about the anti-gravity device, the phone hung up.

At the same time, some people in the White House scratched their heads.

"What are you going to do?" I clicked on the photo on the file.

In a driving red car, the beautiful woman is in the driver's seat. From the dress, it is Meng Liting's photo today.

"We weren't going to enable her original online ~ ~ We are going to contact this woman with other people for a while to see if this line can be activated." Although the director of intelligence said that he can remember Meng Liting's name However, he is not sure if the black president in front of him knows.

"Where's her brother? I remember you said that her brother was treated by Guan Mingla to the hospital. What is his situation now?" Okui continued to ask.

This is not how good Okui's memory is, but in this document, he again mentioned the news of Meng Zeting, and also mentioned the reason why Meng Liting originally did things for the old beauty.

"Yes, Mr. President, but because the information network of the other party is so blocked, we can't get specific information." The intelligence master management said bluntly.

Many things at home and abroad face different situations, many of which are due to population base issues.

Although the domestic tourism industry has been increasing year by year, in the domestic territory, the proportion of Chinese and foreign populations is very different. Strictly speaking, the proportion of yellow people and other races is very different. If there is something different, the probability of being found is very high, especially if it is prepared. Case.

In foreign countries, such as the United States, the ratio of yellow races to other races is not very different, which also means that the ability to census and monitor the yellow races will be greatly reduced.

Also spies, the yellow race is much more convenient than other races.

Perhaps developing local people is a good choice, but this is not a two-word sentence.

"But we are trying hard, and I believe it will be fruitful." The intelligence director said quickly, afraid of the foolish command of Okui.

"Hopefully." Replied casually, O'Hai lowered his head, looking at the thin woman in the photo, wondering what he was thinking.

ps: Three changes today, still a bit uncomfortable, go to bed early today.

26-5 + 2 = 23 ...

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