Private Technology

: 693 Share Electric Vehicles and Routines

The oil field was sold, and helium 3 was transported back. Petroleum exited the energy market, and cars were transformed into trams. Domestic demand for electricity has increased substantially, and the country has entered the era of electricity.

Without considering the international situation, the above process is estimated to take less than three to five years, or even eight years and ten years.

The main problem is the automobile. After all, cars are not instant noodles. For ordinary families, it is not that they buy and buy, nor that they can be sold. Guan Ming feels that the country will Control the sales, at least to reduce the number of car sales.

Guan Ming suddenly thought of his partner: Great Wall Motors.

When Guan Ming withdrew from the international market at the beginning, even with Great Wall Motor, his face was smashed. Guan Ming felt that it was time for the Great Wall to rise.

The previous self-driving car can fully meet the needs of the country in the future. Self-driving guarantees the safety of novices and even people who do not drive. The electricity is not a big problem for Guan Ming.

By the way, think about it later, it might be better to get a shared electric car.

If you have a driver's license, then open the switch between automatic and manual modes.

If you do n’t have a driver ’s license, lock in autonomous driving.

After the electric car is parked in a special place, it can be charged outside the car. After the battery is fully charged, it can automatically exit the charging place and then drive to the waiting area.

However, in order to complete the above functions, Guan Ming also needs to make changes to the driverless car. In addition to electrical problems, a considerable part of the internal components also need to be replaced.

However, Guan Ming is definitely not going to surrender this kind of money-making industry. Guan Ming is not sure whether he will let Mu Xiaoxiao work now.

Or start a company and grow bigger for your children?

"I believe the country should be prepared in this regard." Thinking for only a few seconds, Guan Ming caught the stubble.

"Actually, Zhu Lao and I were discussing a matter for the past two days, and we were not so sure, so I came to you and wanted to see if there was any way here." Zhou Wanli interjected suddenly and said.

"What's the matter?" Guan Ming looked at the old lady and asked.

"This is the case. Although my computing power is not weak, the current base requires more calculations. I ca n’t support it alone, so we wondered if you could come forward and apply for it. Open up certain computing resources for us. "My face was a little embarrassed, but Zhu Xiaoguang still looked at Guan Ming very seriously, hoping that he could understand more.

Although the human brain chip is installed, the resources allocated to each user by the network satellite are constant, and in the later period, the allocated resources will be reduced due to the increase in the number of installations. This is a very real problem.

After being unable to secure a second human brain chip, if the rocket base is to be quickly and effectively researched, the allocation of network satellite resources becomes a major problem.

The current calculation volume of network satellites is definitely rich, but whether it is on demand or by level, the rocket base is arranged behind, and there can be a human brain chip, it is probably because of the existence of Guan Ming.

"... I don't know if I have this face, so let me call and ask." Guan Ming said after weighing it in his heart.

"Great, thank you first!" Zhou Wanli's face was filled with joy.

Since it ’s for face, it ’s all for once. Guan Ming called the Shanghai boss in front of the two.

As for why he did n’t find a giant in charge of technology, Guan Ming said that he could n’t understand the current domestic situation. Anyway, regardless of the future situation, Guan Ming, who is based in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, was completely fine with contacting local bosses. No one can fault it.

Guan Ming's side is just normal communication, but the Shanghai city boss heard something else, so he didn't give a positive comment at the moment. He only knew that, and he would find a chance to follow up.

I hung up in less than three minutes.

"This seems to be the case." Zhu Xiaoguang smiled a little more on his face.

"That's for sure, Pharaoh's project is in a good time." Zhou Wanli patted the sofa armrest and said with a smile.

In the private room of a hotel in Shanghai, Meng Liting was wearing a black and white decent ol suit, with a smile on her face, and chatting with the person opposite.

"Ms. Meng, she is really capable. She can be a general manager at a young age, and wish you great success in the future!" A fat, middle-aged man pours wine while talking, and then straightly stretches his arms over .

"Where's the word, President Song has won the prize." Standing up with a smile, Meng Liting took the goblet, and the transparent liquor showed a little aroma, not white grapes, but white wines with high purity.

Then they clink.

"Let's go to the company to sign the contract in the afternoon. In the evening, let's have a meal together to celebrate the success of this cooperation. How about?" Looking at the slightly drunk beauty, he swallowed subconsciously, I don't know if it is the reason that white wine is left in the mouth. The spicy and fragrant is also faint.

For this single business, it is no problem to get the lowest price. In the company's price range, the most is that the company earns less.

This single business ~ ~ does not require any rebates, the problem is not big, and Fat Dudu earns a lot every year, which is not bad.

But the difference is that Meng Liting looks good, or the reason why this order can be suppressed to this extent is because Meng Liting looks good.

Otherwise, who will deal with a company that has no reputation in the industry?

Light rain pharmaceutical? Why don't you come to a heavy rain pharmaceutical? To a torrential rain pharmaceutical?

"Even supper, the words in the afternoon ..." Before the words were over, Meng Liting's phone rang.

With an apology on his face, Meng Liting stood up with a fat and unhappy expression, and got up to answer the phone at the foot of the wall.

When she talks about business, she will set up the phone. If it can ring, it means that she must answer, even if she is squatting or bathing.

Fat and dumb looking at the beauty with her back facing her, the right-sized suit jacket made the waist and legs look much slimmer. Under the one-step skirt, the waist and legs were perfect, especially the flesh-colored stockings, highlighting her Calf beauty.

It was just that the shawl made him a little bit displeased. He preferred the apple head. After all, the other person didn't look too old, and he was also very cute!

Before the phone was hung up there, the box door was pushed open. A small flat-chested woman came in with the phone in, and behind her was a woman who was the secretary of Meng Liting.

Meng Liting turned back in shock, followed by a bitter smile on her face.

"Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu! Hello, hello!" Fat Dudu quickly got up, his smile-filled face could not be seen, and he ran over half-bently, and hurriedly wanted to shake hands.

"Oh? Know who I am? That's easy." Raised his chest, Liu Mengmeng put the phone back, Meng Liting's little secretary quickly took it.

"That's what it is, mingling here in Shanghai, who doesn't know you, Mr. Liu." Shaking Liu Mengmeng's hand, Fat Dudu praised impassively.

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