Private Technology

: 695 dangerous ideas

Guan Mengyu is not Guan Ming. She knows what it means to be 'your dad is always your dad'. Therefore, in the years when there is no room for struggle, she usually does not harden the **** tube, otherwise it is not the head that is stingy. Ass, maybe use the tickle that was deified by his aging mother.

"Identify the problem and solve it, but you still have to pay attention to the methods and methods to solve the problem. Are you going to be a firefighter all your life? Or are you expecting that future researchers will spontaneously understand what shame is?" Guan Mengyu They spread their hands, indicating that they had no fighting power.

"Hearing you, there will probably be a lot of people who want to punch you." Looking at this dead fisheye's second daughter, Guan Ming always felt that she would be beaten into dumplings in the future.

"The truth of it, anyway, if I get pounded, I find my mother, it is impossible to find my grandparents to go." Family relationships have become accustomed to this life, and the rain kept the tube in this life for their loved ones a very high sense of identity, of course Except Guan Ming.

Because Guan Ming is a person who knows her identity, Guan Mengyu is not arrogant enough to think that the other party will be influenced by himself.

"Just peel it, one day your old lady will punch you in person!" After hearing her implied meaning, Guan Ming bit his fangs, but didn't do it.

Just as she said, in case she told Mu Xiaoxiao, the father and the mother, and said that Guan Ming slaps her, it is estimated that Guan Ming will face a miserable time.

Skimming his lips, Guan Mengyu didn't make any difference.

From the rocket base to the Shanghai market, the direct flight takes about two hours, which does not take long. Unfortunately, the Shanghai market is raining today.

It is still in the range of rainy days in early July, but the rainfall is not heavy.

"It's raining again. I remember when I was young, I went out to play on a rainy day, and then I got a cold and got so angry that my mother wanted to beat me, but she looked pitiful and didn't have the heart to start." Mu Xiaoxiao recalls the beautiful past, probably this is one of the few experiences in her life that she has to go to jail without being jailed.

"It's a cold that saved you, but you need to be careful this day. Don't take Xiaoxi and the rain out for the rain, otherwise your mother really wants to beat you. I guess my mother can't protect you." Guan Ming 'Euphemistically' reminded her that she was not far from being beaten.

Sometimes Guan Ming was skeptical, wondering if Mu Xiaoxiao had the ability to scratch the buttocks 100%, after all, that was the place where she had the most meat, and it was not bad at all.

"Haha, how can I take Xiaoxi Xiaoyu to watch anime ~ In July, the new fan club" Luoqiu Club "and" Swaying Lily "were unfortunately unfortunately there was no plan for the second season of" Kissing Sister ". "Naruto" and "One Piece" are also normal Zhou Geng, this time you will definitely see plums! "Holding a small fist, Mu Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, the adult female version of" Cheer up little boy.jpg "expression The bag appeared immediately.

Eyelids flickered, Guan Ming suddenly realized that when the child was not born, Mu Xiaoxiao was his, and after the child was born, the goods began to hang out!

"Luoqiu Club", you can tell something from the name, bastard, the two children are only in their early 3s, do you want to develop some of their attributes?

"Swaying Lily" Guan Ming has seen in his last life. This can be ignored. The protagonist who has no sense of existence in Baotou is probably an alternative portrayal of Mu Xiaoxiao.

But the question is what the ghost is! Your sister, our family can afford to pay a fine. These two baby eggs must be brothers! !!

Do you want to stage a large emotional 5,000-episode TV series at home? "My sister is a star"? "My sister is a scientist"?

"Don't you think that some cartoons are not suitable for watching?" While saying this, Guan Mingshi couldn't control himself, Yu Guang kept turning to his second daughter.

In other words, old people like small fresh meat, Guan Ming is not sure if he has the age of two lifetimes together or not, whether it is Meng Yuda, this is no longer an old cow eating tender grass. What is dead cow eating tender Grass!

Guan Ming believes that with the appearance of his ancestor Yan and the beauty of Mu Xiaoxiao, his son must be handsome, handsome, and handsome, with a height of 1.8 meters!

If this is followed by his second elder sister and a child husband is adopted, then it is really MMP!

And Guan Mengyu still seems to be proficient in life sciences, what if he develops a drug that can deal with the harm of inbreeding?

No, as the head of the family, even if Guan Ming fights this old life, she will never let her succeed! !!

"Hey ~ what do you think of Xiaoyu? And it ’s nothing. The two are still young. I have read reports and said that during this time, children mostly looked at color blocks, and I read all Japanese characters. They definitely do n’t know what that means. ”Mu Xiaoxiao scratched her head, even though she did n’t know what Guan Ming meant, but she still subconsciously apologized and explained, standing on the wrong side, like holding her Head squat defense.

Guan Mengyu's eyes twitched. Although she didn't install a human brain chip, her intelligence was much higher than Mu Xiaoxiao's. In a blink of an eye, she knew what Guan Ming meant, especially the eyes that kept turning to herself.

Perish in silence without erupting in silence!

Very good, my stupid brother in the future, my sister will care for you, and I will ask the grandma to tickle the ancestors!

Guan Mengyu built the next one in her heart. Although she could not beat Guan Ming, she felt that she had no pressure to hit Guan Ming's son. After all, she also had the experience of beating / intimidating a child. She wanted to ...

Rolling her eyes, Guan Ming didn't want to say anything to this mental retardation. It is estimated that her family's IQ is a little higher than that of Guan Meng Xi, who is 3 years old, even Rhubarb.

As an adult, and at the same time his own daughter-in-law, Guan Ming expressed his sorrow. Is this the legendary brain that was eaten by a dog? Or don't look down, the water in your head will leak out?

Seeing Guan Ming neglecting himself, Mu Xiaoxiao flattened his mouth, frustrated, and played with Guan Mengxi sitting in his arms.

Because it is a private jet, the timing arrangement is in line with the normal work and rest time of human beings. When Guan Ming arrives at home, it is still daylight. Unfortunately, the old couple went out to waves, and the dog in the house was a big yellow dog at home ~ ~ Shaking the little electric buttocks, Rhubarb sticking his tongue out, and constantly wandering around the little sister, height problems, it can only pinch the legs of the two little guys.

I do n’t know why, after seeing the long-haired rhubarb, Guan Ming always remembered the hairless look before, probably the shape is more deeply rooted in the people, at least it is very ugly, and it can be done day after day. Stay ugly ...

"Husband, you look at the child first, I'll pack the luggage first." Mu Xiaoxiao dragged a suitcase with one hand, perhaps in her concept, the physical work between husband and wife should be responsible for her, completely There is no intention to control Ming.

"Okay, then, hurry up, I will take a light rain to the company side." Looking at the time, Guan Ming shouted aloud.

Similarly, he has no idea of ​​getting started ...

PS: Thanks to the friend 513195352 for the reward, thank you for your support!

Update is complete today, work tomorrow, rest early today ~

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