Private Technology

: 703 Guan Ming

"This is not mine. I have never had such a phone, nor have I ever held it. I don't think it's a good joke." Phil Wood shrugged, looking innocent.

In modern times, the easiest thing to check is human fingerprints, followed by hair DNA and the like, but compared to the latter, fingerprints are faster and more accurate.

Because the repetition rate of fingerprints is extremely small, only one of 15 billion, and the global population is currently less than 10 billion. There may be duplicate cases in this, but it can only be described as.

And Felwood is very careful when handling mobile phones, he can guarantee that no DNA problems are left, and when he touches the mobile phone, he covers his fingers with a special solution to prevent fingerprints from being left on the mobile phone. This solution It can quickly condense into a thin film after contacting the air, covering the fingerprint features, and it can be rubbed away with a hand, absolutely foolproof.

As an CIA employee, Fairwood's expertise is very skilled.

Auhei didn't speak, but looked at Yan Qiliang, as did the big names in Shanghai and Guan Ming.

"We have the surveillance video as evidence, and we also included the gentleman's speech at that time, and then we can compare the audio." Yan Qiliang didn't explain much, just a few words, almost did not scare Philwood to death.

"Monitoring in the toilet? I said small tube, you can be enough, can such a place also be monitored?" The Shanghai boss heard it, laughing with amusement.

Leaving it aside, at least this wave is stable!

Hearing Yan Qiliang's words, Austrian Hei also knew that this wave was about to kneel, but still knelt down.

"Hey, it's not as serious as you think, but the angle is a bit tricky, but the sound can be completely recorded, but in the video, the angle and range still have certain limitations." Guan Ming quickly waved.

There are no cameras in the toilet at all, but the problem is that Meng Liting uploaded all the senses at that time to the human brain chip, and then passed it to the dual star through the human brain chip. The dual star can completely do a video surveillance.

With Double Star's technology, people will not see any problems at all!

However, this is only a technical matter. In the later stage, it is necessary to open up a group of Americans and install a monitoring device in the toilet. This is also true of all the toilets upstairs. At least there are traces in the follow-up investigation, otherwise There isn't even a camera. Where did you get the surveillance video?

"President Austrian Black, it is better to go and watch the video together. No matter who it is, some things always need to be understood." The Shanghai city boss strongly invited Austrian Black to watch the video because he knows the matter In the context, he needs to adjust the Austrian black and clear the floor on the third floor!

Double Star can provide a large number of alternatives at the same time, and at the same time calculate the results based on the cause and process, and finally give a numerical judgment based on the influence of the event, let Guan Ming choose.

Facts have proved that the judgment of Double Star is in line with the minds of the big brothers.

"... Okay, it's just too tired to go, just look at the video." Touched the ring on the ring finger, groaned a little, Okui said.

It's just that when he got up, he couldn't help but glared at Philwood. If there was a choice, he really wanted to leave!

The problem is, this kind of thing can't go away at all!

During the state visit, the president's team actually took the opportunity to engage in espionage. If this news is passed on, will the Austrian and Heihe make a state visit in the future?

This time, Austrian Hei must reduce the influence of this incident to the minimum. At the same time, he must also ensure that this incident cannot be known to the outside world, because the election is here, and Austrian Hei wants to work for another term!

If such a thing is known to political opponents, his life will not be easy.

Therefore, even if he knew that he would be beaten, he still had to face his scalp, but this way, the set content of this visit to China will definitely change, and the subsequent attitude toward centering must also be changed. On the South China Sea, at least before the election, even after the election, he must not be too hard to align, because this is always a minefield in Austria and Hei.

"In this case, it would be better to go to my office." Glancing at the big man in Shanghai, Guan Ming got up and smiled on his face.

"Yeah, I haven't been to your office for a short time." Knowing that Guan Ming had deliberately moved everyone up, the big names in Shanghai also followed the words.

Although it was the invitation to Okui on the bright side, on the way to the office, only Guan Ming talked and laughed with the big names in Shanghai, while Okui kept his face dark.

"I won't go in. There is everything in the office." Opening the office door, Guan Ming stood outside the door and said.

"It's okay, I'll call you when something happens." Guan Ming's choice did not surprise the boss, after all, Guan Ming is a person who advises his family and is also a person who is afraid of trouble. At this level, the big brother has already given a high look.

Your boy, you have a day of chubby.

Only the big names in Shanghai and O'Hare, as well as the two secretaries, entered the office, and no one else.

Although some members of O'Hai's team did not know what was happening, as people close to O'Hai, they did not accidentally stand at the gate of Guanming's office, waiting for O'Hai to summon at any time.

Crossing the wall of people, Guan Ming turned a corner and went to Liu Mengmeng's office.

In the office, Liu Mengmeng and Meng Liting sat there frowning, obviously, this kind of thing has exceeded their imagination.

"Boss, how's the matter? Li Ting hasn't betrayed this time ~" After seeing Guan Ming entering the door, Liu Mengmeng quickly got up and defended Meng Liting, meanwhile, Meng Liting also stood up.

Little chest brother, I know you're pregnant with a pick-up heart, but it's too brazen, isn't it Liting?

Guan Ming groaned in his heart, but Guan Ming expressed satisfaction with Meng Liting's performance today, because Guan Ming knew that Meng Liting's choice this time was an initiative rather than a choice made with reference to various factors. Guan Ming I believe that Double Star has control of the human brain chip ~ ~ and he also believes in his technology.

"Xiao Meng did a good job this time, but even if the matter is over now, you are not allowed to mention it to anyone. I have already ordered Yan Qiliang." Nodded, Guan Ming took off his electronic glasses and rubbed them. temple.

I have been wearing glasses for a long time today, and it is too uncomfortable to press the muscles.

"Uh-huh, we won't say it outside." Liu Mengmeng immediately heard a smile on her face. After seeing Guan Ming sit down, she also held Meng Liting's hand and sat down together and sat down. After actually not let go.

Draw, did not pull out.

No more pumping.

Meng Liting looked at Guan Ming with an awkward smile on her face.

Little blush? Guan Ming wasn't sure if this was exciting or shy, or something else ...

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