Private Technology

: 712 It's time to regenerate 1 wave

Guan Ming made money, but he used real money to make money, not this member's member, and if he had a determined partner, he couldn't make money.

Judging from the current personal penetration rate of domestic holographic projection, this self-driving electric vehicle is equivalent to an 'Internet cafe', or the type of four-seater ...

"Boss, it's noon, go home for lunch or eat at the company?" As Guan Ming thought about how to increase the depth and breadth of the pit money, Shuangxing's voice interrupted his thinking in time.

"So fast? Let's go home and eat. Help me sort out the information. I will be working from home in the afternoon." Looking at the drawings at hand, Guan Ming said he didn't want to come over in the afternoon.

At present, all work is limited to the draft stage, and the office location does not matter.

"Okay, boss." Double Star's voice fluttered, while collecting Guan Mingyi's work summary in the morning, and simultaneously copy and paste on the computer in the villa.

When I got home, my father and mother still went out to play. I probably wanted to give the young couple more freedom.

The old couple had money in their pockets, and Guan Ming didn't care about their schedule. Anyway, everyone followed them.

"It's noon for dinner!" Guan Ming saw his daughter-in-law lying on the sofa, was using electronic glasses and didn't know what to look at, so he froze.

"Oh, husband, you see, Xiao Xi is so good, he has been taking care of his sister to eat ~" Looking up, Mu Xiaoxiao only saw Guan Ming return at this time, and he jumped up and searched out from under the coffee table An electronic spectacle, put on Guan Ming on tiptoe.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Guan Ming was a little hesitant, but he didn't resist anything. For the performance of the big girl, Guan Ming's first reaction was to abdomen.

I do n’t know when it will start, the belly has become an obstacle. Whether Guan Ming or Mu Xiaoxiao are players who are proficient in obstacle games ...

"Nothing happened, but I think Xiao Xi is more sensible than before. You see, you take care of your sister outside than at home." After putting on the other person's glasses, Mu Xiaoxiao took his arm, The two walked slowly towards the restaurant.

The electronic glasses do not need Guanming control to automatically pop up the screen, 50% transparency. I saw Guan Mengxi staying next to Guan Mengyu, and the spoons on her hands were all meat. As soon as Guan Meng swallowed the food, she followed A spoonful of it was poked in, and Guan Mengxi was fed by Tian Qiantong.

The picture did not shake. From the height of the field of view, it should be the monitoring equipment lying on the dining table. This was not arranged by Guan Ming. It should be Mu Xiaoxiao's order.

He smiled and didn't speak, Guan Ming looked at this kind of thing relatively lightly, mainly because he can often see this kind of situation, he probably also feels a bit unconscious.

It may be because the children are not at home. Today the lunch dishes are a bit heavy, braised and spicy fried, and there are still a lot of varieties, but they are heavier than before.

"By my husband, have you read the news? I read the news that the country should increase research on controlled nuclear fusion." Sitting opposite Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao cut steaks with a knife and fork gracefully, while electronic glasses She took it off and put it at her hand.

"I really didn't notice, what's the matter?" Guan Ming asked. He rarely paid attention to some news. Although he has been reborn for many years now, his mentality still has a habit of his elder life. He has to watch the news. He prefers to watch entertainment news. Like Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming also took off his electronic glasses.

"I did n’t know about it. Originally, Zhong Qiming was about to launch a rocket to the moon for mining. Now the news on the Internet is about to explode. Hey ~ Is there any credit for you here?" Leaning forward, Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes seemed to be one A flash of light probably means admiration.

Looking at the little daughter-in-law who put her chest on the table in order to save energy, Guan Ming said that he admired the other's eyes ...

"Haha, it's necessary, but don't tell the news, it should be considered confidential for the time being." Gently touching the belly, Guan Ming smiled with a shy smile.

"Let ’s forget it, all the comments on the Internet say that there must be something about you, otherwise how could it be that Zhong Qiming launched the satellite, and I am the shareholder of Zhong Qiming, and now I only know the news ~" Flat mouth, Mu Xiao Xiao said unwillingly.

"Zhong Qiming sends you a report every day. You probably haven't watched it for a while ..." Guan Ming didn't want to fight this idiot, he waved his hand, and the head of the robot around him projected relevant content on the dining table. A holographic projection is installed on the robot's head ...

The main sections of the content are under the microblogs of Guan Ming, Mu Xiaoxiao and Zhong Qiming. The main reason is that the couple of Guan Ming did not open other interaction methods, even if there are various 'guanming bars' and 'xiaoming bars' on the post bar. and many more.

A cursory look, Guan Ming also knows the current state of mind of netizens.

In fact, after the international visit to Austria and Hei, Zhong Qiming broke out of this plan. In association with the previous news, everyone quickly associated with Guan Ming.

However, some netizens said why it was Zhong Qiming who broke the news that such things that benefit the country and the people should be in the hands of the state. It is obviously harmful to the public and private companies to let the steward split the 15% share. Don't save one.

More people still feel that there must be credit for Guan Ming, even if Guan Ming has not contributed to the lunar mining, but he must have contributed to controlled nuclear fusion. The 15% of the shares have a certain 'remuneration' in Inside.

At the same time, some people have revealed the corresponding time between the country's withdrawal from ITER and the large-scale sale of overseas oil fields. Everyone feels that Guan Ming has made a big breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion, so the country will make this choice. Qimingcai listed the conditions according to local conditions and deliberately recruited Mu Xiaoxiao as a shareholder of Zhong Qiming.

Even some netizens feel that during this state visit to Austria and Hei, they praised China for this reason, and attempted to gain China's support in the field of controlled nuclear fusion, for which they would even give up the interests of the South China Sea.

After reading this part, Guan Ming said that the net holes of netizens are really big ~ ~ by reason, the cliff can provide new ideas for Austrian Hei.

"Okay, okay, I'm also very good ~" Suddenly, Mu Xiaoxiao ate steaks in small mouth, which may be the reason for the mood. She had a lot of flair to eat today, and did not eat meat as usual.

"What's wrong? I feel listless today." Realizing that his wife was too quiet, Guan Ming was at a loss.

"No, it's just that the child is absent suddenly and feels like nothing to do." Pouting and smiling forcefully, then half-opened his eyes, lethargic.

"Well ... Speaking of it, Xiaoxi Xiaoyu is more than three years old ..." Guan Ming nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, then?" Tilted his head, Mu Xiaoxiao looked at each other and said.

"It's time to continue having children!" Looking at the sea scallops on the dining table, Guan Ming suddenly realized something.

"Bite you!" Fucked his teeth at Guan Ming, as if Guan Ming turned into a steak on her plate. Mu Xiaoxiao forkd up the steak and ate it ...

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