Private Technology

: 718 Social people, can't afford

"CUT ~ Very good, very good, this one is over." Clapping, the director shouted.

Hearing the director's words, the surrounding crowd was relieved, and then whispered to each other.

Guan Ming is not sure about the rules and rules of filming, etc. Anyway, there are Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao's dramas, all started with 1000 as the header, probably a special label.

In the movie, Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao are the new political stars. Both parents are high-level political leaders. Although they have official relatives and their families are wealthy, both young people have a heart for the country and the people. Both are concerned about the people and people ’s livelihood, because they have the same lofty ideals, and in the movie, the two people also have good feelings and secret feelings.

After they noticed that the police frequently cracked down on the first drug case, but most of them caught Ronaldinho, the two young men thought that the matter was not so simple, so they applied to see the information on the destruction of the first drug, but they were systematically used by the police They refused decisively for different reasons. After Huo Tianren knelt down, they ran out and re-applied under the banner of their parents. The upper level of the police was hesitant, and then the movie ended. From a rhythm perspective, there should be sequel.

Well, there are so many shots of the two. Since there are not many suspense in the whole movie, these two roles are optional. At most, it reflects the truth that justice will only be late, but never absent. , But this premise is to have the next episode.

In the movie, this is probably similar to the last scene of "A World Without Thieves", when the police ran out to arrest the thief.

"Director, can you use it just now?" Mu Xiaoxiao, who was still frowning in the last second, relaxed a lot in the next second and looked curiously at the director.

"No problem at all, the performance is very good!" The director gave his face a thumbs up.

In fact, at this time, the director is either watching the monitoring again or preparing for the next scene, but if it is Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, the first reflection after he finishes the scene is to go uphill.

Although it is not necessary to hand over tea and water, it is also respectful.

For an ordinary director, the most important thing is the number of screens, followed by the investment amount, and finally the script, the actor and the like.

As soon as Guan Ming's holographic projection was developed, it was highly praised by domestic filmmakers, and even more so in AR / VR, because they knew that only Guan Ming could technically shield holographic projection and AR / VR piracy. Ming has done a good job in this regard.

After the piracy is eliminated, making movies can make money easily and make you full, instead of relying on ideals, feelings, and the like, while making a movie while eating.

At the same time, with the value of Guan Ming, if the director Qiu could really pull out investment from Guan Ming, even if he was filming continuously 365 days a year, there would be no problem, and he could still invite big stars.

"This should be the last scene." He took two small towels from Zhou Wu, one to his wife and one to use.

Guan Ming's weight is only a little fat, but the division is uneven. In order to make the performance better, a lot of padding was added under the suit leather shoes.

For example, if something is stuffed between the chest and abdomen, it should be as flat as possible when viewed from the front. It can also look thicker when viewed from the side, giving a strong, firm, and firm feeling.

The problem of trousers is not big, but you can't walk too fast, and the wind can't be too strong, otherwise the calf is easy to see the outline, and by comparison, the thigh will look much thicker.

The arm is very troublesome, and the padding sticks around the meat to make a muscle outline, which is not very convenient.

The overall feeling for Guan Ming was that he was panicking!

Mu Xiaoxiao is a lot easier, and her body shape is perfect. This role mainly reflects her beauty and ability. In addition to casting more shadows on the osteoprosthesis and mandible, it makes the face more expressive. Outside of the stereo, the biggest change in her appearance should be a high ponytail.

It is probably to show the vitality that young people deserve, so the director thinks that the audience should see Mu Xiaoxiao's alternative beauty, instead of the dignified and showy ladies who have shown before.

"It is indeed the last one. Your two are over, but there is also a late dubbing, which may take some time." Although the director knows that Guan Ming's time is precious, he still strives to take the dub step. After all, the dubbing is really Is very important.

When filming with Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao, in order to cooperate with these two, everyone spoke Hong Kong accent Mandarin, but when Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao were not spoken, they spoke Cantonese.

When the movie is released in Hong Kong City, the dubbing is in Cantonese.

If it is released in the Mainland, the dubbing is in Mandarin.

After all, in the Mainland, the popularity of Cantonese is not as high as that of Mandarin, so the dubbing is really important.

"I'm not sure about our itinerary. If we're still in Port City then we will follow you to dub. If not, you will send all the places where dubbing is needed. I will dub it at home. Guan Ming bowed his head alive and undressed, while Zhou Wu, on the other hand, helped cut the tape with scissors.

"This ..." Hesitating, the director didn't know what to say. From the perspective of work, dubbing is a normal work area of ​​the actor, and it is also a necessary work content, and Guan Ming also belongs to the "seeking people to enter the group". That kind.

But the problem is that Guan Ming is not a practitioner, not to mention that this is not the only movie in the life of the couple, but this is definitely the first time. Perfection is the best choice.

Looking left, the screenwriter Ye is looking down at the script, as if he can see the flowers.

Looking right, actor Wu Zheng looks down at the script, as if thinking about the next play.

At this level, no one feels that his face is as big as a sky.

"Rest assured, I'm still good at things on a technical level." Guan Ming nodded and said, seeing a bit of a panic director.

Guan Ming never thought about dubbing. It would be nice for Shuangxing to imitate his and Mu Xiaoxiao's voice lines. After speaking, the effect was definitely better than the two of them recorded in person.

"Director Qiu rest assured, since he can say it, he can certainly do it!" Mu Xiaoxiao never questioned Guan Ming, so she couldn't see others questioning Guan Ming.

From Mu Xiaoxiao's point of view, in addition to his parents, even a giant!

The sound is crisp, but the director hears the affirmation and dislike of the other party.

Society, society, can't afford, can't afford ~

What else can I do? I am also very desperate, I also expect this movie to become famous!

"Okay ~ ~ I'll take care of you then." The director was very straightforward, and he didn't make a dub in Hong Kong City. He went straight to the Internet. Anyway, the other party is big, even if he doesn't dub, audience They will understand.

Nodded, Guan Ming said nothing, took over the T-shirt Ma Qingyun handed over, and played a strip show on the spot.

"Okay, that's it for today. If there is anything I need to help, you can contact me. I can handle it if I can handle it." After a few words, Guan Minghan took his daughter-in-law and left, as for Mu Xiao Xiao's dress should be changed back to the hotel. After all, this neat dress is still useful. At least from the effect point of view, it is definitely much better than Mu Xiaoxiao's COS.

Shooting movies, from a certain point of view, is a large-scale, even a small biography of the character!

"The rich people in the mainland are really chic. They brought their daughter-in-law to the show, not to do the post-dubbing ~" with a mockery and envy.

"Don't talk nonsense, how much rice do you eat, how much do you not understand?" Glancing at the little fat man, the director was a little displeased.

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