Private Technology

: Seven hundred and twenty-one

Scientific research is progressing slowly. There is no such thing as an overnight effort. Just like a person, it takes time to accumulate before showing a different life.

Strongly under his feet, the puppet chair slid smoothly on the third floor underground.

Without the existence of Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming does not have to pay attention to his words and deeds.

"Double Star, how did Xiaoyu's experiment go?" Thinking of Guan Mengyu, Guan Ming asked a few words while watching the 3D printer working, printing out the hardware needed by Guan Ming.

3D printers have their own limitations, but with the help of Double Star, this limitation is infinitely small. Even Guan Ming can print a motherboard, hard disk, etc. with a 3D printer. Whether it is material switching or accuracy, Double Star can easily Meet the requirements of Guanming.

"At present, animal experiments have been performed in 10 groups of 100 mice, except for one case where the data does not meet the expected effect, the other data meet the requirements." Shuangxing said.

"The one that was the exception was the one in the beginning?" Guan Ming was a bit impressed by the mouse in question, although he didn't know much about it.

"Yes, but only the problem of disrupting the insulin link did not actually affect the subsequent experiments on the drug." Double Star knew what Guan Ming meant and continued to report.

"Xiao Yu should be ready to start human experiments." There is no question, just a sigh of emotion, because Guan Ming still remembers his own grand daughter's arrogant words.

"It seems that this is the case, but the boss has never been home, so Miss Er did not ask. Maybe she will find time to talk to the boss first, and then arrange human experiments." Shuangxing currently has a huge amount of calculations, so large that it can Run logical systems at any time to predict human behavior.

"Well, you will prepare a sufficient experiment report for me at that time, and I will also be convenient to apply upwards." Guan Ming did not care too much, nor did he have to ask Guan Mengyu to submit the last experiment report with sufficient experimental bodies. .

Guan Ming is a selfish person. Compared with convenience, he prefers convenience for himself and his family.

Anyway, Meng Liting's elder brother is taking medicine, and they are all in good condition. Guan Ming doesn't think his little girl's technology is substandard.

"Double Star, are you particularly interested in some things? For example, deep space, ocean, underground, etc." Seeing 3D printers still have some time to complete the work, Guan Ming asked as if communicating with his old friend.

"The boss is curious about deep space, ocean, and underground?" Since Guan Mengxi asked Bin Xing for sound changes, the language of Bin Xing has been much richer.

"Yeah, what is the darkness in the Kuiper Belt, what exactly is the liquid layer of the outer core, what kind of creatures can survive in the ocean below ten thousand meters, everything is so curious to me. "Touching the smooth 3D printer casing, feeling the slight vibration of the device, Guan Ming's eyes were somewhat empty.

The driving force behind Guan Ming's scientific research is not the great idea of ​​serving the country and the people, but a very selfish idea of ​​self-interest. Whether it is robots, AR / VR, or even dual star and controlled nuclear fusion, all of this is because Guan Ming feels that he can use it in his life and can make his life better, so he will overcome the difficulties and go to research.

But on top of that, there are only areas that are purely wanted to know, probably only deep space, underground and ocean. The kind of unknown may plunge people into darkness and silence, but like horror movies, it always makes people If you can't stop, you muster your courage to pretend to be a man, and hold your girlfriend who is scared into a quail ...

"So, the boss is going to work on it in the future?" In the question of Shuangxing, there was a little curiosity.

Guan Ming rarely talked to Shuangxing about this. He usually directly arranged work for Shuangxing, either for long-term tasks or short-term tasks.

"Yeah, but this is the future. Whether it is going up or down, motivation is the most important, so pay more attention to the moon. In case of failure, the next rocket to the moon may take several years. Guan Ming said with a smile, and at the same time, he just scratched the newly printed parts.

With a hard foot, the chair turned back to where it was.

Seeing that Guan Ming is ready to work, Double Star no longer disturbs Guan Ming, but in the internal task list, the attention on lunar mining has increased.

The internal logic system is constantly operating, and it is not sure which part of the code is derived. Double Star suddenly feels that deep space, underground, and ocean seem to be very interesting ...

Guan Ming didn't know the change of the internal logic of the double star. In fact, he didn't pay attention to this one. Through the ingestion of external information, the code of the double star is growing every minute and every second, just like a creature without life limit, constantly Differentiation and growth.

Manually splicing parts is a man's romance, just like multiple turrets and large calibers are the most exciting.

For Guan Ming, spontaneous research is his favorite, not forced to arrange a job.

Through an electric soldering iron, Guan Ming constantly fixed each component, the solder bar changed from solid to liquid, and the difference in force caused Guan Ming to fall into a cycle, just like a child constantly playing with a robot toy with only arms and legs moving.

Enjoy it.


"Sister, come on, you can do it!" Holding his fist, Guan Mengxi pumped up her sister, full of expectations on her face.

"It's too shame! And I've said it already, I will be a scientist in the future, why should I learn this too!" Wearing a small stretch pants, Guan Mengyu's face is bitter, in the mirror wall, moments The short, fat little legs are fed back, like lotus roots, one by one.

Tian Qiantong stood aside and laughed, watching the little sister interact with her childishly and lovelyly.

It is said that seeing is true, and hearing is false.

After real contact with the two little sisters ~ ~ Tian Qiantong discovered that the IQs of the two little guys are very high, and even have the binding power that elementary school students do not have. Of course, it may be better to use willpower to describe it.

The little one under three and a half years old may have just been weaned in some overdoted families. They only do things according to their own preferences and instincts, but the two little sisters are different.

They have their own thinking logic, their own three perspectives, and even their own plans and goals, and continue to work for this goal.

Tian Qiantong is curious about the future development of the two sisters, and she is also looking forward to the development of the younger sisters in the future.

PS: I admit that I have many numbers, but in this book, I only have two numbers, one is the number of the author, and the other is the number of the sub-moderator, so do n’t think that this is my little one as soon as someone speaks for me. No. Actually, I will not be embarrassed, but I will be embarrassed for you.

I have n’t even brushed up data such as ordering and posting. I will deliberately brush the comment area?

It's too late to hide.

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