Private Technology

: 724 I used to think of mental retardation

"Human experiments, okay, go back and let Shuangxing sort out the information, and then you are sure to give it to me, and I will help you handle it." Guan Ming said boringly, sitting up.

As for Mu Xiaoxiao, she already hummed Xiaoqu and went to the bathroom to wash. She is probably very satisfied with this wave of 'home education'.

Children are usually too worrying, they ca n’t find a chance once they want to educate, it ’s not easy to raise a baby!

"The information was prepared last night. I will let Double Star pass it to you in a while." Sitting on the big bed, Guan Mengyu nodded and said blankly.

"By the way, how did you deal with scientific research during this time when I was not at home? Xiao Xi should still be very sticky to you." Seeing these three Wu's second girls, Guan Ming couldn't help but gossip.

Inexplicably, Guan Ming remembered the plot in the anime. For Guan Mengyu, Guan Mengxi should be a sweetheart, but he didn't know which heavenly descending system could accept the crossing passenger.

But if you think about it, Guan Ming is a little upset.

Lao Tzu has exhausted her daughter who has worked hard to find out whether she is a passenger, but there is a wild kid who dare to remember, it is really Chihuahua!

"Hello, you have also invented electronic glasses. Don't you know that you can use electronic glasses for remote control and feedback experimental data and image data in real time?" Guan Mengyu's expression is no longer San Wu, but with a look at mental retardation Take care of Ming.

"Anyway, I do n’t have a stable test tube right now. It does n’t make much sense to go to the laboratory." Seeing a sore dad, Guan Mengyu nodded with satisfaction, and then explained intimately.

"... I haven't had a good night's sleep, and I always feel that my memory will be reduced a lot ~" Guan Ming chuckled his head and hissed.

Hey, let's try hard, you can definitely get a Mediterranean under 40!

But if you think about it, Guan Mengyu would definitely not say it now, at least before she has the power to control the time, she will never go to the iron **** tube.

"I'm looking for my sister, and I'll take care of the experiment!" Even if Guan Ming said nothing, the little boy crawled out of bed, his calf twitched, and ran out of the room all the way.

Although he did not plead in tone, Guan Ming was satisfied.

You arrogant, let you do right with Lao Tzu!

"Well, how about light rain?" With a towel wrapped around his head, Mu Xiaoxiao came out of the toilet like Asan and saw the **** the bed had disappeared, and asked curiously.

Fortunately, she is at home. If she is outside, she will shout in a sad voice: My cub!

"Go back to my room, it's almost time to go to school." Straightened his old waist, Guan Ming lifted the quilt, wore a pair of large trousers, and went to the ground, ready to wash.

"By the way, what's my girlfriend looking for you? At a young age, you knew you wanted to hide it from me, really!" It was probably out of jealousy. She didn't understand why Xiaodian would stick to her father instead of her mother. .

Although Mu Xiaoxiao is also a kind of non-stick mother, that is definitely because Mu mother beats her eight times a day, and she absolutely does not recognize genetics!

"It's okay, just ... ask me where she came from." When passing by Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming patted his hands on that white tower-like head, and it turned out to be a blast of heat, following Xiuxian Like success.

"Ah? What did you say?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked quickly.

"I asked her to ask you, I said nothing." With a shrug, Guan Ming said that he was successful again, it was a wonderful day ~

"This ... What should I do? My mother said that I was brought back from the orphanage when I was a kid, otherwise, I told Xiaoyu that she was sent for a recharge?" Mu Xiaoxiao followed Guan Ming tangled. I was going to go out and blow my hair, but I couldn't care less at this time.

"I can understand the charge, but what kind of stub is the orphanage?" Guan Ming turned his back on Mu Xiaoxiao and started booing.

The distance is relatively long, and Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't want to abandon Guan Ming, but with an inexplicable sorrow in his tone, he said, "Oh, my mother said that I was mentally retarded and was abandoned to the orphanage door when I was born."

"Mother-in-law is bright!" After adjusting the angle and initial speed, Guan Ming booed and turned around, giving her daughter-in-law a thumbs up for encouragement!

"Go, how could you say that to me!" Relying on the door of the toilet, Mu Xiaoxiao gave Guan Ming a white look.

It is the so-called seeing and not telling, good friends, once the saying is broken, this friend cannot do it.

"I think there is a song for you! That's how the lyrics sing: I used to think of mental retardation to go to the horizon ~" Guan Ming sang.

After hesitating, Mu Xiaoxiao then said with a look of disdain: "People were: I dreamed of going to the end of the world with a sword!"

"Also, people who booed for more than three seconds are not qualified to speak to me!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and turned away proudly.

"... mmp, Lao Tzu is about hygiene and politeness!" Guan Ming didn't respond for a while. When the reflection came, the mental retardation was long gone. He wasn't sure if the "furious roar" could add to his waist. A buff, although he hopes to increase the attack speed by 60%, but do not get a 5 second real man ...


Guan Ming is very concerned about Guan Mengyu's affairs. After having breakfast, Guan Ming went to the company to find Meng Liting.

"Good boss, but there may be some problems with the approval. I have specifically consulted on this before. National drug clinical trials cannot be avoided, and domestically produced drugs need to wait until domestic factories have the relevant production conditions. For the application, it seems that Xiaoyu Pharmaceutical does not have a special production factory. "Meng Liting sat in front of Guan Ming ~ ~ a bit worried.

The process from drug development to market is very difficult. If you just follow the process and do not make mistakes, it can be done within a year. It is a strong background. If there is a problem in the middle and you are called back, the CD will take at least 4 months.

"The factory? Can't we use foundry?" Guan Ming frowned. He was not good at medicine, so he didn't know about this.

Guan Mengyu didn't talk to Guan Ming about the factory and other things before. Now, when thinking about it, Guan Ming thinks that Guan Mengyu's last life is almost the same as his last life. They are ordinary employees belonging to the research institute. Fingers, tube Mengyu is dependent on memory.

At least at present, Guan Ming has not found that Guan Mengyu has cheating performance.

"It's difficult, because production technology, equipment, sanitation, etc. derived from a series of problems such as process research, quality research, stability research, etc., are difficult to find ready-made foundry businesses, although the" Implementation Regulations "said that it can accept commissioned processing enterprises Eligibility requirements. "

Letting go, Meng Liting said she had done her best. Find this site Please search for "6 毛" or enter the URL :.

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