Private Technology

: 733 Strong Austrian Black

"I still don't know what you are thinking every day. Are you here sitting here responsible for fulfilling your responsibilities and obligations?" Okui sat on the main seat and looked at the participating members seriously.

"Proclaim this justice, promote that evil, come and come, who can tell me now, if China really has the technology of controlled nuclear fusion, how can we obtain it?"

"Mr. Smith, I remember that your attitude was very clear last time, and you said that you would send another aircraft carrier to the Pacific to coerce China. Do you still think so?" No one waited for the initiative to speak, and Austrian Hei directly named.

During the last visit to China by Austrian Helsinki, although both Austrian Hei and China were concealed, the problem was that the United States did not recognize the later performance of Austrian Hei, and even people within the Democratic Party expressed dissatisfaction with Austrian Hei.

Because of the later performance of Austrian Black, all previous plans were directly overturned.

The United States is nearing the general election, and the Austrian and Heihei teams and the Democrats all think that it will expand * and show a strong performance against China. At the same time, they will throw China's sluggish economic blame on China to maintain or even increase votes.

These are the established plans, but Okuai suddenly made a 180 ° transition without consulting with anyone, and almost did not flash to the old waist of these people.

The United States is not always rich, and the US economy has been going down in recent years.

From the perspective of family economy, the United States and Japan are very similar. Generally, men go out to work, and women are mostly housewives or go to odd jobs.

Once there is a job change in one of the families, there will be a problem with the family ’s economy, and many middle-class Americans may still perform well outside because of face problems, but when they return home, they may be overdue. Food, even breakfast, supper, etc. every day.

Taking a closer look, the extreme environmentalists who have appeared in the United States over the years have advocated 'free vegetarian food' and specialised in picking up food from trash cans because they really couldn't afford to eat and at the same time couldn't pull down like a beggar.

O'Hare has a data in hand. As of the end of last year, there were nearly 48 million Americans in the United States who were undernourished.

However, it is a pity that Austrian Hei did not have the opportunity to throw the black pot to China, and Austrian Hei will have to make a big change in this year's State of the Union address and so on. His head is almost big.

"China has not demonstrated the technology of controlled nuclear fusion, and I don't think that my proposal is problematic. The road from the moon to the earth will not be smooth, and we have the ability to achieve truncation in the air." Smith, who was named, did not. False, still tough.

"Then the World War? How much military power can the country mobilize? Can you be sure that the United States will win? Instead of being hit by the other side of the door?" Okui asked.

"Huh, our country has 11 active aircraft carriers. Once the war begins, we will create more aircraft carriers, whether land or sea or in the air, we can block China, and we have many allies. No country in the world is ours. Opponent! "Smith is not young and has a good temper.

Even if the other party is the president, Smith is still not weak, and in addition to different parties, different skin colors are also a reason.

"If the other party has developed controllable nuclear fusion, then you still expect the other party not to study weapons and equipment that we do not know? We must know that armament products are developed by all countries first!"

"I gave 1/3 to you, the intelligence department. But now I do n’t know how to control it. Other Chinese enterprises' networks that could have been defeated now are not working. This is what you said is powerful. If the war really starts in the future, I will even Will worry about our network security issues! "Austrian Hei did not give the opposite party, all the way mad.

Smith opened his mouth and finally said nothing.

The importance of the intelligence department is self-evident. The change of the minister of information is only a manifestation of the highest level. In fact, the deputy and the personnel below have changed more.

But I'm sorry, even if the intelligence department changes, it is still useless.

The meeting ended with the victory of Austria and Helsinki. At least, Austria and Helsinki are now reluctant to unify the party's voice, rather than previous criticisms.

Regarding China ’s unusual rocket launch, in response to the long-lost interview with Guan Ming and his wife, countries around the world have attached great importance to it and have also launched various internal meetings.

"Mom, look ~" Holding a printing paper in his hand, Guan Mengxi smiled at the two dimples and flung them into Mu Xiaoxiao's arms.

"Oh, mother, look at what Xiao Xi drew ~" With a long note, Mu Xiaoxiao took the other's armpit, put it directly on his leg, and put the printing paper on the coffee table.

At the side of Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming's head stretched out to see the children's stick figure.

Judging from the style of painting, it is the stickman. When distinguishing characters, only the hair and height of the wavy line can be distinguished.

The picture is very simple. There are two stickmen and two stickmen standing next to each other. A giant channeling monkey is standing next to it. The lead is risking three "flares", and there is a small window above the channel monkey ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ There is a long rectangular face inside.

Seeing that the adult on the ground had a figure of "forward and backward" Guan Guan shut up decisively and wanted to hear what Guan Meng Xi said.

"This is me, my mother, my sister, and my dad!" The little guy pointed his fingers one by one, and the stickman representing Guan Ming had the long face on the sky monkey!

"Good guy, you're asking me to sit on the sky monkey and go to heaven ~" Fang his teeth, Guan Ming squeezed the little guy's face.

The little guy's face is tight and fleshy, he feels very good, and his skin is more delicate than Guan Ming's ass!

"Hey." Hiding into Mu Xiaoxiao's big chest, Guan Mengxi seemed to be ashamed to see someone, leaking his back to Guan Ming.

After hearing Guan Ming's words, Guan Mengyu was probably curious. He crawled over from the sofa to see what posture Guan Ming was tied to the channeling monkey.

"Xiao Xi's painting is so beautiful ~" Mu Xiaoxiao praised, patted Guan Ming's hand, and glared at him at the same time.

Because Mu Xiaoxiao found that her husband actually wanted to pull open his big chest and dig out Guan Mengxi's head ...

"Why did Xiaoxi think about drawing this?" He pinched the back of Guan Mengxi's back, straightening Guan Mengxi's waist plate like a clam.

"Grandma said, said Dad is going to heaven ~" Pushing away his big chest, Guan Mengxi turned to look forward, finally lying on the coffee table with his upper body.

"Your grandma's original words should not be like this, your father and I are not ready to go to heaven ..." Guan Ming twitched, and he no longer expected the children's ability to repeat.

"Grandma said that Dad is so good that he can go to heaven ~" Guan Mengyu looked at the boring stick figure and lay crooked and lay down again.

Guan Ming: "..."

Obviously it should be a compliment, but it's a little awkward to hear, how can this be good!

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