Private Technology

: 735 Initial Thoughts on Weapon Development

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"Good boss, is the drawing of the shared electric vehicle prepared by our company ready? The Great Wall can be produced at any time." Leaning forward, taking over the documents, and when he sat down, he took the opportunity to Guan Ming. Alas, the main purpose is to get rid of the next thigh.

How to fall in love with different genders?

Meng Liting does not dislike the friendship between the same sex. Even when she is in school, she will take her friend's hand to the toilet together after class, but the problem is that people squat in two pits instead of squatting in one pit at the same time.

Maybe when I went to the bathhouse to take a bath, I would joke with my friends and say that you are so big, and even sneaked up pretending twice, but that was just a joke.

I really encountered a ‘broken sleeve habit’, and Meng Liting was also embarrassed.

There was a lot of space in the middle, and Meng Liting was relieved, and she didn't consciously put a smile on her face.

Looking at the regretful Liu Mengmeng, Guan Ming could only be glad that he was sitting on a single sofa, otherwise it would be easy for beautiful women to sit up on their legs.

"Don't worry about our company's drawings. Give them to the Great Wall first, lest they be in a hurry." Guan Ming shook his head and said.

At present, the infrastructure is not well prepared. The most important thing is that the controlled nuclear fusion has not yet been applied. The electricity costs must be high. Guan Ming cannot afford to seize the market at this small profit, or even when he loses money.

Because the market does not need Guanming to grab, this kind of market with obvious technical content, whether anyone is going to seize first, as long as Guanming intervenes, then there is no competition, only crushing!

"Okay, then there is nothing wrong with me. The clinical trial of the drug needs to start after the completion of the pharmaceutical factory. Years ago, there should be nothing wrong with me." I flipped through the notepad on the human brain chip, Meng Liting It means there is no problem here.

"I'm fine here, too." Liu Mengmeng also said, probably want to go to the toilet with Meng Liting hand in hand after the break up.

"Okay, let's break up." Guan Ming got up on his knees and went out first.

On the third floor, Guan Ming held his shoulders and looked at the charging pile in front of him.

In the case of removing the shell, the charging pile is not large. There are two charging methods, one is automatic charging and the other is manual charging.

From a form point of view, manual charging is similar to the type of gas station. They are all handheld, but in the end there is a plug connected and fixed to the car for charging. During the charging process, people can not hold it at all times.

The automatic charging should deal with the autonomous driving. This is a kind of unmanned / lazy charging. The car is moved to a suitable position through the navigation positioning of the car, the positioning of the charging pile, and the optical positioning of the surveillance camera, and then the charging pile It will automatically extend a horizontal ground charging head, x enters the car, release ... no, it is charging.

At present, there are no clear specifications for charging piles in the domestic and foreign industries, and this behavior is actually a rule for the industry.

As an industry rule maker, Guan Ming does not need to consider Tesla or the like at all. Since Guan Ming is involved in this industry, he has the confidence that he can eliminate other companies, whether it is self-interest at the source or technical priority.

The market is also a small world. If you cannot adapt the world to yourself, you can only adapt yourself to the world. If neither of them can be completed, perhaps after millions of years, you will leave a fossil for future generations. As a trace of the existence.

"Boss, the technical content of the charging pile is not high. If some functions are abandoned, there is a possibility that this thing can be copied." It is found that Guan Ming has been staring at the thing in front of him, Shuangxing said.

If the charging pile removes the automatic charging, the technical content is not very high, and the imitation is not difficult. Perhaps the rules formulated by Guan Ming are only the specifications of the charging port, just like the USB interface.

"I don't think so." Guan Ming had a weird tone, then turned around the charging pile twice, and groaned. "A large amount of power is provided in a short period of time. You said, is it possible to make it into a weapon? Um ... … Super electromagnetic gun? "

Guan Ming talked up without any responsibility. With the success of controlled nuclear fusion, Guan Ming ’s Sky City is being developed in an orderly manner. But since it is his future nest, Guan Ming must have his own security forces. Turning electrical energy into a lethal weapon is a point worthy of attention. He always believes that it is better to ask for one's self, and the power in his own hands is the most real, like a double star.

In Guan Ming's vision, the city of the sky is a controlled source of nuclear power, which uses nuclear energy to convert electricity. How can the energy continue to be transformed?

"Maybe ... it's okay." Probably shocked by Guan Ming's boundless brain hole, the sound of Double Star was a little hesitant.

Not just jump from the charging pile to the weapon, but also think of the super electromagnetic gun of ~ Magic Forbidden? Or a super electromagnetic gun?

"Metal projectiles? Supply will be a problem. If it's the ground, what about air cannons?" Probably inspired by Double Star's hesitant voice, Guan Ming continued to think.

Electromagnetic cannons use electromagnetic fields to accelerate metal projectiles to physically attack targets. Finally, they use kinetic energy to show their lethality. No matter how cool the name is, in a battle, metal projectiles are disposable consumables, and they also exist in inventory. Certain pressure.

If it is above the ground, an attack with infinite ammunition is the best option.

Guan Ming sometimes thought about lasers before going to bed, but for various reasons, the practical application of lasers is not extensive.

"But, boss, don't you dislike researching weapons?" Shuangxing did not comment on the air cannon. Whether a technology is complete or not has little meaning to it. It has infinite time to perform calculations, whether it is exhaustive. Law or other methods, one day can overcome a technology.

Double Star was more curious about Guan Ming's change in attitude. At least in his logic, Guan Ming did not like to study weapons.

"How do you see that I don't like researching weapons? I just rarely study weapons, not because I don't like researching weapons." Guan Ming said strangely.

The most important purpose of Guan Ming's research on science and technology is to serve himself, whether it is the previous achievements or the weapon he wants to research now.

"I just retrieved the content about the air cannon. Judging from the information, the air cannon is not suitable in the field of weapons, because the density of air is too small, and even the water gun is stronger than the air cannon. With the increase, the power of the water gun will also decrease sharply. Unless the water pressure is increased at any cost, from the point of view of power, it is still recommended to use solid ammunition. "Shuangxing gave a more appropriate suggestion.

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