Private Technology

: 750 The world is wrong

France has risen, it has been strong, and it has now fallen.

Some people may speak French as the most beautiful language in the world, but those who speak it should talk about numbers in French, phone numbers and so on.

The outside world describes France as a country of art. However, even the most beautiful art must be built on the strength of the country. At least the number of active military personnel is a very intuitive data.

Emperor Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong's performance on ceramics can be divided into three categories. Regardless of the atmosphere or gracefulness, they largely reflected the social background of the time, such as whether the national strength was strong and whether the state treasury was full.

And France, full of art, has been in the process of legalizing homosexuality for a while. Love is endless. This is also an expression of art ...

"Transfer the documents back to China." Putting down his glasses, the giant sat down tiredly on the sofa and ordered the little secretary around him.

From the current point of view, the most secure information transmission is the transmission between human brain chips. Whether it is a double star as a relay station, or a human brain chip as a sending and receiving end, there is no possibility of being attacked by the network.

The most important thing is that this transmission method can achieve instant transmission and mass transmission. The only thing that needs to be done is to have a staff member install a human brain chip, and that's all.

"Okay, giant." I can feel the tiredness of the giant, the little secretary nodded softly, then looked at the giant with a questioning look, as if asking whether to make tea, it is now more than 11 o'clock in the evening, easy to drink tea Insomnia, this hasn't accounted for the giant's poor adjustment of jet lag.

"Let's have a cup of strong tea." Feeling the pause of the little secretary, the giant also knew the other party's meaning, and froze and said.

"But the health doctor said, you'd better go to bed before 12 o'clock every day, or else you can get a cup of light tea?" Good medicine is bitter, and some words are not excessive. At least from the perspective of physical health, how much is said? Nothing is wrong.

"It's okay, and the strong tea is not delayed. It's light and tasteless now." Putting on the glasses again, the giant smiled and nodded.

"This ... well ..." Although it is the secretary responsible for the work of the giants, as a secretary of the giants, not only must be proficient in all aspects, but at least you must have some understanding.

While making tea, the little secretary greeted people with documents and started data transmission between users of the human brain chip.

In China in the northern hemisphere, a staff member next to the chief giant received a message from the giant. At the same time, the staff member received more than that. There were also messages from other giants or people below. This The staff is like a humanoid information transfer station, which continuously receives and publishes information for the chief giant.

"It's a little fun ~ you all have a look." The chief giant looked at the printed documents and greeted the other two giants at home.

The giants in charge of technology going out for business negotiations is actually a process of adaptation to the next job change, ensuring that they can quickly enter the state at the beginning of the next session.

"The EU looks bad, but how do you say this kind of agreement is more symbolic for us?" Said a giant.

"After all, it is the first to jump out to cooperate with us, and it is also a country within the European Union. There is nothing wrong with relaxing the conditions. At least from the international situation, it can also make the other side bleeding." Another giant said.

"Now European and American countries want to save themselves economically. I don't think France values ​​moon mining. I think these" incidental "trade orders are what France values." The position of general giant feels like a retreat. However, to get to this post, practical experience is not lacking at all.

Become the highest level of a country, and within that field of view are the highest levels of other countries.

Take control of a country, and other countries are in view.

The total giant will not only focus on one acre of one-third of its own land. National development is not just that GDP must be higher this year than last year. This is only a vertical comparison. Compared with other countries, it must also exceed a certain level. To catch up, even catch up!

"No way. I heard that there are signs of Brexit over the UK. Although I don't think this is true, the UK's performance in the EU is too independent. It is estimated that France can't help it this time, so it was anxious to find We do n’t even care about the United States. ”The first giant laughed ridiculously.

Although there are think tanks, the giants do not think that Britain will leave the European Union. After all, it is not just economic issues that are involved, but other factors including regional political stability are all objective.

"But when it comes to the United States, may we try to contact Austria and Hei, and we may get a good result in terms of lunar mining." The second giant probably heard the word 'United States' and suddenly changed the topic.

"It is impossible. At present, for us, the longer the moon mining is delayed, the better, and there is a high probability that Austria and Hei can be re-elected. We cannot afford to take risks for this matter, and maybe there are more important things in the future. The giants refused decisively, and at the same time the smile on their faces faded.

Someone goes up, and somebody down.

Although some people go down, some people also want to be beautiful.

The previous achievements were for climbing up.

The current achievements are for the sake of fame.

It's like writing into the Party Constitution and the three representatives of the Constitution. There are too many twists and turns in it ...

Guan Ming doesn't know the game he played with many countries on the moon mining, because he always believes that he is right, and the world is wrong!

"Most obviously said many times, don't eat sugar in front of the children! What else is wrong is the world, is it the Xiyuan Temple world?" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with a constipated face.

Beside him, Guan Mengxi put Mu Xiaoxiao's calf on his back and black Dove chocolate in his hand. The little boy was eating with great interest, and he didn't care what his dad and his mother said terrible things.

As for Guan Mengyu ~ ~ she looked at her younger sister eagerly.

My mother said that eating sugar can cause toothache. If you have tooth decay, you need to extract your teeth!

Sister, let me protect your teeth!

With a tilted head, Guan Mengxi looked at his weak sister, chewing the chocolate vigorously, and at the same time made a big wish in his heart.

"I don't know if I will come to you today to read the story. Xiyuan Temple World, are you suggesting anything to me?" Guan Ming sat in the bed and watched with regret that Guan Mengxi, who had eaten chocolate halfway , But he didn't even give her a hard break.

It is indeed my girlfriend. Whether it is the action of grabbing chocolate or eating, it has inherited your excellent posture and movement of me, so handsome that people can only forgive ...

I do n’t know why, the room was covered with festive red, but Guan Ming always saw the green grass ...

PS: During the Chinese New Year, there is too little time for code words. Tomorrow will also open ‘Handsome guy teaches you to cook the second bomb ...’, but I will try to update it, thank you for your support ~

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