Private Technology

: 756 as a master of death

"General Manager, you know Syria." Ding Zhi, sitting on the sofa holding the tea cup in his hand, asked.

"Well, I know, what's wrong?" Guan Ming was a little bit square, how did he suddenly change to Syria? This has nothing to do with Guan Ming.

You should know that Guan Ming's family and Guan Ming's relatives are no longer traveling abroad, let alone Syria. Guan Ming doesn't think he can make a name for himself in Syria.

If it is Israel, Guan Ming can still be sure of it. It is not that Israel does not have a war, but that Israel itself is a technological power. If Guan Ming is removed, China ’s level of science and technology may not reach Israel.

"Early last year, civil war broke out in Syria. The National Tourism Administration issued a travel warning to warn the Chinese not to travel to Syria. After all, the bullets were flying around. If they were killed by stray bullets, they would n’t be able to find the body if they were not injustice Come back. "Ding Zhi said with a heavy face.

"Don't ... some people are going to travel to Syria." Guan Ming looked at Ding Zhi with a pained expression, hoping he could give a negative answer, but Ding Zhi slowly nodded.

"This is really ..." Guan Ming didn't know what to say. He said that he would not die if he didn't die. He traveled to the warring area. Did he want to make a movie of guns and bullets? Is that posture scissors hands or scared pants?

Guan Ming doesn't quite understand the motivation of these people, but how to say ...

"... What does this have to do with me?" Guan Ming spread his hands, very innocent.

Guan Ming is best at Pa Xiaoxiao, followed by pleasure, and finally scientific research. Although the proportion of scientific research time in the recent period is relatively high, the overall ranking has not changed.

He is not a superman, and he can save the two unlucky eggs in an instant.

"It's still somewhat related." I think the atmosphere is a little serious, and Ding Zhi's face is a lot less serious, leaving the whole conversation in a relaxed category.

"Given the location and security factors, the state is preparing to dispatch soldiers equipped with human brain chips to rescue them, while equipping them with various new types of equipment. In person, the timetable shows that the major general comrade hopes that you can watch the rescue process together and make technical comments on the equipment displayed. "

After seeing Guan Ming's boring expression, Ding Zhisheng was afraid that he would talk nonsense tomorrow, and specifically instructed: "Let ’s say, a large part of the weapons displayed this time are newly developed by the state. This rescue is one aspect The testing of equipment is also an important part. Your opinion will directly affect the penetration rate and speed of these equipment, and even directly seal the individual equipment that has been produced. "

"I never thought that I had such a great ability." Guan Ming spit out, but it should be considered an errand, and he also wanted to know the state's development of weapons and equipment. After all, in the future city of the sky, he It also requires considerable size and type of defense.

Guan Mingqiang's strength lies in research and development. Relatively speaking, he is weaker on ‘ideas’. To him, tomorrow is a bright and stealing link. He has no reason to refuse.

"Well, the target of this rescue will not be the second-generation rich or the second-generation official. Otherwise, how can the country make such great efforts to rescue?" .

There are not many other people in China, but more people means more trouble. This does not involve quality. It is just a matter of probability.

Guan Ming may be the first to know about this kind of combat zone tourism, but this is definitely not the first time. Guan Ming has reasons to doubt whether these father-in-law parents are big men.

"What's the matter?" He stumbled stupidly, then shook his head with a smile, Ding Zhi denied Guan Ming's words.

"They are all young and ordinary people, but they are just at the edge of the war zone, and there is a chance of successful rescue. Another thing I think is that the South China Sea is a bit big, so the country is likely to take advantage of this opportunity to come Frighten foreigners and strengthen the right to speak in the region, but the latter paragraph is my guess. Don't say it, otherwise I will be in trouble. "

Although this is only a saying of Ding Zhi's family, Guan Ming feels that he is quite reliable. After all, he is a professional, especially Guan Ming's last impression of the South China Sea is relatively deep. At least the same rude court has caused a while in China Uproar, comparable to the host sports in South Korea, belongs to the kind that is difficult to know.

Guan Ming is not an actor. Although I really want Double Star to retrieve the information in advance, considering the ability to easily leak Double Star because of these things, it is not worth it.

Then, after Ding Zhi left the company, Guan Ming went home to serve his wife.

Probably the external factors of sleepiness in spring, lack of summer, autumn, and winter hibernation. Mu Xiaoxiao is also tired for reasons. He needs to go home to be a good husband and watch the children for his wife.

"Is it ill, you should go check it." After dinner, Guan Ma sat on the sofa with anxiety and looked at Grandpa Guan Ming. As for Xiaoxiao Mu, he ran upstairs to sleep after dinner. Already.

"Let ’s do this. I have something tomorrow. I'll take Xiaoxiao to the hospital for a checkup the day after tomorrow." Glancing at his parents, Guan Ming thought for a moment.

Mu Xiaoxiao's body is fine. Besides, she didn't get sick and survived before Guan Ming passed through. Guan Mingke didn't think Mu Xiaoxiao would suddenly have any terminal illness, and then directly brought the lunch box to his knees. This is too large in Korea. Emotional TV series.

"What do you do every day? That's your daughter-in-law, so you can't have snacks?" Guan Ma heard this, and complained a little in her heart.

After knowing the working status of her son long ago, Guan Ma didn't consider her son to be a dedicated and dedicated person ~ ~ Especially Guan Ming was usually very lazy, even looking at children. Anything can make both Double Star and Rhubarb non-human!

If it wasn't for Guan Ma's sudden killing back yesterday afternoon, she thought Guan Mingzhen would take the children well at home!

"It's true. Someone came down, and it might not even be done in a day. If it can't be finished tomorrow, I will let Double Star check it first. Anyway, first determine the situation. Double Star is not worse than the doctor, and if it is gynecological disease or something Xiao Xiao's face is small, and she may be embarrassed, even if the other party is a doctor. "Guan Ming analyzed the situation and reaction Mu Xiaoxiao might foresee from the perspective of human nature.

"Oh ~" Shake off the newspaper, and Guan Dao made a strange noise, then glanced at Guan Ming, and did not make other remarks.

Guan Ma looked at Guan Ming with a perverted look, and Guan Ming was a little embarrassed.

Wait, is there something bad misunderstanding that I just made you?

PS: Before it ’s too late, let me cry for a few minutes. I think the statistics are more heartbreaking than writing. Finally, I ’ll conclude with a word from Mr. Feng, that is: I want to die.

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