Private Technology

: 774 ants moving the mountain

Customs is an indispensable unit in every country. When talking about customs, people probably think of the word 'smuggling'.

Smuggling means high profits and tight sales.

In 360 lines, if a champion is selected in the smuggling industry, Bao Fat feels that he should not let it go.

Bao Fat was not fat. When he was laid off, he was even less than 120 pounds at a height of 175. He thought that this was the case in his life, but he wanted to finally pass the layers of assessment and become a human brain chip user!

The only thing that regrets Bao Fat is that he was finally judged as a 'merchant', although he had a fighting heart.

There is no way, since it is a businessman, then a businessman. Anyway, everyone has a patriotic heart. Grandpa Mao said that there is no distinction between high and low.

So on the open proposition "How to use merchants' methods to obtain foreign banned goods", Bao Fatty's answer is two words: smuggling!

"Supervisor Zhao!" The staff around him kept saying hello to the people around Bao Fat.

Hearing hello, Supervisor Zhao also smiled and kept nodding.

"Well, it is indeed a person who is about to be promoted to the first level of customs supervision. This is really style ~" In the office, Bao Fat was sitting on a swivel chair, and he couldn't stop turning around, looking around as if pressed A live pig on a chair.

"The state has no explicit regulations on the size of public office. The size is considered mainstream by the customs. Now it is you, our treasure brother and grandpa! Can you tell me why I found this in your container?" Supervisor Zhao opened Drawer, took out a cloth bag from the inside, and threw it on the desk.

The mouth was not fastened, and a few gems were scattered on the table, giving a dazzling luster.

Fortunately, it is an independent office, and the office is covered by blinds. Otherwise, this scene looks like a bribe and a bribe.

"Fuck, why are you taking it out for me? I have nowhere to put it!" The **** jumped up like a needle tied, and Bao Fat quickly picked up and threw the gems that fell out with flexibility beyond his size. Back in the bag, then holding the bag, a look that did not know where to stop.

"Have you ever asked me for something? The first-level customs supervision? How many times have you come back? I ca n’t even be supervised!" Supervisor Zhao said with a sullen expression.

"Hey, just order this way, I don't believe anyone can stop you! Don't think I'm stupid, I can guarantee that I know what I've done, just open one eye and close one. Why is it true? , Right. "Bao Fat said, trying to put the gem bag in his pants pocket.

"Hmm ~" Hearing this, Supervisor Zhao's face was much better.

When the water is clear, there are no fish, and when the person is near Cha, there is no appetite.

At the beginning, he gave Bao Fat a couple of preferential treatments. One was to introduce Supervisor Zhao to Bao Fat, and the supervisor at the customs side would help him handle it. The second was to ask the bank to give Bao Fat a non-interest-bearing loan.

Don't look at Bao Fat now shaking, but this is what he deserves, such as occasional private goods.

"Last month's internal report said that the domestic gemstone prices have fluctuated abnormally recently. Some people suspect that there is a problem with the customs side. You should pay more attention to it." Supervisor Zhao thought for a while and decided to take the matter Tell each other, after all, they both work for the country, but this fat man is a bit annoying, but the task is the task and must be completed.

"It's impossible, every time I bring something like this, how can the market change?" Bao Fatty took a moment to glance, a little bit lost.

"Nonsense. From top to bottom, I know no more than ten people who install human brain chips. You should be a gem of smuggling!" This sentence was supervised by Zhao through the human brain chip to communicate.

"Fuck, I keep saying that the old iron from Brazil is good. I didn't expect it to be a complete game. I only made something like this once." Bao Fatty poked his mouth, and it was also the result of the reply from the human brain chip. That is, no one in the room talked, as if sitting and looking at each other.

"It may not be Brazil, it may be the work of other countries, but in any case, you better not to touch the gems first. Anyway, from the current tungsten mines, you have made a lot of money. Ah. "Supervisor Zhao did not want to cause trouble himself, so he could only persuade Bao Fat to let go.

The country has its own tungsten ore deposits, but this does not prevent tungsten ore from becoming a rare ore deposit and serves as one of the national reserves.

Tungsten and its alloys are one of the most important functional materials in modern technology, national defense, and high-tech applications. They are widely used in aviation, chemical industry, and automotive fields, especially in missiles and armor-piercing warheads. Tungsten ore is also required. For a country, this is an essential mineral deposit!

There is no way for the government to buy it back. It can only rely on one or another 'businessmen' like Bao Fat, and the ants will move the mountain to return all the necessary materials for the country.

"Damn, am I really going to smuggle bananas in the future?" Bao Fatzi thought uninterestingly, there was a banana hill in his brain, and he was sitting on the highest peak, with a banana crown tied by three bananas on his head. ~ ~ Supervisor Zhao: "..."


Guan Ming's office in Shanghai, Guan Ming personally came to the door, mainly to report, after all, his schedule is also the country's attention.

"Go back to the island to reconcile? Isn't it, did your twins have been reconciled in Shanghai before?" Suddenly heard that Guan Ming wanted to go back to his hometown for a while, and the first reaction of Shanghai's big brother was to refuse .

Although Guan Ming's industries are all in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, compared with Guan Ming's company, Guan Ming is more valuable!

"It's going to be Meiyu in Shanghai soon, so I want to take her back to my hometown for a while," Guan Ming said.

"Mei Yutian ... is also a problem ..." Both hands clasped, and the thumb of his right hand kept scratching the back of his left hand. The Shanghai gangster couldn't find any reason to refute.

As if it is too cold in winter, then go to Sanya hot, this statement is not wrong.

Continue to say that it is too cold in winter, then go to the northeast to warm it, because there is geothermal heat, this is not a problem.

"Yes, I am afraid that Xiaoxiao is too stuffy at home, and she is afraid to go out to take a shower and catch a cold. She has to bask in the sun every day. The most important thing is that this pregnancy is too reactive. Even with recent feelings, I feel a little irritable." Guan Ming smiled bitterly and spread his hands.

Yesterday, there was a field trip at the door of the house. Although some bodyguards helped to get things, Guan Ming was tired for a day. When he slept at night, Guan Ming was so worried that he didn't want to take a bath. As a result, Xiao Xiao showed up in front of Guan Ming for the first time. Your anger.

Without saying anything, she stood by the bed and looked at Guan Ming expressionlessly.

With that expression and the action, Guan Ming thought that this was Sadako in "Meng Ghost Street".

ps: Thank you for your dreams and rewards, thank you for your support! Ah, the long-lost rewards are even more ~

I do n’t know if there is a fifth update today. I have n’t saved the draft in my hand.

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