Private Technology

: 776 Guan Ming, who cares about children's performance

Tian Qiantong hates others calling her ‘Oda’ or ‘Teacher Oda’. She prefers others to call her ‘Tongtong’. For example, twins call her ‘Tongtong’.

Tian Qiantong, born in 88, is the same age as Mu Xiaoxiao. Although she was a single dog to be Mu Xiaoxiao's child's class teacher, she also had her own ideas and her own career plan.

Maybe it's how the 'destroyed 80s' bragging on the Internet. She always has an idea to make a good life and give her a good job, but the biggest difficulty she currently faces is the 'material' in her hands. 'not enough.

She has a brain chip. She knows that in the future, the penetration rate of human brain chips may replicate the development history of computers in the future, but in the end, the proportion of human brain chip users in this society will gradually increase.

In terms of education alone, Tian Qiantong does not know why it is necessary to limit the qualification to install human brain chips after graduating from high school. It may be physical development, mental development, etc., as if there is a lower limit for the legal age of marriage in the country.

Originally in education, she thought that she could ride the dust and be a step ahead of others. She might become a star in the field of education after ten or eight years, but for now, maybe she should follow the elite education model.

"Where do you want to thank Guan Guan for inviting me to Daocheng this time? I have a roommate from Daocheng in my university, and I heard that it is very beautiful." He dragged the luggage to the door and put it away. Tian Qiantong followed Guan Ming Behind him.

"Teacher Tongtong, do you want to raise a baby with us too?" Looking up, seeing Tian Qiantong coming, Guan Mengxi smiled with two dimples on his face.

"Uh ... no, I'm going to teach you to learn. We used to agree to memorize a word every day. I want to check your recitation." I knew Mu Xiaoxiao went to the abortion, but I didn't expect Guan Meng Xi will say so, for a while, Tian Qiantong was a little bit speechy.

Fortunately, she still remembers her own job, squatting in front of Guan Mengxi, scratching the little guy's fat face.

jeans? Guan Ming is not sure. Looking from behind, the elasticity is probably very good. Perhaps the material of men's and women's jeans is different.

"Xiao Xi has to memorize a word every day? So powerful?" Bypassing the seductive back, Guan Ming leaned on the sofa next to his wife, laughing and joking.

"Of course, but my sister is even more powerful. She can carry two a day!" Happily said with a pair of scissors, Guan Mengxi proudly said, "It is indeed my sister! I am proud of you! "

Mysterious proud, mysterious smile, not embarrassed and jealous at all.

After hearing the words, Guan Mengyu, who was holding the dead body, twitched her mouth mechanically. It was a response. Maybe she couldn't connect the upper and lower sentences together in the normal logical order.

"Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu are all concerned by their grandparents and grandparents. We don't pay much attention to it. Will this progress of teaching be too fast now? For children, can this age group withstand such high intensity learning?" The buckle of the box was probably finished. Mu Xiaoxiao was sitting on the sofa, because he felt a little empty, and bent over to pick up the tube in the arms, and asked with a worried expression.

Just like the confused old man, if he wants to be an elder brother, he has to get up from his younger brother. Mu Xiaoxiao was also a child. Her childhood is probably not so beautiful according to the current thinking. This should be traced to the first generation of trouble. Itch.

"This is not a big problem. Little children, especially children of Xiaoyu Xiaoyu's age, actually don't have a deep understanding of the concept of play and learning. They may not be able to distinguish between play and learning." I think it is too small to say so. Sad, so Tian Qiantong hugged Guan Mengxi on the sofa and struck her head twice.

"At present, during the early childhood education in China, such an older child may be busier than adults in terms of study schedules. Seven days a week, there may be only one afternoon break, and this age group is the fastest period for children to accept. Time, if not considering that you two have set a life plan for the two little guys, I would probably consider adding some non-professional public courses, such as paper cutting or something. "

Maybe it was a bit too much in one breath, Guan Mengxi didn't respond, still sitting on the sofa stupidly, looking at Tian Qiantong, and then looking at his own father and mother.

As for Guan Mengyu, he yawned boringly.

life plan? Well, it is a plan that integrates all hobbies. Can you still read high school and college in chaos before thinking about the future?

"The IQs of the two twins follow her dad. They are very clever. The children's planning should not change, but I hope that Teacher Tian will try to be as entertaining as possible when he teaches in the future. It is better not to let the two children be rebellious. Psychologically. "Mu Xiaoxiao has very little constructive opinions on the child's future, so he can only say a few words.

"You are right. The IQ of the two children is indeed very high, and they are also very sensible. You see, when we talk, Xiao Xi and Xiao Yu never intervene ~ ~ It is very polite!" Tian Qiantong pointed at the two children Praised.

"Hee hee ~" I was embarrassed, Guan Mengxi covered her face and laughed.

"Mr. Oda, when do you think these two children are better at junior high school? I mean without regard to age." When Guan Mengyu kicked Guan Ming for the third time, Guan Ming looked sincerely Tian Qiantong seems to be a good father who cares about his children's academic performance.

"Maybe you don't pay much attention to your child's academic changes. At present, some courses have actually been in junior high school, but some courses are only about the third grade of primary school."

"If you just look at your grades, you may be able to go to junior high school in one or two years, but if you look at some subjects, their current level of knowledge can already support them to go to junior high school. The most important thing is the primary school The beginning, the beginning, and the height are all straight up, and the rate of enrollment is 100%, so if I focus on this, I don't think it makes much sense. "

Tian Qiantong said more euphemistically, Guan Ming is too smart to be a dad.

I don't know why, Guan Ming always felt that there were a pair of eyes behind him looking at him in a vague manner. It might be that he had fallen asleep last night. Guan Ming took a moment to ignore it.

"Compared with my studies, I am actually more worried about the playmates of the two little guys. They are too lonely. There are only two of them in a class. Although the school's class is generally equipped, there are too few peers, so from here From a perspective point of view, I even suggested that the two little guys go to junior high school later. "Tian Qiantong could not imagine a scene without friends of the same age.

For example, when classmates meet in college 20 years later, people talk about their sons and daughters one by one. As a result, when I look at them, I don't even have a target ...

No, it is embarrassing to see that you are under 30 years old.

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