Private Technology

: Seven hundred and eighty one picture (five / fifty)

"Qin Yufeng, you were in 2011 ..." In the court, there were no defense lawyers, no family members, no reporters, and trials were going on. Each person being tried could eat at least 20 years of food for free, and lost the right to vote Right to be elected.

On the other side, in the office.

"Giant, it's time to start an extended meeting," the little secretary reminded in a whisper.

"Oh, let's go." Nodded, lowered his glasses, and the giant stood up against the table.

"By the way, the others are here?" The giant is not slow, and the little secretary around needs to walk quickly to keep up.

"Two are already here, the other ..." The secretary's words were hesitant.

"This way ..." Nodded, indicating that he knew, and the giant kept moving forward.

At the venue, the giants greeted the other two and then hosted and convened a meeting. The content of the meeting was very simple. It dealt with domestic spies and corrupted cadres' disposal plans.

Every piece of detailed data, every cadre with a last name, every transaction being interrogated, and incalculable losses.

Although the conference room door was closed tightly, it attracted the attention of many people.

Because this has already refracted a certain signal, it has been extended in another way.

Daocheng Airport, Guan Ming also came forward when handing over, mainly to look at the place of residence, after all, this time the place of residence was arranged above, Guan Ming did not know in advance.

A total of three options were given, one was a provincial sanatorium, one was a resort, and the last was a village.

Guan Ming and Mu Xiaoxiao discussed and finally decided to go to the resort.

Provincial nursing homes are definitely in good condition, with mountains, water and beaches, and good security, but the problem is that there is a long distance from the gold and silver beaches, and the resort here is very close. Well, there is no doubt that someone will take over the food, and Guan Ming does not need to arrange it himself.

The last village is actually a villa area, and the location is not bad, but how to say it, it should be no feature, too ordinary.

Just like a person, the label on the body may be long legs, it may be Bai Fumei, or it may be Bi Yanyanzu such as Guan Ming, etc., and this type of label is the most impressive and the most representative Sexual kind.

The team is going through the green rubber tunnel. The provincial road should be behind it. Guan Ming's impression of this is not much.

Looking at the beautiful scenery flashing through the windows of the car, Guan Mingyi was like a generation away, and found that Mingming was a local, but seemed to travel through time and space, and was completely strange to it.

Guan Ming's last life's home was in Huangdao City. Although he occasionally came here to play, it was the kind that happened at most once a few months.

In this life, Guan Ming left the country relatively early and then settled in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. He was not impressed with the changes here.

The idiom that changes with each passing day is very applicable in modern times. The Shanghai market may need to update the map for half a month. Although the island city can't do this fast, it can be updated once a year or two.

The newly-built seaside residential areas have refreshed Guan Ming's impression of it.

"It doesn't look so broken here, is Daocheng the provincial capital?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked curiously with his chin on Guan Ming's shoulder.

There is no derogatory or ironic meaning, but the information on the Internet makes it difficult for her to give the city a clear positioning.

"Although Daocheng is not the provincial capital, the development strength of Daocheng is not small, and the geographical location is also very good. In the country, it is counted first." Guan Ming could not tell her clearly what the economic center and vice-province are. Level cities and so on, so they can only be introduced in general.

Just as there are currently four municipalities directly under the Central Government in China, isn't it Beijing and Shanghai that everyone is talking about? It is estimated that the other two people must think about it first, and then say the answer in an uncertain tone.

"When I came here last time, there didn't seem to be so many floors." Scratching his face, Mu Xiaoxiao looked with some doubt at the residential area where people can live in the distance. Each residential building can be about 30 floors high. It looks like seven buildings.

"What year was it last time, Xiaoxi Xiaoyu was not born yet." Guan Ming thought about it for a while, it seems that when he came last time, there should be a construction site over there, and the steel bars didn't seem to have reached the second floor.

"Oh." After thinking about it, it felt the same way, Mu Xiaoxiao responded, then looked at the other places with interest.

The resort soon arrived. Before Guan Ming's people arrived, this place was taken over by him. Of course, as the place designated by Guan Ming, Guan Ming contracted the entire resort for two months, which would not make people home. The boss lost two months of business.

Facing the sea and facing the Huangpu River are two concepts. Standing on the Huangpu River, there is a feeling of 'I'm here, you're there', and facing the sea is really empty, and it is the true blue sea that connects the blue sky. .

"Xiao Xiao, wear shoes!" Guan Ming held two sandals in his hand and followed Mu Xiaoxiao in a quick pace.

"Slightly, don't wear it ~" made a face at Guan Ming ~ ~ Mu Xiaoxiao rushed to the shore like an elf.

Behind Guan Ming, Guan Mengxi was also eager to try, holding Guan Mengyu's wrist in one hand, preparing to lead the girl to charge, but unfortunately, her other hand was firmly held by Tian Qiantong, and she couldn't break away.

Not far away across the road is the Silver Beach. Looking at the small steps of Mu Xiaoxiao, Guan Ming feels much more relaxed. He has not seen such Mu Xiaoxiao for a long time.

The silver sand is fine and sandy, so it is called silver sand.

The weather in the island city at the end of May was very good. Even barefoot, it was not cold standing on the beach. Even because of the sandy problem, it felt warm and comfortable.

At present, the domestic tourism fever has not spread so fast. There are not many tourists on the Silver Sand Beach. It is probably a bit silly to run by himself.

"Wait a while, you have to wear shoes in this place, otherwise it's cold and hard." Seeing the beach wet with seawater, Guan Ming quickly grabbed his daughter-in-law.

Maybe the picture of running on the coastline on the TV series and stepping on one footstep is beautiful, but Guan Ming doesn't want Mu Xiaoxiao to try this.

"Okay, okay, Shinji, nah, help me put on 呗 ~" Duzui stretched out a little foot and swayed in the air.

"It's really a troublesome guy, hold me ~" muttered, Guan Ming squatted down, grabbed that dishonest foot and shoved it in the sandals, and evenly placed it in every position and buckled it.

The sun shone brightly on the beach. Mu Xiaoxiao held Guan Ming's shoulder upright, and the other foot was held by Guan Ming in the hands, and she was seriously putting on shoes for her.

Guan and Mu, who had already walked to nearby, also subconsciously stopped, and even Guan Mengxi and Guan Mengyu looked at this picture curiously.

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