Private Technology

: 788 armed satellites and armed robots

"What's the delay? The area of ​​Zhongnanhai is not small. As long as you don't live in our office, there is no delay in work. In fact, if you live in Zhongnanhai, it is definitely safer than living in Shanghai. . "This is a temporary decision of the giant, but if the other party is the Guan Ming family, the giant believes that this is not a problem at all.

Zhongnanhai may be a forbidden place for ordinary people, but for the Guanming family, this can be a scenic spot or a hotel.

"Then ... I'll trouble you." Gritted his teeth, Guan Ming nodded in agreement.

Compared with his daughter-in-law, it ’s irrelevant to be sincere. It ’s great to do more research anyway in the future. Anyway, it is also given money, although money has no specific meaning to Guan Ming.

"Okay, let's say so. Go back and pack up, and then come to the imperial capital. I will arrange people." The giant nodded with satisfaction.

Guan Ming's counseling is sometimes a bad thing, but sometimes it is also a good thing. At least to Guan Ming's level, it is basically insulated from stubbornness.

"Okay, then this afternoon, let ’s go to the imperial capital in the afternoon. During the day, I took my daughter-in-law to the Golden Beach to have a look. It was so easy to come back and show her the sea. It's beautiful here, and we haven't been abroad for a long time to watch the scenery. "Guan Ming thought for a moment and said.

"The problem is not big, so that's the case. I have other things this time I want to talk to you about technology." The giant did not emphasize other things, the security level is already in the giant. Raised before coming to Island City.

"Oh? What's the problem?" He probably felt ashamed of the other person. Guan Ming also asked with some concern when he heard the giant say this.

"You also know that the country updates its arms every year. At present, the country has research on armed satellites and robots. This is the current scientific research progress, and you don't need to do research. After all, the anti-gravity equipment you have is more important. , I hope that you can give your own opinions and judgments on the current scientific research progress. Although the probability of future wars is not great, we still have a sense of oppression. "The giant opened his briefcase and took out a file from it. Bag on the coffee table.

"No problem, wait for me for a while, let me take a look first." Guan Ming took the document bag and opened it. There was a lot of printing paper in it, probably a finger thick.

After looking through it, Guan Ming determined the research direction and research progress of armed satellites and robots.

Armed satellites are literally understood to be artificial satellites with weapons, which are offensive satellites, and offensive satellites are divided into two categories, one is a satellite that attacks the ground, and the other is a satellite that attacks other satellites.

At present, the direction of the country's armed satellites is to attack other satellites. From the research purpose, it is mainly to protect the security of network satellites and other satellites of the country. Therefore, such a research direction has been established.

After all, on the ground, in fact, ICBMs will be more convenient, mainly in terms of ammunition replenishment.

Ground-attack offensive satellites are a difficult point in ammunition replenishment. Considering the size of the satellites, the power and quantity of ammunition must be limited, which means that the frequency of attack on offensive satellites is very low.

Rather than participating in ground attacks, it is better to destroy the satellites of the hostile forces and make the hostile forces 'blind' and 'deaf'.

In modern warfare, if satellite reconnaissance is lacking, it will definitely become an asymmetric war. The simplest example is the Kosovo war. In just 78 days, the Yugoslav Union was directly launched. The former middle-developed Yugoslavia was directly maimed. , But also tm was split, really went to the grandmother's house, crying to grandma's house.

The research on armed robots is based on the domestic robots provided by Guan Ming, a robot carrying near-medium range ammunition, and its branch is the mechanical exoskeleton.

However, like the mechanical exoskeleton, it is limited by energy and the use time of the armed robot is limited. Considering that the weapon is mainly ammunition, it is a problem in ammunition replenishment, so there is no possibility of remotely launching into the enclave, and more Still used in the war zone.

Unlike a mechanical exoskeleton, an armed robot has a self-explosive function and is unlikely to be captured. It can also be used as a one-time mobile bomb without considering cost. The most important thing is that this thing has zero casualties and can be saved. The life of a soldier.

I watched it for 10 minutes and thought about it for 20 minutes. During this period, the giants just closed their eyes and rested, taking advantage of this effort to rest.

"Giant, I've finished watching things. If you think, there is still a little bit." Not sure if the giant is asleep, Guan Ming said softly.

"Oh? Any thoughts, talk about it." Opening his eyes, the giant asked.

It can be seen that the giant should have fallen asleep ~ ~ but slept very lightly.

Looking at this giant who is older than his dad, Guan Mingqing is fortunate that he has not been in politics, let alone let him know if he has that qualification, at least he doesn't want to sleep so shallow, it is easy to be debilitated over time.

"If you are armed with a satellite, I suggest that you carry a jammer to interfere with the satellite signal within a certain range and cut off the communication between the satellite and the ground."

"Actually, I thought about space weapons before. As for armed satellites, I personally think that shooting down is a good way, but considering the function of the space station, it is better to shoot down the space station than to intercept the signal, and the existing disputes will be much smaller."

Knowing that there might be war in the future, Guan Ming naturally also considered weapons, including the idea of ​​changing the route of meteorites passing by the earth, and relying on kinetic energy to strike hostile targets. Guan Ming thought a lot, but only thought about it.

"I do n’t really have any good ideas about armed robots, and they are mainly limited by energy. From the current point of view, this document is well done and all aspects have been considered, but I think it does n’t have to be The shape of my housekeeping robot is similar, and the effect of a robot that conforms to the battlefield shape may be better. For example, a tank shape, such as a drone shape, after all, with arms and legs, there is no way to fully play on the battlefield. "

Guan Ming feels that he seems to have limited the robot. At least from the file point of view, the fingers of the armed robot can actually fire bullets, each finger is a gun barrel, and the palm of the hand is actually a collection of n weapons. ...

"Well ... OK, I remember, just now you said that you thought about space weapons, and talk about this part." After thinking about it, probably silently, after a few seconds, the giant said.

ps: sleepy, looks like Xiuxian Xiu can't move ... find this site, please search for "6 毛" or enter the URL :.

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