After seeing the broken sprinkler truck, everyone also understood what should have happened, and the four old people were also in their hearts. After all, they were ordinary people before, and all they cared about was chai rice, salt and vinegar tea. Suddenly The accidents made them feel that the world is really dangerous.

The old people remembered the last time someone tried to abduct them. Although the gangsters were also arrested on the spot, so far, no country or organization has claimed responsibility for the last incident, and at the same time did not tell the steward the four elderly people to follow up.

It may be a headless case, or it may be something that is being concealed above.

Thinking of the arrival of the giants this morning, the old people now understand why their families can go to live in Zhongnanhai. The scenery and the like are probably excuses. The main reason is to ensure the safety of their families, and all of this is because of Guan Ming.

To be precise, the attack was because Guan Ming was excellent, and he could live in Zhongnanhai because Guan Ming was too good.

Mu Xiu will be destroyed by the forest wind, and the country is resisting this strong wind.

"Xiao Xi Xiaoyu is so beautiful!" Holding the two dolls' waists and making them sit on their thighs, Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and opened flowers.

The child is not ugly, maybe the gene is too good and too good, Mu Xiaoxiao always thinks that the little red dot in the middle of the head is super cute and super beautiful.

"Mom is so beautiful!" Looking up, holding the younger sister's hand in his left hand and holding the ball in his right hand, Guan Mengxi said with a delicate voice.

"Well, my mother is also very beautiful." Nodded, Guan Mengyu said very seriously.

Maybe it ’s because of affection. Guan Mengyu thinks that Mu Xiaoxiao is very good-looking. Maybe at first glance, it ’s not as good as a host of a TV station in his last life, but after a long contact, she feels that Mu Xiaoxiao is really beautiful. It is also very good, just a bit stupid, maybe her sister is not smart but inherited her.

"Hey, hee." Mu Xiaoxiao laughed a little embarrassedly, and then face-to-face stunned two small points. As for the matter of occupation of the highlands, don't care.

The highlands belong to the twins during the day, and the Guanming belong to the highlands at night. They belong to themselves only when they exercise. This logic is completely correct.

"Get down and sit down, the plane is about to take off soon." Guan Ming, after seeing the stewardess, greeted the two little nods.

It ’s common sense to take off your seat belt when taking off, otherwise you will fall easily.

"Small tube, in fact, we are not in a hurry to go to the imperial capital, there is nothing to go later, it has been a long time not to take a closer look at your plane, let's stroll in the plane?" Mu Da said quickly.

It ’s not that Mu ’s father really wanted to visit, but Mu ’s father was afraid that the plane would be bombarded. By then, the housekeeper and Mu family would be destroyed!

"Walk around after take-off, anyway, not in a hurry." Mu Xiaoxiao put the two children in a seat and fasten their seat belts, squatted on the ground and looked at his father and his father strangely, wondering why he was suddenly curious Plane.

After the Mu family climbed up the butler ’s thighs, in order to prevent the affection of his daughter ’s emotional life because of himself, Mu ’s mother rarely intervened in the steward, let alone asking for money, arranging work, or even every time Mu Xiaoxiao When walking 50 meters back to her mother's home, what Mu Damu said most often was to keep the women's way safe, take good care of the children, not to be angry with her parents-in-law, etc., not to say that she had no money or the like.

"It's okay, Dad, you'll be here soon, feel relieved." Seeing the four old men's faces were not very good-looking, Guan Ming quickly comforted.

Guan Ming took a moment to take a look with his electronic glasses. He cleaned up around the airport a long time ago. There may be security risks, but nothing is absolute this year.

This time the aircraft was controlled by a double star. If there is a bomber such as RPG, the double star can immediately detect and release the jamming bomb to block it. The safety factor is actually very high.

With reference to the haste of the giants, Guan Ming has 90% grasping that the other party's attack must have been very hasty. The sooner he leaves this vortex, the more secure he is.

"This ..." Guan Dad hesitated for a moment, and didn't know what to say, especially his daughter-in-law didn't seem to know anything.

Acceleration can make people uncomfortable when taking off. Even though a civilian aircraft is not as fast as a fighter jet, during the acceleration process, people's ears are still covered with a thin layer of soil, which can be alleviated by swallowing saliva.

Ten minutes later, the plane finally stabilized its speed, and a few people approached the nose.

"Trouble you." Nodded at these people, Guan Ming unfastened the seat belts, and at the same time released the twins' belts.

"Yes, Mrs. Guan is a pregnant woman, so I was sent over to check Mrs. Guan to prevent any problems." The woman in her 40s was in the lead. Although she was in casual clothes, she could feel the other person talking and acting. Lisso.

"Ah? Check your body, that's fine." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao was a little aggressive ~ ~ But since Guan Ming has no objection, Mu Xiaoxiao doesn't matter, anyway, she's pregnant. Check 呗.

"Mrs. Guan, please, there are medical equipment over there." Reaching out, he motioned Mu Xiaoxiao to go to the nose.

"Oh, that's good, please." Nodded with a smile, Mu Xiaoxiao got up and went to the nose.

"I don't need it. My parents and children may have to take a look." Glancing at the remaining people, Guan Ming bluntly stated that he was mentally normal.

Guan Ming already knew everything through the electronic glasses just now, including this inspection. At the same time, Guan Ming also told the group that Mu Xiaoxiao didn't know about the attack. Let them not tell Mu Xiaoxiao about this, lest her mind fluctuation.

After looking at Guan Ming, he nodded, and invited four elderly people, two children, and Tian Qiantong to the tail of the aircraft.

Just now I heard Guan Mengxi's younger sister chatter, but in a blink of an eye, she fell silent.

Bring electronic glasses, Guan Ming to view the incident.

As soon as this incident occurred, the state official media followed up on the incident, and also strongly condemned the attackers. It was frankly a humane terrorism, but the official did not report the number of gangsters and casualties.

It is not that the country does not want to cover up the incident. It is mainly because this incident has fired more than one. The impact is too bad and at the same time it is too wide. The most important thing is that there are too many people who see it. Can't live.

"Small tube, I heard that the plane has taken off, and you are all right there." The reserve giant appeared in the electronic glasses.

"I'm fine here, Xiaoxiao doesn't know about it yet, but the child saw it, but the problem should be small." Guan Ming said with a heavy face.

Don't worry about Guan Mengyu, if you talk about Meng Xi ...

Guan Ming now hopes that Guan Mengxi's IQ is as touching as her mother.

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