Private Technology

: 808 was seen?

The giant laughed in his heart, but a stubborn smile without a distance on his face signaled that he agreed with what the polar bear said.

In fact, the mineral resource that polar bears most want to sell is natural gas, but the country certainly does not need it at present. After all, this thing needs to build pipelines.

Although lunar mining is currently in the state of infrastructure, civil controllable fusion networks are being set up at a rapid pace, and even faster than the lunar mining infrastructure.

As soon as the moon's helium 3 gets back to Earth, the country can immediately enter the age of nuclear power, not the age of electricity.

With such an ambiguous word, it would be very cost-effective to come to an ally for at least one year. Of course, when talking about natural gas in the future, you also need to pay attention to methods and methods. You can't chill each other's heart, mainly expressing Demand for iron ore and the like, and then hint that the state's fiscal budget in recent years can not support the purchase of natural gas, to ensure appetite.

"Promoting trade between the two countries is good for you and me. Polar bears are becoming more and more prosperous under your leadership. We are still optimistic about the economic development of your country. I have been listening to the following people complaining recently that they want to enter your country to do business. Trade, but I ca n’t find a meeting point. I ’m afraid that the rules of the game may cause losses. In recent years, Chinese businessmen have not been pitted in the international market.

"If businessmen come to me for development, I am definitely welcome. China is not a European or American country. People have a very simple heart. The so-called rules of the game are just unreasonable provocations by European and American countries relying on their own strength. Many Chinese businessmen have also Faced with such a dilemma, I will not set up difficulties for businessmen who want to come to do business in our country, provided that they comply with our laws and local folk customs. "


"Recently, our leaders held cordial talks with Russian leaders. During the talks, the Russian side highly praised the rapid and stable development of China's economy and reached a number of transnational trade with China, with a total value of 8.3 billion yuan. It is reported that China and Russia The two sides will conduct joint military exercises in the Yellow Sea of ​​China in the future to test the overall level of our military and the results of military cooperation between countries. "

In the news webcast, the male host was very fluent in Mandarin. On the screen, the leaders of China and Russia could be seen in a certain military region. There were soldiers nearby, and the wind was blowing in the Mediterranean.

"Now in this world ..." Guan Dao shook his head and sighed, but stopped talking.

Zhongnanhai has a beautiful environment and is safe and worry-free, but one of the more troublesome is the trouble of getting in and out.

Guan Dian ca n’t be like at home, smoking cigars in this cigar hall, and playing mahjong in that mahjong hall. The old man has been bored recently. After dinner, he watched the news webcast with his family.

"Hey? Dad, are there few military exercises in our country? I feel normal." Mu Xiaoxiao ate an orange and looked at Guan Dao strangely.

The top 50 countries in the world can basically see military exercises every year. Normally, just looking at this news, there should be no analysis.

"Ha ha, normal, just think that if the military exercise is placed on the Yellow Sea, the fishermen should not be able to go fishing for some time." Squint Haha laughed to conceal his panic, but Daddy didn't want his daughter-in-law to know the news.

Guan Ma turned her head and gave him a blank look.

The whole family knew that they had to hide Mu Xiaoxiao, but Guan Daddy almost said that he had missed it. It is estimated that Guan Daddy would be muttered tonight.

"Oh yes, after all, for military exercises, there are shells flying all over the sky, it should be very dangerous." Mudded his head and thought, Mu Xiaoxiao nodded and said with certainty, although she did not know what the military exercise was. .

"Hey, Dad, come here ~" Jumping off the sofa, Guan Mengxi beckoned at Guan Ming.

"Huh? What's the matter, Xiao Xi?" Quickly put half of the oranges on the coffee table, Guan Ming walked over, want to see what the pro-girlfriend is.

"Come here, I have a whisper to tell you." Pulling Guan Ming's big hand, it should be said very quietly, and the result was so loud that the whole family could hear and watch it.

"My child is old. I told my father about all the little secrets. Really, you have been lying in my stomach for ten months!" Mu Xiaoxiao looked at Guan Ming with jealousy and said without hesitation.

"Hey, my sister lent it to my mother, but don't play it bad, my sister is mine ~" Turning his head, Guan Mengxi scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

Probably, the existence of her sister in her eyes is like Guan Ming in the eyes of Mu Xiaoxiao. It is not a problem for everyone to exchange them occasionally, is it healthier ~

Seeing this scene, Guan Mengyu took a long sigh. To tell the truth, although her enemies were so powerful that they could only dodge in the corner to become the king Gou ~ ~ but from a certain point of view, she is also a super Well, celebrities, and a large fan base and a wide range of influences, she wondered why a good wish is actually realized in this way.

Well, although she can also feel the love of her sister, and occasionally enjoy this love, but more often, this is a disaster.

Madam is not just your sister! Still personal! When will you mature?

Guan Mengyu shouted in her heart. At this moment, she felt that she was a sea-swallow in the storm, and a sea-swallow who was brave to face the storm and the huge waves!

"Baby, come, one of my mothers ~" Mu Xiaoxiao picked up a Ge You paralyzed tube on the sofa and put her face on the small mouth.

Not every sea bird can be fearless, looking at the face like that of the city wall, despite the rain, this sea bird has been taken into the sea by the giant wave pia ~, the more helpless the expression on the face, the more helpless.

Regardless of the scene behind him, Guan Ming's father and daughter came to the restaurant.

"Xi Xi, what do you want to say to your dad? Are you naughty, afraid of being trained by your mother, so come to your father to plead?" Crossing his armpit, Guan Ming put Guan Mengxi on the dining table, irresponsible Huh up.

"No, it's such a father. I saw it that day." Lianlian shook her head again and again, Guan Mengxi opened her eyes and looked at Guan Ming with a simple look.

"That day? What day?" Guan Ming chuckled in his heart. Was it seen by the child during the night?

This is not very good, it will cause psychological shadows to the children, especially their own daughter, Zhao Hui. If there is any problem in the future, it is estimated that Guan Ming can leave the father and mother to a joint military exercise, and test the old couple can still Can't lift up the knife.

But it ’s not right, there are double stars monitoring, not to mention twins, even Rhubarb is bound to be in front of the door!

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