Private Technology

: 919 Sacrifice

"I don't want to abandon your sister's low IQ. Even if she is an idiot, she is still my baby girl, so you don't have to be so irritating. Every time I listen to you, I always want to slap on your butt." Ming said angrily.

I don't know if this is the character of her last life. She talked with a gun and a stick, and she could kill Guan Ming when she was alone.

Guan Ming admits that he looks slightly ordinary, but coupled with Guan Ming's identity, Guan Ming's fat face can also be regarded as pitiful.

The weight and weight of Guan Ming, who is genetically obsessive, doesn't understand, but looking at two small dots clearly inherit their aging mother, Guan Ming does not care about these.

If the appearance is true, it is estimated that he would really cry while holding the toilet.

"TOEFL, my sister's nurturing the day after tomorrow looks pretty good. That elementary school teacher is very professional, and the teaching is very targeted every day. At least my sister's ability to accept is obviously much better than his peers." Perhaps Guan Ming pointed out, Although Guan Mengyu first poked her lips to show disdain, she still eased a lot in speech, and she might be afraid of being beaten. She has no room for resistance now.

"Nonsense, if people do n’t have a human brain chip installed, they can go to the imperial capitals and key high schools in Shanghai to be teachers, and it ’s a genius to be a preschool teacher for you two." Guan Ming politely put credit on himself Although Tian Qiantong and even the entire experimental school were arranged above, the problem is that this little girl doesn't know.

"Xing Xing Xing, you are terrific, what else? I'll go to bed if it's okay." He gasped, Guan Mengyu waved his hands perfunctoryly, looked around, as if looking for a ladder to get down from the desk.

Standing up, Guan Ming took her armpit and hugged it. This is not a villa. Double Star can't control the light switch remotely.

Without resistance, Guan Mengyu took Guan Ming's hand and went upstairs.

When opening the door, Guan Ming reluctantly asked, "Is there really no way to improve your brother's IQ?"

Wang Zicheng Long and Wang Chengfeng are the biggest visions of every parent. The younger sister Guan Mengxi is in an excellent state, and it is only this unborn son who is worried about Guan Ming.

"I really do n’t know about drugs. You have invented the human brain chip, and you naturally know the so-called thoughts, etc. The most real situation is just a variety of electrical signals in the brain. If you look closely, in fact, You're better than me. "

Looking up at Guan Ming, Guan Mengyu also seriously answered, after all, this is also her brother.

"Pregnant women's medication conditions are very harsh. Western medicine is easy to remain in the human body, and the side effects are obvious. I have not studied Chinese medicine. This topic is too big. Maybe you provide sufficient materials and experimental equipment. It is a prerequisite for me to have sufficient research time Next, I may complete it within ten or eight years, or eighteen or twenty years, or even a lifetime. "

Hearing Guan Mengyu's words, Guan Ming sighed, nodded with a smile, and incidentally touched the dog's head.

Everyone has their own troubles, and everyone has their own luxury.

Stronger than the emperor, he was still fooled by Xu Fu and made the ancient island nation.

Guan Ming felt that perhaps he had reached the level of the first emperor to a certain extent. Of course, Guan Ming was not as fierce as the first emperor. Guan Ming was a persuasionist in his life, and this time he was a salty fish monster.

"Go to bed and rest early." Pushing her back sideways, Guan Ming wasn't ready to enter the room, anyway, there was a home robot in the room to look after it.

"Hmm." He didn't pout, Guan Mengyu stepped in with his short legs.

Looking at the closed door, Guan Ming was silent for a while, then turned back to his house.

In the children's room, when Guan Mengyu changed his clothes and prepared to lie in the bed, he heard an emotionless voice: "My sister, what have you done?"

Very dry, but the voice is very young.

The whole body shook like a cold wind blowing in the middle of winter, and Guan Mengyu's eyes twitched, turning his little **** and turning.

On another bed in between, Guan Mengxi lay in the quilt and looked around. The faint look was like a black cat walking through the night.

"Sister, I went to the toilet just now." Guan Mengyu's voice suddenly sounded sweet, without the boldness and poisonous tongue when talking to Guan Ming.

"Hmm! I heard Dad's voice! You just went out with Dad!" He hummed aloud, indicating that he was unhappy.

Sit up, Guan Mengxi folded her arms with her shoulders, as if the police were examining the suspect.

"Uh ... I asked Dad to help me wipe my buttocks. I can't reach it." Scratching the back of his head, Guan Mengyu's smile was a little stiff, although she wanted to show a cute look.

"I know you don't like your dad to help you wipe your butt, there are obviously double stars, you must be hiding something from me! Hum!" He snorted heavily, expressing his strong dissatisfaction.

Obviously his own sister, why go out on your own?

If it wasn't for a while, I would wake up ~ ~ Guan Mengxi wouldn't know such a thing. When I think of it, Guan Mengxi is in a very bad mood.

"... I didn't hide anything from you, let's sleep together tonight." Hesitating for a moment, Guan Mengyu felt that he had sacrificed himself.

I often hear Guan Ming talk about Dota's Guan Mengyu know that in addition to positions 1-5, there is a special position called the sacrifice position. As long as the sacrifice drops a teammate to attract firepower and successfully returns to the bubble spring eyes, the teammates You can hit the face output.

But what a grievance. Obviously today's things have nothing to do with my half a dime!

Guan Mengyu wailed in his heart.

"Really? Then I'm welcome ~" Upon hearing this, Guan Mengxi was alive and sounded a lot.

You don't need to manage the place where Guan Mengyu moved, Guan Meng Xiyu climbed out of bed, and then tried to climb on Guan Mengyu's bed.

The younger sister was holding her little sister, just like her mother was holding her child, her expression was soft, her voice was soft and she said, "No next time, go to sleep, mua ~"

The heavy kiss echoed, and it was estimated that a strawberry could be kissed.

"Oh, sleep and sleep." He snorted on the pillow, Guan Mengyusheng ruthlessly pillowed in Guan Mengyu's arms.

Was your sister awakened by idiot attributes?

But unlike her, she sticks me better than her mother!

Is it a lo*ic*n attribute?


It's not like that, because there were children of the same age in the kindergarten, she didn't like it, she just liked me.

Could it be sister control?


I don't know if playing demon spirits doesn't work, but my own sister is proficient in head-to-head skills and crying skills. She is good at blowing noses within half a meter. It seems that it is not easy to deal with ...

In the last life, Meng Yuma, the scientific researcher's claw, found that her skills seemed to be banned and she could not use them at all.

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