Private Technology

: Eighty-five


"Known function f (x) = ax4-x21 / 2 ..."

"This question examines the existence theorem of the zero point of the function, the nature of the inequality, the difficulty is medium ..."

The electric fan whispered, sitting side by side with Mu Xiaoxiao, and Guan explained the problem solving ideas in detail.

Mu Xiaoxiao was very sorry for her college entrance examination in her last life. Since Guan Ming became her tutor, she would naturally not chat with her or learn anything, although Guan Ming would feel that he was not perfect when he slept every day. However, he hoped that Mu Xiaoxiao would have a perfect life, a past without regrets, or with little regrets.

Today is the second time that Guan Ming has contacted Mu Xiaoxiao in her life. She has heard of her past in her last life. Based on the present situation, she is really like her self-evaluation of her high school age. In good words, it is Mu Na, Straight and obedient, to put it bluntly, it is mune, axe and obedience ...

Wearing fat brown over-the-knee pants with a T-shirt on the upper body, she would only say 'Teacher Guan' when she met, and then began to ask questions. Although Guan Ming did not deny her hard work, he doubted this. How much effort will pay off in the end.

Last time, when she came to tutor for the first time, Guan Ming re-explained her final exam paper. Although Guan Ming always felt that she was an idiot in mathematics, but looking at the **** score, Guan Ming felt that she Mathematics basically gave up treatment.

"... take a break first, walk for a while, walk for ten minutes, and then study." Two hours after the tuition fee passed, Guan Ming asked Mu Xiaoxiao to move his body, so that the body could not take it, after all, the board was sitting for two hours. On the stool, I couldn't help but not practice.

"Oh." Mu Xiaoxiao did not resist the spirit, put down the ballpoint pen, his fist pinched his knees, and breathed a small amount of relief. Even for her mathematics, she still had a feeling of frustration.

Wu Guanming didn't know whether she was frustrated with mathematics or relaxed and tired.

The sound of the TV outside the room door is very small, but not at all. After all, the sound insulation effect of the room door is very poor. Guan Ming feels that this sound was Mu Mu reminded him to remind him not to engage in small movements, although Mu's home now has no computer, But it is estimated that the stories of poor tutors have not been heard less.

"Get up and walk, sitting for a long time is uncomfortable, just take a breath of high-altitude air." Seeing Mu Xiaoxiao lazy on the stool did not mean to get up, Guan Ming teased.

扁 "... Oh ..." Flat mouthed, Mu Xiaoxiao got up unwillingly, and the range of walking was only within three meters of the range of motion in the room. He twisted his waist in two steps and turned around in three steps ...

"How have you been in school recently? Where do you find any difficulties in your homework? Although I am just your tutor, I am still a bit basic in the liberal arts." Looking at Mu Xiaoxiao jumping out word by word, Guan Ming was hard to say. For others, he thinks that if he says some gags now, the only thing he can get is an oh.

"The words of the school are okay. It is much easier than before. There is nothing in the homework, just a little more." Mu Xiaoxiao said dryly.

In terms of time, it is now a supplementary class for the summer vacation. The school organizes it, but the time is easier than normal school. There is no early reading and self-study. Every day is an hour and a half of large classes, and then it ’s Saturday morning for half a day, that's all.

"Have you considered which school to apply for next year?" Guan Ming had nothing to chat with.

This week, Mu Xiaoxiao ’s school just took the paper for the college entrance examination this year. Guan Ming looked at Mu Xiaoxiao ’s transcript. If you remove the math score, let alone the class, you must count the age from the front, but if you count math It would be a bit horrible.

Wu Guanming rarely observes the total score of female students during the same period, but has to say that Mu Xiaoxiao did a good job in all aspects except math.

"I don't know, my grades are so bad." Sitting back on the stool in frustration, scratching his head in despair.

差 "Poor is only relative. If you don't look at mathematics, you can choose all your majors and all majors in the country, so what you have to do now is to get the math results up to the premise of ensuring that other subjects can't get the results."

"At the same time, you have poor math, but on the contrary, there is a lot of room for improvement. Take this week's test, you can get five points for English, but you can get 50 points for math ... it's not difficult."

Well, Guan Ming almost said ‘that ’s it’. Although it ’s all true, he finds it difficult for Mu Xiaoxiao to accept this kind of language shock.

Guan Ming did n’t know if Mu Xiaoxiao had been beaten by more than 50 points. If Guan Ming dared to take 50 points in mathematics and the score was 150 points, he guarantees that the father can hang him and fight. Mom hit him on the ground again, and finally came a mixed doubles.

"But math is so difficult. I understand it after you and the teacher have finished, but when you do the problem, you won't ..." The chin rested on the desk, his head twitched, Mu Xiaoxiao looked downcast like a waste. Wang.

"Well ... can the formula be memorized? I'm talking about the basic formula." Although this is a perfect moment for filling chicken soup, Guan Ming feels that he is talking about something at a certain height ~ ~ It is a distance in itself, and he doesn't want to be Mu Xiaoxiao's teacher.

大概 "Probably, but it's always easy to get confused." Scratching his head, Mu Xiaoxiao's voice was full of confusion.

"Then how did you learn the other subjects, history and geography?" Guan Ming was wondering about her brain circuit. Normally, even partial subjects would not go to such a degree. This is also what Guan Ming has been doing. The more puzzling place, because there must be a limit for further partial subjects. If one subject is half or even less than the other, this is already considered serious, but Mu Xiaoxiao ’s English is her mathematics. More than twice and three times faster, her performance is no longer a partial lame leg, this is simply an amputation.

"These subjects have clear answers. For example, the Romans are unwilling to give outsiders the right to legal protection, which shows that Rome has a strong closed character."

"For another example, geological environments that are rich in organic matter and can generate and discharge large amounts of oil and gas generally have a large amount of biological deposits."

"But many of the mathematics are things that go around and don't understand." Mu Xiaoxiao's entire face slammed on the table, and she was in the stage of shameless to see anyone.

"Well ... I personally feel that mathematics is simpler than politics, because apart from the understanding of the problem, the rest can be processed step by step with formulas. So, let me sort out the mathematical formulas for you. You first have to do To memorize the formulas, and then learn to apply the formulas. "Although Guan Ming wants to make her easier to deal with mathematical problems, from the current point of view, she is better at memorizing, as to why politics and the ground are in her The clear answer in his eyes, Guan Ming said that he was also unclear. After all, things like brain circuits are like Hamlet, and individual differences exist more or less.

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